
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:14:33


The ship will sail at two to twenty .翻译:这艘船将在一点四十启航(出发).two to twenty:一点差二十分钟

will,twenty,two,to,sail,ship,the,at.连词成句怎麽写?帮我! 求高材生指点 ō·ō IT'S twenty two past fifty just now.I will be sleep ,bu求高材生指点 ō·ōIT'S twenty two past fifty just now.I will be sleep ,but I want to play my phone before sleeping,this has been a 习惯 .it isn't losed. Twenty dollars_____enough for the coat.A.is B.are C.has D.have Will you please____drop your shoes?A.not to B.don't C.not D.to not We will have a ____holiday.What about going birdwatching?A.two days B.two-day C.two-days D.two-day's what's twelve and two?It's( ) A、twenty two B、twenty-two C、twenty and two D、two twenty一楼的,twelve是十二的意思。 It's twenty to seven 英语难题,专家级14.---What’s the distance from here to the station?- ---It’s __________from here.  A.two kilometre distance B.two kilometres’ distance  C.distance of two kilometers D.distance of two kilometres’Twenty dollars ___ _______ _______is it?It's two twenty-five. It’s twenty-two o’clock.翻译要翻译对 Nick's birthday is Angust_______(twenty-two) It is twenty–five to two中文翻译 it's twenty-six to seven7:36, It's eight twenty-two.(就画线部分提问)____ the time?画线部分是 eight twenty-two。 初三英语单选练习(数词)1.______ people are needed,I think.A.Other two B.Only two C.Two more D.Two another2.It's ______.A.July twentieth-first B.of July twenty-first C.the twenty-first of July D.the twentieth-first of July3.John began to It will take me twenty minutes to get there.对twenty minutes提问 We will travel to the moon in twenty years划线部分提问in twenty years --------------- a twenty-minute-walk or a twenty-minute's walk这是一个关于英语破折号的问题,(包括与英语所有格的知识在内)例题:I will take you______walk to get there.A:a twenty-minute B.a twenty-minute's(个人认为以这句为例句 by two thousand twenty,a billion and a half people will live in slums thirty-two和thirty two的区别What's eleven and twenty?It is thirty-two.为什么要一个-