
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 18:09:57


The movie A Little Thing Called First Love is about a very simple story of first love.Xiaoshui is a very mediocre girl in grade one of junior high school.She is good at neither study nor sports.The most important,she is not very pretty to make people remember her.However,such a mediocre girl just lose her heart to a boy called Aliang,the best student in the school.As the man of hour in the school,Aliang is always the focal point in girls’ eyes.He dose well in studies,sports,and he is also very handsome,this drives all the girls in the school crazy.Xiaoshui knows that she can’t compete with other girls,and she never thought she could be in love with Aliang.Her only dream is,when past away,Aliang can give a glance at her.In order to achieve this aim,she did a lot of foolish things,and these little things makes her a real famous student when she was in grade three of junior high school,sweet and gentle,well worth loving.But in her heart,that dream never changed…

求泰国电影《初恋这件小事》英文简介,用来做presentation比较紧急,求大神们速出招∩_∩, 初恋这件小事英文台词跪求《初恋这件小事》的英文台词,或者英文字幕也可以. 和初恋这件小事类似的电影要搞笑的,如果是恋爱并且励志就更好不一定泰国 求《初恋这件小事》的一篇观后感 急...急...求《初恋这件小事》影评RT.看过初恋的,写个影评 初恋这件小事年月日翻译 初恋这件小事 英语观后感 初恋那件小事中(泰国电影){One day I will be good enough}的词{谐音、非翻译、想学这首歌} 泰国文化与中国文化的差异从一部电影中体现出来的泰国文化 比如说 《初恋这件小事》电影中 体现出人们怎么样的生活方式 体现泰国怎样的传统文化 这些与中国的有哪些不同等等吧 《初恋这件小事》题目为什么说是初恋是件小事?RT 谁知道《初恋这件小事》男主角的名字“阿亮”的英文怎么写. 初恋这件小事女主角名字翻译成中文叫什么?她还演过什么电影吗? 求《初恋这件小事》里面的插曲《会有那么一天》的中文翻译? 初恋这件小事观后感急 急!1天之内求的600字左右 求初恋这件小事的主题曲《日月年》的中文翻译. 英语翻译帮忙用泰国话翻译下面这句话,最好是打出泰语,再用发音靠近的字母告诉我怎么读,下面这句话“小水,做我女朋友好吗?”我在[初恋这件小事]这部泰国电影里看到的,这句台词,好像 《初恋这件小事的》年月日泰语以及中文翻译 “初恋这件小事”用泰语怎么写