
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 22:46:48


时下,上班族自带午餐已成潮流,不用担心“地沟油”的问题,吃得卫生,吃得放心.不过用什么样的餐具带饭更安全、更健康呢?我们来看一段相关的英文报道 Lunch at your desk can be a downer,especially when you reheat the leftovers in plastic lunch box.Are you putting more into your body?“We don't know if and how many people die from plastic exposure.”says Dr.Halden,the director for the Center for Environmental Security at the Biodesign Institute.“But we do know that we suffer from a lot of diseases – breast cancer,obesity and early onset puberty.These are a result of our lifestyle.” He adds:“From a public health perspective,we should consider heated plastic an unnecessary source of exposure to harmful elements and eliminate it.” 办公桌前吃午饭可能是件挺让人沮丧的事,特别是在你还得加热放在塑料饭盒里的剩饭时——你是不是也把其他东西吃进肚子里了呢?生物设计研究所环境安全中心主任哈尔登博士说:“我们并不清楚是否有人以及有多少人死于塑料接触.” “但我们确实认识到,我们遭受着很多疾病的威胁——乳腺癌、过度肥胖以及性早熟.这些都是由我们生活方式导致的后果.” 他补充说:“从公共健康的观点来看,我们应当把加热过的塑料视为人们可接触到的有害物质污染源之一,并消除这种污染.