英语帮忙来挑错1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.4.knowing them will help youmake a good i

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:17:01

英语帮忙来挑错1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.4.knowing them will help youmake a good i
1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.
2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.
3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.
4.knowing them will help youmake a good impression.
5.having good table manners means knowing.

英语帮忙来挑错1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.4.knowing them will help youmake a good i
1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but don't neglect safety.(这边说你别忽略安全比较好)
2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.对
3.Looking up at the giant's head and down at the giant's feet makes you feel so small.(这句话意思好奇怪,是不是说在巨人脚下看啊,巨人是giant)
4.To know them will help you have a good impression of them.(这里knowing不常说,have a good impression of 对……有好的印象)
5.having good table-manners means sensible.(这里意思是不是:好的餐桌礼仪意味着懂事?)

英语帮忙来挑错1.Hiking is fun and exciting,but you shouldn't forget safety.2.Rafting is a good way to experience nature.3.Looking up at the large head and down at the large feet makes you feel so small.4.knowing them will help youmake a good i 英语短句 挑错修改 有几个英语句子大家来挑错The 60th birthday of the United Nations was in September 2005.Growth is hard for most people. it is monday yesterday挑错 一道英语题Our family ___ going hiking(are/is) 英语挑错题.就一个句子Spring Festival is the most important festival in the world. 英文 挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错挑错 Increasing scarcity of resources in the world today,everyone is doing for its own contribution to saving resources,various water-saving,energy-saving,economizer can be said to be an the problem is (how) we can( operate) the new machine( on) such (a) short time.英语挑错,括弧中的,为什么? 请各位英语高手来为我挑错!本人写了一篇英语文章,自知其中有很多错误与不足之处.所以请各位英语高手来为我挑错.文章在我空间里各位在挑错时最好能提供相关的依据。 英语达人帮忙修改篇essay英文的~帮忙挑错(语法) 可以增添些语句 润色 不要假如新观点 文章以留言方式给出~Today,more and more people have a problem with material wealth is not the most important thing when choosing (英语)I don't think swimming is as intereting as hiking.((同义句))I think swimming is _____ ________ _______ hiking .I think hiking is ____ ______ ______ than swimming. 几道英语题,请高手帮忙1.The number of wild animals in the world is getting_________ A.smaller and smaller B.higher and higher C.more and more D.less and less2.Mother was very _______tomorrow.If it _______,I won't go hiking. A . My family___for vacation.填空题,选项如下,求英语帝A is going hiking B are going hiking C is going to hike D are going to hike 英语大师来帮忙 英语六年级同义句1.Usually I read books in the afternoon.2.My uncle is tall and strong.3.I often go hiking on weekends. hiking 哪位好人英语好点?帮我挑错啊挑错啊挑错啊……My Green…My Health…Lives green is getting more and more popular.My family usually make garbage sorting:the kitchen waste and recycling of rubbish.And we usually planting trees a ye The ill man in hospital is his father.句子挑错