1、I liked dolphins very much (对very much 提问)2、 Uncle Li was the meeting yesterday morning.(改为否定句).3、The students () (visit ) their farm next week

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/23 00:38:23

1、I liked dolphins very much (对very much 提问)2、 Uncle Li was the meeting yesterday morning.(改为否定句).3、The students () (visit ) their farm next week
1、I liked dolphins very much (对very much 提问)2、 Uncle Li was the meeting yesterday morning.
(改为否定句).3、The students () (visit ) their farm next week

1、I liked dolphins very much (对very much 提问)2、 Uncle Li was the meeting yesterday morning.(改为否定句).3、The students () (visit ) their farm next week
How did you like dolphins?
Uncle Li wasn't at the meeting yesterday morning.
The students (are going to visit ) (visit ) their farm next week

1.How much do you like dolphins ?
2. Uncle Li wasn't the meeting yesterday morning。
3.will visit


How did you like dolphins?
Uncle Li wasn't at(注意,这里少了一个介系词at了,介系词是来拉关系的,是作中介用的,是介绍用的,不能漏掉,“在开会”用介系词at)the meeting yesterday morning.
The students will visit their farm next week.