五个英语造句.括号里是提示1.母亲露出了幸福的微笑.那张照片一定让她回忆起那时的幸福生活.(remind)2.他没去过美国.但当他说起美国时好像他住在那里似的(as though)3.JOHN答应来参加我

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 13:06:15

五个英语造句.括号里是提示1.母亲露出了幸福的微笑.那张照片一定让她回忆起那时的幸福生活.(remind)2.他没去过美国.但当他说起美国时好像他住在那里似的(as though)3.JOHN答应来参加我
2.他没去过美国.但当他说起美国时好像他住在那里似的(as though)
3.JOHN答应来参加我的生日晚会.但到现在他还没出现.(turn up)

五个英语造句.括号里是提示1.母亲露出了幸福的微笑.那张照片一定让她回忆起那时的幸福生活.(remind)2.他没去过美国.但当他说起美国时好像他住在那里似的(as though)3.JOHN答应来参加我
1.A blessing smile turned up on mother‘s face .That picture must have reminded her of the happy life.
2.He has never gone to America,but he talked about America as though he had been there.
3.John promised to attend my birthday party,but she has not turned up yet.
4.With flowers and chocolate threw away,Li Fang did not know how to explain to Hu Jin.
5.Halloween is an important holiday in America ,which was celebrated on Nov,1st every year.

1. The picture must have reminded Mother of her happy life at that time cause she smiled.
2. He hasn't been to America while when he talks about America, he talks as though he had been there.


1. The picture must have reminded Mother of her happy life at that time cause she smiled.
2. He hasn't been to America while when he talks about America, he talks as though he had been there.
3. John said he would come to my birthday party but he hasn't turned up till now.
4. With the flowers and chocolate missing, Li Fang doesn't know how to explain to Hu Jin.
5. Halloween is a very important festival in Amecica which is celebrated at November 1st every year.


The mother smiled happily.That picture must remind her of her happy life at that time.
He hasn't gone to America,but when he talked about America as though he had been there.
John promised to ...


The mother smiled happily.That picture must remind her of her happy life at that time.
He hasn't gone to America,but when he talked about America as though he had been there.
John promised to attend my birth-day party,but he hasn't turned up.
With flowers and chocolates thrown,Li Fang don't know how to explain to HuJin.
Every November 1st which is celebrated as Hallowmas is an important day for American.


The mother peeped out happiness of smile.That photograph certain let she recall that time of happiness life.(Remind)
2.He has never had been to the United States.But when he speak of the United St...


The mother peeped out happiness of smile.That photograph certain let she recall that time of happiness life.(Remind)
2.He has never had been to the United States.But when he speak of the United States as if he live over there(as though)
The 3. JOHN is promise to attend my birthday evening party.But till now he haven't appear.(Turn up)
4.Because flower and chocolate be all thrown away, Li3 Fang don't know how to beard sincerely explanation(with of compound structure)
5.Every year November 1 number celebration of Halloween at the United States is an importance of festival(not restriction settle the language is from the sentence)


五个英语造句.括号里是提示1.母亲露出了幸福的微笑.那张照片一定让她回忆起那时的幸福生活.(remind)2.他没去过美国.但当他说起美国时好像他住在那里似的(as though)3.JOHN答应来参加我 英语翻译翻译句子:那孩子松开母亲手时,摔倒了.(let go)请用括号里提示的词组翻译成英语, 她看到母亲的脸上露出了( )的微笑.用“心”组词添入括号 母亲的脸上露出了《?》的微笑 造句 母亲是 ( ) is short and fat.(括号里的提示是I) 英语 Alice is a (p )girl.And she likes helping others .括号里填单词 p是提示 用五个‘飞出了`造句 在括号中填上恰当的含“心”字的词语小姑娘看着经过()挑选的海螺都成了一般大小,她()地笑了.能够把海螺卖出去,上学的学费就不用愁了,母亲()多了.这是,她看到母亲的脸上露出了 模仿造句:母亲呵!你是荷花,我是红莲 不要再是母亲了 ( )your teacher ( ) ( ){与某人是很好的}you?应该给括号里提出怎样的英语?在{ }里的提示语! 母亲的来信 阅读答案、、、急!母亲来信了.在初来城里的日子里,文卡总是焦急地等待着母亲的信,一收到信,便急不 可待地拆开,贪婪地读着.半年以后,他已是没精打采地拆信了,脸上露出讥诮 根据括号里的提示给词语造句.生气(因不合心意而不愉快):(生命力·活力): ()差()别 括号里填什么?五个 以“母亲是”开头造句 母亲的脸上露出了()心的微笑 瞧,王帆的脸上露出了( )的神情 括号里填带有“视”的词语 (英语)根据首字母提示和括号里的字母完成句子.