“他说”是 he said还是he says?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 22:30:08

“他说”是 he said还是he says?
“他说”是 he said还是he says?

“他说”是 he said还是he says?
一般都用he said,因为当你说“他说”的时候,他已经说完了,属于过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时,he said.


用于现在时的话就用he says,若是过去时或者是转述别人的话就用he said.

“他说”是 he said还是he says? 同意他说的话是agree what he said.还是agree with what he said? What said he与 what he said他说什么 是 what said he (把动词提前 )怎么感觉 what he said 也可以呢? he said to me 还是he said me?哪个对 他对我说 用英语 可以这样说吗? he said to me 还是he said me?他对我说用英语 可以这样说吗? 是he said angry还是he said angrily He said he thinks 还是 He said he thought so has he said 还是 so he has said?表达他的确说过 过去时的宾语从句用什么时态?他说他是摄影师 用过去时怎么说 (虽然是过去说的话 但是他现在仍然是一个摄影师)He said he was(用was还是is) a photographer. 他说他将要开一个聚会在明天用英语怎么说he said he ... 根据汉语意思完成句子 他说他一无所长 He said he was______ _____nothing 改间接引语是He said he would call me tomorrow 还是He said he called me tomorrow he said“I was in the scene间接引语是he said he was in scene还是he said he had been in secne 他说他喜欢我英语翻译 1.He said he loved me. 2.He said that he likes me.这有神马区别.求解、、在线等.拜托. 他据说很富有是he is said to be rich还是he is said rich?包括据说有一棵树是There is said to be a tree还是There is said a tree 英语翻译是he said to me angrily,还是he said angrily to me? 他说他的病一好就回去睡觉.He said he would be back to work___ ___ ___ he got well. He said he ()swim when he was six 这里是could还是couldn‘t