1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.2.昨天她跟她父母吵架了Yeste

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 05:30:57

1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.2.昨天她跟她父母吵架了Yeste
1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i
He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.
Yesterday she argue_ __with_____ her parents.
What __did____ you ____do____ when the plane __take ___off_____?
She said __helping_____ others ____changed_____ her life.
___If___ you become famous,people _will______ __follow______ you everywhere.
How long __have____ you ____been____ ___collecting________ shells?
Would you mind ___keeping_____ your voice __down_______?
__what’s______ the best gift you _have____ ___ever____ __received_______?
六、句型转换 (8分)
1.Why don’t you go to the party with us?(同义句型装换)
__Why___not___ go to the party with us?
2.Could you please open the window?(同义句型装换)
__Would_____ you mind ___opening______ the window?
3.Work hard,and you’ll pass the exams.(同义句型装换)
4.I think there will be more pollution in 50 years.(否定句)
I __don’t_____ think there __will____ be more pollution in 50 years.
5.They will get home in half an hour.(划线部分提问)
___How___long_ ___will____ they get home?
6.I have stayed in this city for two months.(划线部分提问)
____How__ long have_______ you stayed in this city?
7.“Are you interested in Chinese?” David asked Leo.(变间接宾语)
David asked Leo __that ____ he __ was____ interested in Chinese.
8.Let’s clean our bedroom,_shall____ _we_______?(反义疑问句)

1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.2.昨天她跟她父母吵架了Yeste
1-fell 3-took

1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市 He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ i1.他去年去了北京就爱上了这个城市He went to Beijing last year and _fall in love with_____ it.2.昨天她跟她父母吵架了Yeste 中译英:去年我去北京旅游观光时,爱上了北京 去年秋天我们来到这个城市,就爱上了这个美丽的城市 用英语翻译 去年他爱上了电脑.(英语翻译) 英语翻译:我们一到西安就爱上了这个城市.(fall in love) 他去北京了.翻成英 填空题 去年他去了英国旅游 He ( )( ) England ( )( )( )last year. 他一到这座城市就爱上了它 用英语怎么说 去年夏天他们去了北京的英语翻译 当我去年来到这座城市时,我就爱上了它. 用英语怎么说. 去年我到了上海就爱上了那个地方 把这句话翻译成英文 他一到上海就爱上了这个地方 He ___ ___ ___ ___ it as soon as he arrived in shanghai 他没说什么就去了 英语翻译 he left --------------------------------- 他去北京度假了.汉译英 比如:不日,他去了北京. 他去了北京而没有去南京(用instead of) he went to beijing ________ nanjing. he has gone to beijing 的意思是他已经去北京了,和他已经到北京了有区别吗?、 吸冰毒能否戒掉我是很爱我老公的,可是他吸上了冰毒,他现在每隔三天就找我的麻烦一次,动不动就发脾气,总是怀疑我,只要我一出家门一步,就说我和男人约会去了,我和女性朋友在一起,就说