英语翻译But millions have already taken up places on vocational training programs subsidized by the government,learning new skills in things like welding,computer technology and handicrafts.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 03:55:30

英语翻译But millions have already taken up places on vocational training programs subsidized by the government,learning new skills in things like welding,computer technology and handicrafts.
But millions have already taken up places on vocational training programs subsidized by the government,learning new skills in things like welding,computer technology and handicrafts.

英语翻译But millions have already taken up places on vocational training programs subsidized by the government,learning new skills in things like welding,computer technology and handicrafts.


millions 英语翻译But millions have already taken up places on vocational training programs subsidized by the government,learning new skills in things like welding,computer technology and handicrafts. 英语翻译sorry,i dont hav the same number anymore,my mother and i hav to switch fon,I know ur mad or sumthing,but i cant go to msn anymore,seems like my id was block or something,anyways,its my day off on thursday,i will make another id,u take car 英语翻译THINK IT OVER Today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; We spend more,but enjoy less; We have bigger houses,but smaller famillies We have more compromises,but less time; We hav 英语翻译Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it,do you know?The Internet is a network.It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world.的意思, 英语翻译But beyond that,it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world.最好说明什么是什么语.什么是什么语,就是什么做什么的什么语,明白了么? 英语翻译maybe i hang around here a little more than i should we both know i got some where else to go but i got something to tell you that i never thought i would but i believe you really ought to know i love you i honestly love you you don't hav I hav'e hurt so many times but i have to try to make it right ,just fI hav'e hurt so many times but i have to try to make it right ,just for you The Great Wall made not only stones,but millions of lives. 英语翻译ear Mr.Smith,How are you?It's a pity that I'm leaving this school soon.But I really want to say thank you very much.And I won’t forget you.You are a handsome,friendly and clever teacher.You are always hard-working and strict.When we hav 英语翻译Also similarly can feel together lonelily but with you in my really very joyful `,lonely!Was you lets me understand truly how feeling liked a person being able to have and the idea!I discovered I really good like your `well wanting to hav 英语翻译I like hosting parties.Some people don't like it because they like to stay at a quiet place.I like that kind of atmosphere.Of course,it is very busy,sweet,happy,exciting and tiring.But I can get different experiences every time.when i hav 英语翻译I hear that Mitchell turned down that job.Well,the hours were convenient,but she wouldn't be able to make ends meet.(找同意句)(中级口译听力教程)A.Mitchell refused the position because of the low pay.B.the job would hav 英语翻译KEWL!SOUNDS AWSUM!im into emo,alternative,screamo,punk rock,grunge music.im emo,but i dnt cut,im also kind of scene.more emo.hav u evr been 2 america?i also play the drums and skate board =)缩写太多 比较难 请忙下忙~ 英语翻译We have looked into it and it seems that the authorization did go through but it wasn’t tied to our accounting system at all so that transaction has been voided.I attempted to charge the credit card today and it was again declined.I hav 英语翻译Well,I worked in business for a long time and so I understand the need for a free market,but it seems unlikely to meet that when it comes to social problems,like global poverty,the answer is just an economic one,because social choices hav 英语翻译Thanks for your kindly e-mail.Glad to talk to you by MSN.But still something is open to the deal.We know that the price is a big issue for an order,as we negotiated many many times.As now you suggest the price USD22.8 for DivX.Again I hav 英语翻译请大家帮我把几个句子翻译成英文,1)他昨天把钱包丢了,我不仅借了他钱,而且还帮他最终找回了钱包.2)他不吃也不喝,坐在那儿两小时了.3)I haven't accused him of anying,but I suspect him of hav