英语翻译还是有关备用信用证(SBLC)方面的内容,其中有些单词可能用法有误,但不要紧,只要有大概意思翻译出来就可以了.Procedure:1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby A

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:04:27

英语翻译还是有关备用信用证(SBLC)方面的内容,其中有些单词可能用法有误,但不要紧,只要有大概意思翻译出来就可以了.Procedure:1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby A
1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby Automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract.
2.Within three(3) banking days after the agreement is signed by both parties,Lessee will issue MT103 Conditional payment instrument covering 8%
the leasing fee into to the Lessor's bank account.
3.Lessor will issue,deliver and SWIFT MT 760 copy of SBLC to Lessee's bank for Authentication & verification of SBLC in favor of Lessee,not later than 72 hours of
confirmation of receipt of lessee's 8% of the leasing fee into the Lessor's bank confirmation of receipt of lessee's 8% of the leasing fee into the Lessor's bank account.
And 2% commission to Agent by MT 103 unconditional payment.
4.Within seven(7) banking days after confirmation of receipt of payment of the leasing fee,
and commission the Lessor will deliver hard copy of SBLC by bank bonded courier to Lessee's bank.
Force Majeure
Any delay in or failure of performance by either party of their respective obligations under this agreement shall not constitute a breach hereunder or give rise to any claims for damages if,and to the extent that such delays or failures in performance are caused by events or circumstance beyond the control of such party.
The term "Beyond the Control of Such Party" Include Lawful order of Government or Authority,Act of War,Rebellion or Sabotage,Fire,Flood,Earthquake or other natural disasters.
Any other cause not within the control of such party or which is by exercise of reasonable diligence,the party will be unable to foresee or prevent or remedy.
ARBITRATION All disputes and questions whatsoever which arises between the parties to This agreement and touching on this agreement on the construction or application thereof or Any account cost,liability to be mad hereunder or as to any act or way relating to this agreement shall be settled by the arbitration in accordance with the arbitration laws of the ICC.
This agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations and proposed agreements,written or oral.Neither of the parties may alter,amend,nor modify this agreement,except by an instrument in wrriting signed by both parties.This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom.In the event that either party shall be required to bring any legal actions against the other it enforce any of the terms of this agreement the prevailing party shall be entitles to recover reasonably attorney fees and costs.
For and On behalf of the Lessee.

英语翻译还是有关备用信用证(SBLC)方面的内容,其中有些单词可能用法有误,但不要紧,只要有大概意思翻译出来就可以了.Procedure:1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby A
1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby Automatically becomes a full commercial recourse contract.
2.Within three(3) banking days after the agreement is signed by both parties,Lessee will issue MT103 Conditional payment instrument covering 8%
the leasing fee into to the Lessor's bank account.
3.Lessor will issue,deliver and SWIFT MT 760 copy of SBLC to Lessee's bank for Authentication & verification of SBLC in favor of Lessee,not later than 72 hours of confirmation of receipt of lessee's 8% of the leasing fee into the Lessor's bank.
And 2% commission to Agent by MT 103 unconditional payment.
4.Within seven(7) banking days after confirmation of receipt of payment of the leasing fee,and commission the Lessor will deliver hard copy of SBLC by bank bonded courier to Lessee's bank.
Force Majeure 不可抗力
Any delay in or failure of performance by either party of their respective obligations under this agreement shall not constitute a breach hereunder or give rise to any claims for damages if,and to the extent that such delays or failures in performance are caused by events or circumstance beyond the control of such party.
The term "Beyond the Control of Such Party" Include Lawful order of Government or Authority,Act of War,Rebellion or Sabotage,Fire,Flood,Earthquake or other natural disasters.
Any other cause not within the control of such party or which is by exercise of reasonable diligence,the party will be unable to foresee or prevent or remedy.
ARBITRATION All disputes and questions whatsoever which arises between the parties to This agreement and touching on this agreement on the construction or application thereof or Any account cost,liability to be mad hereunder or as to any act or way relating to this agreement shall be settled by the arbitration in accordance with the arbitration laws of the ICC.
This agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior negotiations and proposed agreements,written or oral.Neither of the parties may alter,amend,nor modify this agreement,except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties.This agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Kingdom.In the event that either party shall be required to bring any legal actions against the other it enforce any of the terms of this agreement the prevailing party shall be entitles to recover reasonably
attorney fees and costs.
For and On behalf of the Lessee.

英语翻译还是有关备用信用证(SBLC)方面的内容,其中有些单词可能用法有误,但不要紧,只要有大概意思翻译出来就可以了.Procedure:1.Lessor and Lessee execute,sign and initial this Deed of Agreement which thereby A 英语翻译我们XX银行收到您XX项目,利用《备用信用证质押贷款申请》.我们同意接受XX项目用境外备用信用证(SBLC)抵押担保贷款,我们已准备好,接受由XX项目相关单位安排的面值2.5亿美元银行 英语翻译请翻译以下文字:我们遗憾地告诉你方,直到今天我方才收到你 方有关上述售货确认书的信用证.在所述确认 书上清楚地规定有关信用证应不迟于8月底到 达我处.虽然你方信用证到达 备用信用证翻译文本有没有 英语翻译TRANSACTION - SBLC FINANCIAL MONETIZATION PROCEDUR不要翻译软件翻译的 帮忙翻译几个有关商务英语的句子,谢谢了~~1.最近他们一直在催促我们开立有关2000打铅笔的信用证(urge,open)2.交货日期日益临近,请你方尽快申请开立信用证(apply for)3.请注意有关信用证已通 1、我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出.请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘可以订得舱位的轮船装运.2、请你方注意,信用证的条款必须与我方售货确认书的条款完全相符, 英语翻译小妹要写有关茶叶的信用证的翻译及审核的论文 万分感激·! 英语翻译敬启者,兹收到关于我方所订购的50公吨核桃仁的第89号合同.现随函附寄去经我方会签的一份请查收.经双方共同努力,我们弥合了价格差异达成了交易.有关的以你方为受益人的信用证 英语翻译敬启者,兹收到关于我方所订购的50公吨核桃仁的第89号合同.现随函附寄去经我方会签的一份请查收.经双方共同努力,我们弥合了价格差异达成了交易.有关的以你方为受益人的信用证 英语翻译1.每公吨成本加运费到广州价格1890美元2.按货物金额90%开立以卖给方为受益人的不可撤销信用证,凭卖方汇票向开证行议付,其余10%货款在货到目的地检验合格后付清.3.凡有关本合同或 英语翻译8.我们认识到价格是维持、拓展市场的一个重要因素.9.直到此刻我们还没有得到你方有关装运合约名下的货物信息.10在此情况下,我们显然不能将到期的信用证再次展期,而且我们认为 英语翻译但是我方没能在该船上预定到装货的地方.在此情况下,有必要恳请你方修改信用证为允许转船.如能按照要求修改信用证, 英语翻译信用证是国际贸易中通行的一种结算方式,国际商会的《跟单信用证统一惯例》对跟单信用证当事人的权利和义务,有关业务和术语作了统一的解释,成为信用证业务的行为准则.随着国 英语翻译通过这次案例,如果接下来的信用证还是由中信开具,我们还会遇到同样的问题. 英语翻译出现在信用证上的条款. 英语翻译开户行开立信用证里面的 英语翻译Today is Sat,will arrange the SBLC draft for your banker reconfirm on coming Mon morning.SBLC will be get the feed back to-morrow morning at GMT.