疑问词加to do sth,作主语,作宾语作表语,各造一句怎么造

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 12:36:37

疑问词加to do sth,作主语,作宾语作表语,各造一句怎么造
疑问词加to do sth,作主语,作宾语作表语,各造一句怎么造

疑问词加to do sth,作主语,作宾语作表语,各造一句怎么造
1 what to eat is a question(主语)
2 I really don't know what to say(宾语)
3 the most important thing is how to get there.(表语)

I don't konw what to do?(作宾语)

主语:How to solve the problem is a question.
标语:The question is how to solve the problem.
宾语:What about what to wear, who to invite, and what might be said during toasts?

疑问词加to do sth,作主语,作宾语作表语,各造一句怎么造 宾语从句疑问词作主语 疑问词作主语什么意思 do sth 作表语 it作形式主语的问题it's +adj+to do sth是否等于it's+adj+doing sth例如it's wrong to do sth是不是可以说成it's wrong doing sth?如果不能,那么it's+adj+to do sth除了to do sth +is + adj有同义句吗?“动词不定式作主语 请问有没有sb be interested in to do sth或sth be interesting to do sthinterested 和 interesting是不是一个人作主语,一个物作主语,具体怎么用呢? 动词不定式 以 it is+形容词+to do sth.造两个句子要作主语,常采用it作形式主语、不定式后置的方式,即“it is+形容词+to do sth.”结构造两个句字 关于英语疑问词英语中有哪些疑问词可作主语 有哪些可作宾语? think doing sth对吗 貌似没有吧 好像只有that从句后面从句动词作主语为动名词吧 有think to do sth吗? 宾语从句中 怎样才能知道是特殊疑问词作主语? 什么情况下宾语从句疑问词作主语 sth be adj to do...这里是个什么用法 to do作什么语,执行对象是主语本身?另外 be后面的adj又是用来修饰to do的还是sth本身的? 做&作 的区别?help sb do sth 和help sb to do sth 的区别 asked people to help those who (were)in trouble疑问词作主语不是接单数吗?为什么是were want sb to do sth在这个句式中,sth作什么成分? 作完某事用英语怎么说是finish doing sth 还是finish to do sth 哪些词后能跟 to do sth又能跟doing sth作宾语 快 动名词做主语与to do不定式作主语有什么区别举个例子