Sam lives on thefifth floor in this building.划在the fifth floor上( ) ( )does Sam live on in this building?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 02:14:03

Sam lives on thefifth floor in this building.划在the fifth floor上( ) ( )does Sam live on in this building?
Sam lives on thefifth floor in this building.
划在the fifth floor上
( ) ( )does Sam live on in this building?

Sam lives on thefifth floor in this building.划在the fifth floor上( ) ( )does Sam live on in this building?
which floor

Which floor

which floor

Sam lives on the fifth floor in this building?对the fifth floor提问 Sam lives on the fifth floor in this building?对the fifth floor提问 Sam lives on thefifth floor in this building.划在the fifth floor上( ) ( )does Sam live on in this building? Tom,Sam,Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors.They live on different floors.They have different jobs—an engineer,a worker,a teacher and a doctor.Tom lives above Sam,but blow Jim.Jack lives on the third floor.The doctor lives above the teac 英语短文阅读理解求解答Tom,Sam,Jim and Jacklive in a building of four floors.They live on dirrerent floors.They have dirrerent jobs -an engineer,a worker,a teacher and a doctor.Tom lives above Sam,but blow Jim lives on the third floor.The d 阅读英语短文回答问题Tom,Sam,Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors.They live on different floors.They have different jobs.----a firefighter,a driver,a teacher and a doctor.Tom lives above Sam,but below Jim.Jack lives on the third fl 阅读回答问题 Tom,Sam,Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors.They live ondifferent floors.They have different jobs--an engineer,a worker,a teacher and a doctor.Tom lives above Sam,but blow Jim.Jack lives on the fourth floor.The doctor li 准确问题(包括文章了) Tom,Sam,Jim and JackTom,Sam,Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors.They live on different floors.They have different jobs—an engineer,a worker,a teacher and a doctor.Tom lives above Sam,but blow Jim.Jack live 一个英文短文 Tom ,Sam ,Jim and Jack live in a building with four floors.they live on different floors .they have different engineer ,a worker,a teacher and a doctorthe engineer lives on the ground floor(底楼) .Jack lives on the thir nick lives on the fourth Jim,Sam,Linda and I live in a building with four floors.We live on thedifferent floors.We have different jobs.One is a driver; one is a manager; one is painter and one is a doctor.I live above Linda but below Jim.Sam lives on the fourth floor.The dri what did sam do on his holiday? Sam is ( ) the under on sam sam sam sam Southerners ( ) rise.A lives on B feeds on C lives on D feed on