
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 10:04:44


Youth’s participating in the Protection of the City’s Environment.
Environment dedicates all it owns to people without reserve, it is its provision that mankind can breed, reproduce and develop. With the pollution becoming worse and worse today, we can’t wait any more. It’s time for us youths to do something for the environment.
Ancient Chinese philosophers repeatedly emphasized the harmony with environment as supreme virtues. Once a famous writer said “Better give than get”.They are highly philosophical and demonstrated that we have to protect the environment if we want to develop. Or the environment pollution would become an obstruction of human beings’ development. We must give the environment twice as much in return, so that we can get along well with the environment and help and support and rely on each other.
1. Air Pollution
2. Water Pollution
3. Noise Pollution
4. Solid Waste Pollution
5. Heat Pollution
6. Living environment Pollution
7. Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution
Besides, there are problems such as less green and being too crowded in the cities.
In fact, we, the inhabitants of the cities have seen all kinds of pollution and have been influenced by it. What we youths have to do is to participate in the protection of the cities’ environment. I think there must be two steps: consciousness and action.
Consciousness is very important, because it can guide our actions. We must realize the importance of protecting the environment. As the environment is related closely to the mankind, we mustn’t ask for the environment more excessively and care of it less. Otherwise we’ll be punished for our abuse of the environment. Once the disasters and the destruction are caused, it’s hard to make up for them. Once the environment has been polluted seriously, it is more difficult to have it recover than to protect it now. So if we didn’t protect the environment at present, we would be regretful and despaired and we would know how to value the environment. But it’s too late. For the continuous development of the human beings’, we must put the environment protection into action.
Protecting environment needs everyone’s participation. Whether our ability is strong or weak, we should try our best and take care of the environment as our own fortune.
Youths should try to do something helpful and actual no matter how small it is, such as the following:
1. Give publicity to the knowledge of protecting the environment regularly.
2. Plant trees every year.
3. Save the draft paper and stop using one-time convenient tableware.
4. Speak quietly and never throw wastes freely.
5. Support the environment-protecting products consistently.
6. Collect the wastes that can be recycled and deal with the goods that are harmful to the environment.
Facing the future, we feel that we shoulder heavy responsibility and it won’t happen in a singly day. We must keep up protecting the environment and let the environment develop steadily with our growth.
1. 定期宣传环保知识
2. 每年植一棵树
3. 节约草稿纸,不用一次性餐具
4. 轻声慢步,不乱扔废弃物
5. 坚决支持环保型产品
6. 回收有利用的废物,处理有毒害的垃圾

ZHK 致力环境保护当加以重要性质量。 ZHK 开始建立ISO14000 和获取了证明在2000 年3月。 瞄准的减少的资源散逸和生产绿色产品, 公司环境系统强加严密的控制和管理给新产品开发, 原材料运用, 并且产量控制和显示器并且废料治理对环境保护贡献。
ZHK 永远致力环境保护和被承受的发展战略保护我们珍贵的依赖(能量, 原材料, 土地, 水, 空气和生物) 和人类健康和安全。


ZHK 致力环境保护当加以重要性质量。 ZHK 开始建立ISO14000 和获取了证明在2000 年3月。 瞄准的减少的资源散逸和生产绿色产品, 公司环境系统强加严密的控制和管理给新产品开发, 原材料运用, 并且产量控制和显示器并且废料治理对环境保护贡献。
ZHK 永远致力环境保护和被承受的发展战略保护我们珍贵的依赖(能量, 原材料, 土地, 水, 空气和生物) 和人类健康和安全。
ZHK 表达对:
1.. 服从对相关的环境保护法律和章程和对相关的公司章程和要求, 努力防止污染和维护承受了改善。
2.. 不伤环境的生产技术的运用, 材料和过程, 合理地使用资源和能量。
3.. 连续的训练和教育在所有雇员加强他们的环境保护知觉。
4.. 废低估, 回收操作和标准放射减少污染。
5.. 保险柜, 危险化学和combustive 和易爆的职员合理的存贮和用法。
6.. 指示和帮助对顾客为适当的操作, 存贮和处理。
7.. 鼓励我们的转承包商实践环境治疗, 防备措施和预防。
8.. 加强紧急测量避免环境事件。
出于对考虑体会它的承诺并且被承受的改善, ZHK 规定它的环境宗旨和索引, 与哪些定义它的环境管理计划, 投资人力和资源, 监测和检查计划实施, 保证这些宗旨和索引达到。 宗旨和索引被回顾和被更新根据一个逐年依据。
ZHK is dedicated to environment protection while attaching great importance to quality. ZHK embarked on establishing ISO14000 and acquired the certification in March 2000. Aiming at reducing resources dissipation and producing green products, the corporate environment system imposes strict control and management on new product development, raw material utilization, and production control and monitor as well as waste treatment to contribute to environment protection.
ZHK is forever dedicated to environment protection and sustained development strategy protecting our precious recourses (energy, raw material, land, water, air and creatures) and human health and safety.
ZHK commits itself to:
1. Compliance both to relevant environment protection laws and regulations and to relevant corporate regulations and requirements, striving to prevent pollution and maintain sustained improvement.
2. Utilization of environment-friendly production technique, materials and processes, rationally employ resources and energy.
3. Continuous training and education on all employees to strengthen their environment protection consciousness.
4. Waste minimization, recycling operation and standard emission to reduce pollution.
5. Safe, rational storage and usage of dangerous chemistries and combustive and explosive staff.
6. Instruction and help to customer for proper operation, storage and handling.
7. Encouraging our subcontractors to practice environmental treatment, precaution and prevention.
8. Strengthening emergency measurements to avoid environment incidents.
With a view to realize its commitment as well as sustained improvement, ZHK stipulates its environment objectives and index, with which to define its environment management plans, to invest manpower and material resources, to monitor and inspect plans implementation, to ensure these objectives and index are achieved. Objectives and index are reviewed and updated on a yearly basis.


ZHK is dedicated to environment protection while attaching great importance to quality. ZHK embarked on establishing ISO14000 and acquired the certification in March 2000. Aiming at reducing resources...


ZHK is dedicated to environment protection while attaching great importance to quality. ZHK embarked on establishing ISO14000 and acquired the certification in March 2000. Aiming at reducing resources dissipation and producing green products, the corporate environment system imposes strict control and management on new product development, raw material utilization, and production control and monitor as well as waste treatment to contribute to environment protection.
ZHK is forever dedicated to environment protection and sustained development strategy protecting our precious recourses (energy, raw material, land, water, air and creatures) and human health and safety.
ZHK commits itself to:
1. Compliance both to relevant environment protection laws and regulations and to relevant corporate regulations and requirements, striving to prevent pollution and maintain sustained improvement.
2. Utilization of environment-friendly production technique, materials and processes, rationally employ resources and energy.
3. Continuous training and education on all employees to strengthen their environment protection consciousness.
4. Waste minimization, recycling operation and standard emission to reduce pollution.
5. Safe, rational storage and usage of dangerous chemistries and combustive and explosive staff.
6. Instruction and help to customer for proper operation, storage and handling.
7. Encouraging our subcontractors to practice environmental treatment, precaution and prevention.
8. Strengthening emergency measurements to avoid environment incidents.
With a view to realize its commitment as well as sustained improvement, ZHK stipulates its environment objectives and index, with which to define its environment management plans, to invest manpower and material resources, to monitor and inspect plans implementation, to ensure these objectives and index are achieved. Objectives and index are reviewed and updated on a yearly basis.
