完形填空Small cars may take the place of(代替)Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来).There is 1 for only two people in such a car .If everyone 2 such a car ,there will be less pollution  3 (污

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 16:57:28

完形填空Small cars may take the place of(代替)Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来).There is 1 for only two people in such a car .If everyone 2 such a car ,there will be less pollution  3 (污
完形填空Small cars may take the place of(代替)
Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来).There is 1 for only two people in such a car .If everyone 2 such a car ,there will be less pollution  3 (污染)the air .There will also be more space for 4 cars in cities ,and the streets will be less crowded .The little cars will cost 5 less .Driving will be 6 ,too ,as these little cars can go only 65 kilometres per hour .If big cars are still used along with the small 7 ,two sets of road will be 8 in the future .Some roads will be used 9 the big ,fast cars ,and 10 roads will be needed for the slower small ones .
1.A.place     B.space       C.a room       D.seat
2.A.rides     B.drives       C.pushes       D.pulls
3.A.for       B.on         C.in           D.at
4.A.stopping   B.stop       C.parking       D.park
5.A.lots of     B.many      C.much        D.more
6.A.danger    B.dangerous   C.safe         D.safer
7.A.one       B.ones       C.seat         D.seats
8.A.need      B.needing     C.needs       D.needed
9.A.as        B.by         C.for         D.in
10.A.the other  B.the another  C.another     D.other

完形填空Small cars may take the place of(代替)Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来).There is 1 for only two people in such a car .If everyone 2 such a car ,there will be less pollution  3 (污
6-10 DBDCA
7.要用复数形式 并用one代指
9.be used for被用作… 介词for表示用途,后面接名词或动名词,相当于be used to do sth.
be used as被用作… 介词as表示“作为……”,后面常接名词.
be used by被……使用 介词by后面常接动作的执行者.
the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.
another=an+ other,既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三个或更多的人或物,泛指同类事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词.

1B 2B 3C.4C 5.C 6D 7B 8D 9 C 10D

完形填空Small cars may take the place of(代替)Small cars may take the place of(代替)big cars in the future(将来).There is 1 for only two people in such a car .If everyone 2 such a car ,there will be less pollution  3 (污 完形填空 Cars can pollute the air,but it can't s____Cars can pollute the air,but it can't s____ designers from making new cars and showing their ideas to people.M____ the cars of the future will not pollute the air as much.Now,we don't know if th 初二缺词填空Small cars may take the place of big cars in the future. There is s_______ for only people in such a car. If everyone d________ such a car, there will be less pollution f______ the air. There will be also be more space for p________ 英语阅读完形填空(首字母已给出)Nowadays more people cross the ocean in planes than in ships.Are plans taking the place of ships?No.Ships are (s )ecessary.They carry cargo all over the wrold.The cargo may be cars.It may be grain.It may 一篇英语短文完形填空Although cars are amain pollutant of the environment,it hasn't s_____ designers from making new cars and showing their ideas to the pubilc.M____ the cars of the future will not pullute the air as muchen.For the m____,we 1.It's fine today.And you can see many children __ in the small park.A play B to play C played D to playing2.In Changchun,there are roads only for buses.Other cars ___ run on them.A may not B needn't C mustn't D can't3.The weather is so fine.Why not she began to t.in a small sshe began to t.in a small school.填空 (英语)A kind of little cars may beA kind of little cars may be seen in the streets in the future.People will like this kind of small cars better than the big ones.The car is as small as a bike but it can carry two people in it .Everybody can dr (2/2)ch f() 三、Cars are a useful means of t().填空啊,帮帮忙啊 (2/2)h f() 三、Cars are a useful means of t().填空啊, i like small cars better than large ones i like small cars better than large that 一到英语完形填空题1.most americans use their cars ___(most)for their jobs 两道英语填空题,用can,can’t,may,may not,must,mustn’t填空.(有些两道英语填空题,用can,can’t,may,may not,must,mustn’t填空.(有些答案不止一个)求原因 用can,can't,could,may,must,have to填空. 几道首字母填空题1.we don't need to give up cars but we need to i-----better,cleaner engines.2.i visited some relatives r----- in a small village.3.that would reduce r---- and air pollution.4.now the banks are o---- of money and governments ar 完形填空Mrs Brown lived alone in a small flat .She was old and didn't like Mrs Brown lived alone in a small flat (公寓).She was old and didn't like _1__ at all.So she was very __2__ when the young man and woman in the flat above moved out.A new 填空May I use your mobile phone?No,you(may not/can't) When a typhoon is coming,we ___park our cars on the road.A.should B.shouldn't C.may D.needn't选择,请详细说明为什么?