问个条件状语从句.原句:she will give me the key if I need it tonight.我可以写成she gives me the key if blablabla...额...还有一个...I would go skiing if I didn't have to work.我能写成blablabla...if I hadn't to work

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 14:38:56

问个条件状语从句.原句:she will give me the key if I need it tonight.我可以写成she gives me the key if blablabla...额...还有一个...I would go skiing if I didn't have to work.我能写成blablabla...if I hadn't to work
原句:she will give me the key if I need it tonight.
我可以写成she gives me the key if blablabla...
额...还有一个...I would go skiing if I didn't have to work.我能写成blablabla...if I hadn't to work

问个条件状语从句.原句:she will give me the key if I need it tonight.我可以写成she gives me the key if blablabla...额...还有一个...I would go skiing if I didn't have to work.我能写成blablabla...if I hadn't to work
不可以.tonight在这一句中是表示将来的时间状语,而if 引导的时间状语从句中,主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时.


你可以写成She won't give me the key unless I need it tonight.


问个条件状语从句.原句:she will give me the key if I need it tonight.我可以写成she gives me the key if blablabla...额...还有一个...I would go skiing if I didn't have to work.我能写成blablabla...if I hadn't to work 什么是条件句,状语从句? 给我5个条件状语从句急用!五个条件状语从句!一定是条件状语! 状语从句中主从句时态的运用在状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时,条件状语从句和时间状语从句用一般现在时 如:Hundreds of jobs will be lost if the factory closes.问:1.那会不会反之亦然 即 主句 Mary will come to help me.she will be free tomorrow.改为含if条件状语从句的复合句 造2个条件状语从句(英语) 条件状语从句中从句有一般将来时吗they say you will go on a jouery,they are right怎样变条件状从 我主要想问条件状语从句中从句有一般将来时吗 虚拟语气和条件状语从句的区别1 if she had got financial aid ,she would continue her study.2 given enough money,she will continue her study.3 if she is given enough money ,she will continue her study.1句为虚拟语气,2句为分词起 Work hard and you will pass the exam.将并列句改成含有条件状语从句的复合句 Run fast,or you will be late for school翻译成同义句怎么翻译,条件状语从句 条件状语从句是什么 条件句与让步状语从句有什么不同 条件状语从句如何改为间接引语,能举例说明一下更好.it will be better if she does her own work. 英语条件状语从句与时间状语从句还有宾语从句的主从句时态变化说一下.最好每种举个例子,还有是不是只有条件状语从句与时间状语从句才有主将从现等的规律? if所带的条件状语从句中哪个是主句,哪个是从句?如:We will put off the sports meeting if it rains tomorrow.另外,请问怎么看一个句子的主从句?如:When we arrived she was making some fresh coffee. She was very upset that she had to moved.请问这句中that从句起什么语法作用原句应为she had to move.两种答案“that从句在这里引导结果状语从句,that在这里是引导原因状语从句”,哪一个更合理?tks! 什么叫做“条件状语从句”? 什么叫条件状语从句