are rich people happier than the poor?英语 两人对话 每人两分钟

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are rich people happier than the poor?英语 两人对话 每人两分钟
are rich people happier than the poor?英语 两人对话 每人两分钟

are rich people happier than the poor?英语 两人对话 每人两分钟
Rich:Paul, I really wish I were Bill Gates.
Rich:I believe I would be the happiest person in the world if I were him with that mount of money.
Paul:Do you believe being rich can make you happy and rich people are happier than the poor?
Rich:Yes, When I have enough money I can go anywhere I want, I can buy anything I want and I can do whatever I want to. How can I not be happy?
Paul:Yes, you really can do whatever you want with your money, but don't you think you still have worries?
Rich:Worries? How? What to worry about?
Paul:You have three children and they will go to school. Would you like them to think the same way you do?
Rich:What do you mean?
Paul:If they know they can do whatecer they want to with their Dad's money and they want to try gambling and drugs and don't want to learn, do you worry or not?
Rich:Yes, I do.
Paul:Do you worry about that someone may kidnap your children, your wife or yourself for ransom?
Rich:I do have such worries but I have enough money to hire our bodyguards to protect us.
Paul:Don't you have worries about the loyalty of your bodyguards? Don't worry one day one of your bodyguards may kidnap you or your family for a large amount of ransom?
Rich:I do have such worries.
Paul:With so much worries, do you think you can still have a good health? Do you think you can still be happy and cheerful?
Rich:No, perhaps I will not be happy anymore.
Paul:As you see, Being rich is not equal to being happy. Do you agree?
Rich:Yes! I'd rather be myself instead of Bill Gates.



There are people who have money and people who are rich. now more and more people are ______to buy cars.A.too rich too C.enough rich enough .Some young people are now ____ to buy private cars .是应该填.rather rich very rich very rich 还是enough rich 为甚麽 说明根据 are rich people happier than the poor?英语 两人对话 每人两分钟 nowadays,many rich people are enthusiastic.about donating to charities.英语作文开头 are u rich Some young people are now ____ to buy private cars .A.rather rich B.very rich enough D.enough rich我纠结的是A与B为啥不可以。至于enough 的用法,我懂。 1.People are enjoying a ( )life comfortable and comfortable C.comfortable rich2.People's life are ( ) comfortable and comfortableC.comfortable rich 3.She has ( ) hair.A.long black B black long C.long and black should rich people help poor people Such as we remember the famous people is not only because they are rich.这句话有错吗 People in that area are making efforts to turn the desert into rich land请问为什么effort加S Surprising move many rich people support what did rich people do for fun The Smiths are not rich. They are ( ). People whose diets are rich in vitamins are less likely to develop some types of cancer中的develop在英语中有什么取代词? There are over six b_______ in this small town,because many people here are rich.首字母填空 这里应该填什么. _____some people are not so rich,they are well-off.A.although B.But C.Even if D.In order that朋友们帮个忙啊 英语翻译There is a village.In the village everybody is very rich.They are rich because they do well in business.One day a young man came to the village and met with a businessman.Look! he said,people here are very rich.All of you are good at b