快,重赏1.when i walked past her room,I heard her ()an english songs A,singing B,was singing c,sang正确答案A,可这不是过去进行时吗?我选的B正确答案A为何?2.most girls (are scared of )the snakes.中scared表过去吗?那为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 09:54:38

快,重赏1.when i walked past her room,I heard her ()an english songs A,singing B,was singing c,sang正确答案A,可这不是过去进行时吗?我选的B正确答案A为何?2.most girls (are scared of )the snakes.中scared表过去吗?那为什么
快,重赏1.when i walked past her room,I heard her ()an english songs A,singing B,was singing c,sang
2.most girls (are scared of )the snakes.中scared表过去吗?那为什么be动词不用变?

快,重赏1.when i walked past her room,I heard her ()an english songs A,singing B,was singing c,sang正确答案A,可这不是过去进行时吗?我选的B正确答案A为何?2.most girls (are scared of )the snakes.中scared表过去吗?那为什么
LZ您好呀 我来为您解答一下吧~
1.关于singing,这里并不是过去进行时,而是代表当你经过她房间的时候她正在做某一件动作,也就是她先唱了英文歌,而你后经过了她的房间,请问当您经过房间的时候,您听到了她一开始唱的歌了吗?肯定不会吧 所以这个就是表示没有看到动作发展的全过程而用ing形式,这个与时态是无关的啊~~希望您能明白~~
2.be scared of 是固定搭配,这里不涉及到任何的时态问题,因为这个句子讲的是一个普遍现象就是大部分的女孩怕蛇,用一般现在时就ok啦~
that一词除用作指示代词外,还广泛用于宾语从句和定语从句中.课本中也经常看到“It is…that…”这个句型,下面我们就来谈谈它的几个主要用法:


例1. He said that he was going to take care of the baby. 例2.They told me that they would have a party this weekend. 两句中that后面的句子不能修饰限定前面的动词“said”和“told”,而是变成了动词的宾语(例2中that从句与me一起充当宾语).that起到连接作用,不充当句子成分,且常被省略.

例1.The pizza that I cooked was delicious. 句中that作为关系代词引导定语从句 “that I cooked”,修饰前面的先行词 “pizza” ,that作cooked的宾语,指代物.例2.Who is the man that talked to you yesterday? 句中that引导定语从句“that talked to you yesterday”,修饰前面的先行词 “man”,that作talked的主语,指代人.判断that在句中所引导的是宾语从句还是定语从句,看that前面的词的词性,如果是名词或代词,那么其后的that引导的是定语从句;如果是动词,则引导宾语从句.


强调句式可以对除谓语以外的任何句子成分进行强调,被强调部分置于 “It's”和 “that”之间,强调主语时常用who.例1.It was his best suit that he wore to the wedding.句中强调他穿的是his best suit而不是其他衣服.例2.It was his bad mood that affect his work. 句中强调影响他工作的是his bad mood而不是其他原因.例3.It's John who wants to see you soon. 句中强调想要尽快见到你的人是John而不是别人.
嘿嘿 如果您有任何的问题请找我们吧~很高兴帮您解答呐~~

1 hear 已经用了过去式,hear doing sth.
2 这里的过去式是表被动,而与事件发生的时间无关
3 太久远,记不清了。。。百度下会有的