Hi,Mary ,I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night ( ).A.oh,that's kind of you B.congratulations C.It's my pleasure D.Oh,I'm gald to hear that

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:50:57

Hi,Mary ,I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night ( ).A.oh,that's kind of you B.congratulations C.It's my pleasure D.Oh,I'm gald to hear that
Hi,Mary ,I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night ( ).
A.oh,that's kind of you B.congratulations C.It's my pleasure D.Oh,I'm gald to hear that

Hi,Mary ,I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night ( ).A.oh,that's kind of you B.congratulations C.It's my pleasure D.Oh,I'm gald to hear that

Hi,Mary ,I enjoyed myself so much at your party last night ( ).A.oh,that's kind of you B.congratulations C.It's my pleasure D.Oh,I'm gald to hear that Hi I'm Rita. I’m Super Mary Hi!I'm Frank.( ). hello,I'm Mary.( ) A.hi,he is Alan.B.hello,my name's Lily.C.hi,her name is Gina.hello,I'm Mary.( )A.hi,he is Alan.B.hello,my name's Lily.C.hi,her name is Gina.D.hello,what's your name? ____________are you?I'm Mary -Hi,Mary. -Hi,Lucy. I ------- you are here. A.didn't know B.don't know Hi mary Im I enjoyed m---- at the zoo last weekend.填什么? Don’t mention it.I’m glad you enjoyed it. 首字母填空 1hi jack,how cool you look today thank you,mary.I(m )all the clothes together myself2your trainers must be (i ),you can walk fast只要第一小题1 Hi jack,how cool you look today!Thank you,Mary。I(m )all the clothes togethe Hi ,I'm new here.翻译过来 Hi,I'm cindy from New York. 1、- Who's that speaking?- This is Tom______.A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking D:saying2、- Is Mary there?- _________A:Speaking.B:I'm not Mary.C:Who are you?D:Mary is well today.3、-- Hi,is Mary there,please?-- _____A:Hold on.I'll get 选择合适的答语.it's time to say goodbye now.hello,i'm mary.A.linda.B.nice to meet you,too.C.ben.D.hi,i'm jim.E.see you. 选词填空,完成对话.(并解释一遍)Mary:(1),Lucy!How are (2)?Lucy:(3)bed,thanks.And you?Mary:I'm fine,(4).Lcyu:Look at (5) skirt.Mary:(6)smart.Lcyu:Thank you.(7)dress is nice,too.Mary:Thanks.(8)is a new dress.( )1.A.Look B.Hi C.OK( )2.A.your I'm mary同义句转换 I’m mary 的否定句