can you point out the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the western society today?

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can you point out the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the western society today?
can you point out the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the western society today?

can you point out the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the western society today?
The Ten Commandments,which were observed by Jewish people and subsequently spread around the world by Christians,have significant influence on the western society.
Because religion influence a society's law,we can still see several of the Ten Commandment rules in western countries' laws.The influence has decreased over the year,with many countries in the West becoming more liberal.Nevertheless,almost every adult in the West know most - if not all - of the Ten rules even if they are not Christians.The rules have continued to set the behaviour norms in western societies.

23、Ten commandments
The Israelites lived in the wilderness with no water and no food after their rescue from Egypt. So, the Lord brought water and rained bread for them. Soon, ...


23、Ten commandments
The Israelites lived in the wilderness with no water and no food after their rescue from Egypt. So, the Lord brought water and rained bread for them. Soon, the nation camped around a mountain in the desert of Sinai. Suddenly, the Lord descended and called Moses to him. Then the Lord wrote down these Ten Commandments.
You shall have no other gods before me. (It means I’m the only God of you,they are monotheist)
You shall not make idols or bow down to them, nor server them. (It means you are a valued person, you don’t need to worship others.everyone is born equally.)
You shall not use the name of the Lord your God disrespectfully. (It means your name can’t be the same as the God’s)
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. (It means you should celebrate the Sabbath day.)
Honor your father and your mother. (It means you should take pride in your parents.)
You shall not murder. (It means you can’t hit and harm a person’s life.)
You shall not commit adultery. (It means you should be loyal to your husband or your wife.)
You shall not steal. (It means you can’t take the things from others.)
You shall not lie about your neighbor. (It means you can’t say something untrue to your neighbor.)
You shall not lust for your neighbor’s house, or his wife, or anything that is your neighbor’s. (It means you can’t get things form your neighbor.)
24、Can you point out the relationship between the Ten Commandments and the western society today?
The Ten Commandments say people should have no other God, so people in western society believe in one god who created the universe and all that in it. It’s very different from many people in china who believe in Buddhism, they could believe in many idols. And the Ten Commandments are actually God’s covenant. God is the law, so western society is a society ruled by God and no one can abuse freedom. Everyone is equal and everyone should obey the rules. Everyone has the equal rights, so, the western society is a democratic society which pays much attention to human rights.


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