
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 19:46:15


There are plenty of ways to mess up the sales process such as wrong brand segmentation,blurring value system and lack of promotional functions.Therefore,in the process of fesitive sales,we need to focus on promoting the brand value to the consumers so that the barriers could be removed and consumers would feel more attracted by the brand itself.It also adds value to the relationship between the brand and the consumers.

Brand of blind positioning, value system of fuzzy shaping, publicity efforts of lack, will makes entire marketing spread process is was confusion, and, in Festival marketing of process in the, needs u...


Brand of blind positioning, value system of fuzzy shaping, publicity efforts of lack, will makes entire marketing spread process is was confusion, and, in Festival marketing of process in the, needs upgrade consumer on brand of cognitive of, solution Festival marketing process in the by faced of hinder, real implementation in consumer mental Shang make, reached brand concept spirit of landing, better to maintenance brand core value and consumer value of relationship. 第一种
Brand of the blind positioning, value system fuzzy modeling, the lack of publicity, would make the entire marketing process is very confusing, so, in the festival marketing process, need to enhance the consumer brand awareness, to solve the festival marketing process in the face of obstacles, true implementation in consumers' minds on make an issue of, achieve the brand philosophy spirit landing, better maintenance of the core value of brand and consumer value relations.第二种
The brand blind localization, the value system fuzzy mold, propaganda dynamics lacking, can cause the entire marketing spreading process to appear extremely chaotic, thus, celebrates in the marketing process in the festival, needs to promote the consumer to the brand cognition, the solution festival celebrates the hindrance which in the marketing process faces, the true realization on mental writes an essay in the consumer, achieved the brand idea spirit the landing, maintains the brand core value and the consumer value relations well.第三种


不要把整段话全部放进那个要翻译的地方 那样翻出来的句子很死板还有语病
最好自个翻 不会写的单词去找翻译