看了原文还不会的听力M:There is always a lot of smoke from the chimneys of the factories near our school.W:Yes,there is .I think the factory should take theirs.Q:What does the woman mean?A The factory should move away.B The factory should ta

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/01 12:37:03

看了原文还不会的听力M:There is always a lot of smoke from the chimneys of the factories near our school.W:Yes,there is .I think the factory should take theirs.Q:What does the woman mean?A The factory should move away.B The factory should ta
M:There is always a lot of smoke from the chimneys of the factories near our school.
W:Yes,there is .I think the factory should take theirs.
Q:What does the woman mean?
A The factory should move away.
B The factory should take the smoke by themselves.(这句请翻译)
D The factory should apologize to the school.
选哪个,think the factory should take theirs.

看了原文还不会的听力M:There is always a lot of smoke from the chimneys of the factories near our school.W:Yes,there is .I think the factory should take theirs.Q:What does the woman mean?A The factory should move away.B The factory should ta

看了原文还不会的听力M:There is always a lot of smoke from the chimneys of the factories near our school.W:Yes,there is .I think the factory should take theirs.Q:What does the woman mean?A The factory should move away.B The factory should ta 英语听力听不懂,能看原文吗?我听力听写,会有一些词听不出来.看原文之后,就能明白了.但是看很多的高手说看原文只是看懂,而非听懂.我想问一下,听力听不懂,能看原文吗?看原文会破坏听的 请问,我把听力原文背下来,然后再不看原文听听力,这样的方法可以提高听力吗? 英语听力的读音为什么英语听力 有的地方 看原文听 也听不清发音?比如 there will be 听力 读成 never be8 short 听力 读成 8th 英语4级的听力啊 怎么练习英语听力,比如voa听voa的时候,我听力很烂啊,一段话听两三遍都听不懂,可能是一些单词不会,或者语速快了有连读了等我就反应慢了,像这样情况就该去看原文吗?看完原文再找问题再继 求剑桥雅思6听力原文,是原文,买了本书,原文少的,郁闷, 雅思听力听清楚了但是不懂意思就是60%听清楚在讲什么了,但是意思都反应不过来,看了看原文虽然有对但是也是要看一下才能明白,然后有些单词都不知道是什么意思的还.这怎么办?~雅思要过6 英语六级考试剩下这段时间每天做一份卷子 听力阅读等会提高吗?看帖子都说剩下这半个月左右 听力一般不会有什么变化了.我的听力一般都140-150 复习了也还这样 这剩下半个月每天做一份卷 英语六级考试剩下这段时间每天做一份卷子 听力阅读等会提高吗?看帖子都说剩下这半个月左右 听力一般不会有什么变化了.我的听力一般都140-150 复习了也还这样 这剩下半个月每天做一份卷 下月就考雅思了,急求剑4的听力原文! 英语听力题:听力原文M:as far as i am concerned,听力原文:M:As far as i am concerned,there is no better time for a visit in beijing than october W:I coudn't agree with you anymore.Q:what does the woman mean?选项:A.She quite agrees w 英语四级听力听不懂,但看原文对话都看的懂,怎么办 求新概念英语第一册听力原文,最好是TXT格式.若是还能给包括其他册的全部(听力、听力原文、课文、课文讲解等等) 施心远听力教程1的听力原文, 求全新版大学英语听说教程2的听力原文找了好多地方都没有听力原文, 新概念三的原文听力! 初三英语 第三单元sectionA1b的听力内容原文. 我听力材料撕掉了 剑桥雅思六听力原文求剑六听力原文 不要mp3 要听力的原文 跪谢!