Devil's Golf 好像是个地名~明中午要用啊!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 17:50:44

Devil's Golf 好像是个地名~明中午要用啊!
Devil's Golf

Devil's Golf 好像是个地名~明中午要用啊!
魔鬼高尔夫球场 美国地名啊..不是课程.
美国死亡谷国家公园,周边有非常多奇特的景点:史考特城堡(Scotty's Castle),是死亡谷中最著名的建筑物;赛马场盐湖(Racetrack Playa)里,有会走路的石头;魔鬼高尔夫球场(Devil's Golf Course)里,有风吹日晒形成的球状盐碱结晶;还有但丁观景点(Dante's View)、望远镜山(Telescope Peak)、烟囱井(Stovepipe Well's)、尤瑞卡沙丘(Eureka Sand Dunes),全长9公里蜿蜒曲折的艺术家路(Artist's Drive)和艺术家调色板(Artist's Palette);还有许多废弃了的当年的矿井和小镇……




“魔鬼高尔夫球场”(The Devils Golf Course)
Often difficult to access through the paved road which closes after the rains, the Devil's Golf Course is a huge area of land comprising of rock salt. Located in ...


“魔鬼高尔夫球场”(The Devils Golf Course)
Often difficult to access through the paved road which closes after the rains, the Devil's Golf Course is a huge area of land comprising of rock salt. Located in Death Valley, California, this amazingly jagged, serrated and spired region would inspire no one but the Devil to play on its rough terrain. Erosions due to wind and rain have largely been the cause for the rather intimidating topography of Death Valley.
