我写的英语作文,写的匆忙,里面有大量低级语法错误,但我查不出,会有好报的!I read a book about him when I study in middle-school.Since that,I can’t forget him.He is tall and is not handsome.But he is an American and a gian

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:29:18

我写的英语作文,写的匆忙,里面有大量低级语法错误,但我查不出,会有好报的!I read a book about him when I study in middle-school.Since that,I can’t forget him.He is tall and is not handsome.But he is an American and a gian
I read a book about him when I study in middle-school.Since that,I can’t forget him.He is tall and is not handsome.But he is an American and a giant,come in for people‘s reverence.You are right,he is Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)
In America,Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president.He led a great war which was save the commonwealth and ends the slavery.He is the greatest president in the united of states.
But you know all his life was filled with hardship and frustration.He was born in a needy family,in Hardin County,Kentucky,on February 12th,1809.Use his own words to generalize was “a poor simple chronicle”.9 years old the mother die,this is a cruel deed,lucky his stepmother named Nancy was virtuous.15 years old just start to study because of Nancy ’s opinion.She is an important person in his life.24 years old he goes into partnership with person to do business,but did not success,and therefore owed for 15 years; 25 years old his first love Annie die,this made him painful sad and since that he usually appeared black emotion; 32 years old he married with Mary,but after that Lincoln didn't like return home because of his wife's irascible temper.he begin to campaign public position,almost lost every time; but when he was 52 years old he wined the American president,during this time the war between the states break out,it made Lincoln fed up with torture,due to the south at a disadvantage,but the north over and over again loses in the battlefield,when Lincoln was 56 years old the war ends finally,Lincoln also wins a president again,but he was assassinated at the Ford theater enjoy a play.
Lincoln likes to smile,because it could make him have a rest from endless agony and lessen his press.Lincoln likes to speak jokes,too.When he speaks a joke,his face will put light,his eyes will bright,his voice will shiver,and sometimes he like a child will first laugh.But his whole life was spent in endless crucifixion .frustration was the main melody cantus of his life,But Lincoln still stood to come over,keeping till the last a moment!In the American's heart,his prestige even exceeded Washington.

我写的英语作文,写的匆忙,里面有大量低级语法错误,但我查不出,会有好报的!I read a book about him when I study in middle-school.Since that,I can’t forget him.He is tall and is not handsome.But he is an American and a gian
还有“他XX岁的时候……”,不应该只写“X years old he...”,要写"When he was XX years old,he ..."
Slowly and very carefully he unscrewed the ink bottle,dipped his quill into it,and began to write.
1) unscrewed the ink bottle
2) dipped his quill into it
3) began to write
这里前两个谓语各自包含了一个宾语:ink bottle和quill是宾语

when I study in middle-school---studied
He is tall and is not handsome.---but not handsome
he is an American and a giant---was

我写的英语作文,写的匆忙,里面有大量低级语法错误,但我查不出,会有好报的!I read a book about him when I study in middle-school.Since that,I can’t forget him.He is tall and is not handsome.But he is an American and a gian Research 在美国英语里面有复数吗?如果想表达大量的研究,怎么写? 帮忙扩写作文我匆忙背上书包,跑向学校,不顾一切的冲进教室,看看四周,还好没迟到 女儿的老师让我女儿写作文“匆忙的早晨”,我女儿写和城管队员躲猫猫,老师怒火中烧,怎么劝? 我的作文里面有优点和有缺点怎么写 写一篇1000字的作文有大量古文名句 你是我心中最美的人作文500字写老师的,老师是校长,匆忙中教我们 卫校的课程里面有没有语文 英语 制冷的课程呢?我不喜欢这些课程,还要写作文 帮我写一篇失物招领英语作文假如你捡到一个双肩背包,红色的,里面有2张CD,一张身份证,一个棒球帽.写一篇失物招领作文 雅思作文写跑题了额,今天雅思大作文是关于教育的,里面有个雅词crime,还以为是积极的词汇…肿么办?而且才180词左右就结尾了我考雅思很匆忙,没怎么练过。大作文也没写过。因为是高中生 写关于花展的作文要开头结尾写得好六年级的样子,别太深奥,也别太低级 写一篇My favorite school day的英语作文语法要求正确,无低级错误,水平差不多初一年级就搞定了 英语作文题为“我的校园生活”100词记住单词要低级 我最崇拜的人作文 要写李白 500到600字 最好是有李白的大量诗句 英语翻译因为我英语挺不错,朋友拿了一段话让我帮忙翻译,里面有一句骂人的“低级! 有没有在充满雾气的镜子上写过一个人的名字,然后匆忙地擦掉. 谁能帮我写 ‘谈谈一些有关于我的兴趣爱好的事;用英语写作文 写我的假期的英语作文