帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 00:11:38

帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗?
She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.
中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗?

帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗?
She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.
=She looked around this way and that way in a dubious manner.

帮我看看这个句子的语法She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.中间的and that 在里面充当什么,可以去掉吗? 帮我看看这个句子语法对吗?where are you come form?你来自哪里, She said she knew where the manager lived.这个句子是宾语从句?间接引语?帮我介绍一下语法. 帮我看看as句子的语法sword does not wear the stone as dripping water does请问这个as后面为什么加doing?有这个语法吗?as是连词引导的让步吗? 看看我这个句子的语法对吗i don't know how long the pen is 大家帮我看看这个英语句子对不对?要求用过去时来写的:she wants to look at the boys swam 如果不对,应如何改正? 请从语法角度(主 谓 宾)帮我分析一下这个句子,I think she is very ugly. 帮我看看我写的这个句子有没有问题!(我在写作文) 帮我看看有没有什么语法的错误可好 请英语好的帮我看看语法 帮我看看这英语句子的语法Today is sunny just like my mood .如果错 请问哪错 帮我看看这个英语的句子.She was soon out of breath ,but she continued to run.后面一句的continued在句中作形容词还是动词?如何看出它是作什么词? 帮我看看这个英语句子有语法问题么By comparison,however,I hold an opposite opinion, namely, “Silence is not always gold”. 帮我看看这个句子有没有语法问题,I think that such kind of your action is of great assistance in promoting social harmony. it's got be ok 帮我解释一下这个句子的语法吧, 求各位大神帮我看看下面这个英语句子的语法对不对!I can draw ,sing,write stories,and speak english~自己写的,想表达自己会画画,会唱歌,会写小说,会说英语 各位英语好的看过来,帮我看看这个句子的语法.I hurry to run to her house请问有没有语法错误?如果有请更正错在哪里……请【更正】 帮我看看这段句子有没有语法上的错误?My favorite character in this movie is Mia because she is a girl with a strong sense of responsibility.At first,she couldn't stand the life of the royals,so she decided to give up the status as a pr