请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问不用太抽象了!多举几个例子

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 18:56:23

请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问不用太抽象了!多举几个例子
请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问

请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问不用太抽象了!多举几个例子
根据心理学上 马斯洛的需求层次原理(Maslow's Need Hierarchy):人类需要满足最基本的紧缺需求才能够追求更高的增长性需求,在当前的世界现实性情况下,唯有金钱才能保障最近本的紧缺需求,进而人们才能有追求更高提高性需求的基础.所以如果没有money,那么连最基本的紧缺需求都不能满足,更谈不上self-actualization了,一个不能觉得自己self-actualized的人又怎么会觉得快乐呢?
Maslow's Need Hierarchy
Abraham Maslow proposed the concept of a need hierarchy,a progression containing deficiency needs (needs concerned with physical and social survival) at the bottom and uniquely human growth needs at the top.
To Maslow,self-actualization,which represents the need to fulfill our potential,is the ultimate human motive.


请问关于辩论money is the source of happyness 正方可以提问什么问不用太抽象了!多举几个例子 Everyone's losing the money these days.请问Everyone's losing=Everyone is losing? 求一篇以“money is not the root of all evil”的辩论材料,非常紧急 观点是“money is not the root of all evil There's a famous saying,Time is money,△ shows the importance of time.There's a famous saying,Time is money,_____ shows the importance of time.请问这个句子_____处可以填that吗? The old man is very poor.Please give him some money.money为什么不能加s? 求Money is the most costful things 辩论词啊要求:要辩论词,最好有中文翻译拉,由于本人英文水平不是很好... 英语辩论 money is everything反方一辩陈词急~~~! money is everything 辩论题反方的提问 Youth is the wealth!辩论 There's a famous saying,Time is money,_____ shows the importance of time.请问这个句子_____处可以填that吗? 主题:the standard of success is money.正方如何辩论?用英文辩论,想知道主要的辩论方向是什么?有没有什么名人事例阿,新颖点的,但是还要很好说明白的 翻译[Here`s the money]. 请问下面的关于The Value of Time的英语作文有哪些不足和错误!请一一指出,定会有重谢!A proverb says,Time is money. But in my opinion,time is even more precious than money.Why?Because when money is spent,we can earn it back. Is money the most important thing in life?say your opinion in english用英语谈一下钱是最重要的东西吗?一次辩论吧 Money is important______it's not the most important thing.A,andb,butc,so说理由 Happiness is not the same as money,it's a feeling of your heart. 英语翻译Happiness is not the same as money.It's a feeling of your heart. 英语题:look!The thief is s____the girl's money.横线上应填什么?急.