追加200分with和in 当 “用” 的时候 怎么区分在帮我区分四个“说”和四个“花费”单词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 19:19:09

追加200分with和in 当 “用” 的时候 怎么区分在帮我区分四个“说”和四个“花费”单词
with和in 当 “用” 的时候 怎么区分

追加200分with和in 当 “用” 的时候 怎么区分在帮我区分四个“说”和四个“花费”单词
with 后面跟一些工具之类的东西:He writes with a pen.他用钢笔写字.
in 用语言等:speak in English 用英语说
1 speak 用具体的语言说,如:Please speak in Chinese.请用汉语讲.
2 talk 谈论,talk with sb 和某人交谈、talk to sb 和某人谈话
3 tell 告诉,tell sb sth = tell sth to sb 告诉某人没事
4 say 说(要有具体的内容,如:He says that...他说.(后面跟具体说的话),如果没听清楚别人 说什么,可以说:say it again,请再说一遍.
1 spend 花费,人作主语,花钱或时间做某事有两种固定句式:
1 )sb spend +钱/时间 on sth.
2) sb spend +钱/时间(in)doing sth(其中in可以省略).如:
我花50元买了这件大衣:I spent fifty yuan on the coat.
I spent fifty yuan (in) buying the coat.
我干这项工作用了3天.He spent three days on the work.
He spend three days (in)doing the work
2 pay 花费,人作主语,有“付款”之意:sb.pays+钱 for sth花.钱买某物,如:
I paid fifty yuan for the coat.我花50元买了这件大衣.
3 cost花费,物作主语,sth.costs sb+金钱:买某物花了某人.钱.如:
A new computer costs me a lot of money.买一台新电脑花了我一大笔钱
4 take 花费,it 作形式主语.句式:It takes + sb.+ 时间(或钱)to do sth.如:
It took me three years to draw the beautiful horses.画这些漂亮的马花了我3年的时间.
It will take me three hours to finish my homework.我要花3小时才能完成作业.


介词in表示“用材料、语言”如:Can you say it in English?
介词with表示“用工具、某物”如:with a pen
介词by表示“用、以、靠、通过…方法”如:He prefers traveling by car.

追加200分with和in 当 “用” 的时候 怎么区分在帮我区分四个“说”和四个“花费”单词 当意思是“用”时,in,by,with,的区别 circle the words that begin with the same sound as then color them in the picture这句话的意思,在半小时之内回答追加20分 如题,如果可以用的话 追加200分 in some countries ,tea with milk and sugar.答案是什么,为什么?答空格的内容.最好有整句句子的解释,好的追加10-50分.tea后面有空格in some countries ,tea ( ) with milk and sugar. 追加200分,初二英语选择!1after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with( )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in s 追加200分,after discussing,the students () some good ideas to work on the projectA put up Bset up C caught up with D came up with( )THE height of the mountainA what is B how is C how muchit is said the edison took great ()in science when he was yo (1)I wrote a letter to her _blue ink A by B in C with (2)I want to write a letter to her_ my pen当by 和in和with 翻译成用的时候有什么区别. 求两句英语翻译;第一段最后一句和第三段第一句翻译!如我满意会追加分!Growing up in Philadelpha, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickl 求高手翻译一段英文,200分!不要软件翻译的,能看出来的,如果好的话还会追加分数! Cognitive radios that are employed in a network with dynamic frequency assignments must operate efficiently in the presence of uncertainti 需要全部做完再追加200分 好的话追加悬赏至200分 追加200分简单的解方程 后钢板弹簧吊耳 零件结构和零件设计分析,追加200分 be caught with和be caught in的区别分别是陷入? 英语翻译Put you in my heart,nevermakeyoucry.youjump,Ijump!在追加5分麻烦帮我用英语说: fill with急!告诉why 会追加分···--A bus—— Hong Kong tourists was robbed in Philippines yesterday.A full with B filles withC filling with D full in很遗憾的补充下啊 我也认为是选Cbut B诶····原因啊 reason啊!In my opi with delightment 和in delight