whom在疑问句中能做主语吗?比如讲这个句子:whom did the Nobel Prize go for in 2001?这个句子是对的吗?前面到底是用whom还是who呢?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 17:47:14

whom在疑问句中能做主语吗?比如讲这个句子:whom did the Nobel Prize go for in 2001?这个句子是对的吗?前面到底是用whom还是who呢?
whom did the Nobel Prize go for in 2001?

whom在疑问句中能做主语吗?比如讲这个句子:whom did the Nobel Prize go for in 2001?这个句子是对的吗?前面到底是用whom还是who呢?
这个句子是对的.本句子的主语是the Nobel Prize
所以这个句子如果把Whom 改成 Who 也是可以的.
例如:Who likes fish best?这里的who是主语,绝对不能把who改成whom
Whom do you like best?你最喜欢谁啊?这个句子whom是宾语,把whom改成who也是可以的.

whom在疑问句中能做主语吗?比如讲这个句子:whom did the Nobel Prize go for in 2001?这个句子是对的吗?前面到底是用whom还是who呢? 含情态动词一般疑问句的结构清晰一点.比如含BE动词一般疑问句结构为be+主语+其他部分?回答为yes,主语+beno,主语+be+not顺便能在详细的讲解下含情态动词一般疑问句的例子thanks~ What is your name?这个疑问句有主语吗? All of whom 可以做主语吗 whom在定语从句中可以做主语吗He has two sons,__________ work as chemists.A.two of whom B.both of whom C.both of which D.all of whom There are two thousand students in our school ,two thirds of_______are girl.答案为什么是whom不是who不是说在从句里如果是主语就是who担任宾语就是whom吗我怎么判断这个是不是主语是不是宾语 定语从句中遇到whom怎么省主语 比如She is the girl whom I met yesterday. 名词性物主代词可以做主语吗比如hers is better,his is good是不是等于形容词物主代词+名词做主语那疑问句是is hers. 名词性物主代词可以做主语吗比如hers is better,his is good是不是等于形容词物主代词+名词做主语那疑问句是is hers..... 一个英语问题 I met twenty students,some of whom are good at maths.I met twenty students,some of whom are good at maths.中的whom不是在从句中作主语吗?为什么可以这么用 定语从句中 从句有了主语关系代词做宾语吗 没有主语换言之是缺少主语吗那么此时关系代词做主语 是吗this is the boy whom I saw yesterday有主语为I 所以关系代为whom在这里作saw的宾语 是这样吗th 连接代词在主语从句中的成分比如what,who,whom,等连接代词在主语从句中到底充当什么成分.有人说是主语,可我觉得是宾语.比如What you said hurts me a lot.what 明显在从句中起宾语作用啊. 选择疑问句的句型是什么选择疑问句的句型比如:主语+谓语+宾语 During the Olympic Games many people served as volunteers,( ) were young college students .A most of them B most of which C most of whom D most of what 但是我想问一下,这个先行词在从句中不是做主语吗?而WHOM是引导宾语的,为 一道英语定语从句问题:There are 40students in our class in all,most of whom are from big cities.上述问题中most of 后面为什么接的是whom而不是who,在这个从句中whom做了主语,做主语的应该是who啊.还是因为of 主语是国家的反义疑问句怎么做?比如:China is a developing country.Isn't ___?这个空填什么 在疑问句否定句中无论主语是否第三人称单数动词都用原型吗? they never found out who the murderer was.这个句子中的who可以用whom代替吗?成分,那个是主语 那个是宾语什么的?