面试问:如果顾客到店里试穿衣服或鞋子,但不买任何东西.what would you do to customers who come to the shop.try on the clothes but not buy?面试时这问题该怎么回答比较好!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:30:11

面试问:如果顾客到店里试穿衣服或鞋子,但不买任何东西.what would you do to customers who come to the shop.try on the clothes but not buy?面试时这问题该怎么回答比较好!
what would you do to customers who come to the shop.try on the clothes but not buy?

面试问:如果顾客到店里试穿衣服或鞋子,但不买任何东西.what would you do to customers who come to the shop.try on the clothes but not buy?面试时这问题该怎么回答比较好!
Though many people are just window-shopping,it doesn't necessarily mean they won't buy anything if they see something they really like.Customers buy not only products,service is also our merchandise.Though we cannot benefit directly from this customer,nice service will impress him/her,which could be seen as effective brand promotion for us.Every shopper is a potential customer,I do everything I can to serve him/her.

我会试着说服他买 >.<


Well,customers may come to the shop for some other reasons apart from consumption.As the shop manager,I would first welcome the customer when he stepped into the shop.But when there's no sign that he ...


Well,customers may come to the shop for some other reasons apart from consumption.As the shop manager,I would first welcome the customer when he stepped into the shop.But when there's no sign that he would purchase anything,I would offer some other helpful suggestions to make him stay in the shop a bit longer and draw his attention to other products that he may interests.If he still insists to leave,then you don't have to bother to spare more time,just politely tell him that it's quite a pity that your shop can't satisfy his taste.It will leave him a good impression,and he may come to your shop another day.供参考。


面试问:如果顾客到店里试穿衣服或鞋子,但不买任何东西.what would you do to customers who come to the shop.try on the clothes but not buy?面试时这问题该怎么回答比较好! 据说是二年级的算术题一天,有个顾客到奴家店里买鞋子. 这双鞋子成本是 15元,标价是21元. 这个顾客掏出50元, 奴家当时没有零钱,用那50元向街坊换了50元的零钱,找给顾客29 元. 但街坊后来发 一天,有个顾客到奴家店里买鞋子.这双鞋子成本是 15元,标价是21元.这个顾客掏出50元,奴家当时没有零钱,用那50元向街坊换了50元的零钱,找给顾客29 元.但街坊后来发现那50元是假秒,奴家无奈之 CLOT JUICE 衣服鞋子可以试穿吗如题,香港的JUICE服务员态度是不是很不好?上海的呢? 95%人都答错的简单题,求答案有一名顾客到服装商店里买了一件衣服,这件衣服成本是48元,卖价是56元.这位顾客掏出100元买这件衣服,店员没有零钱, 用那100元向隔壁店的老板换了100元的零钱,找 镜子对着卧室门好吗?我家想买个鞋柜上面也能挂衣服的,但只有卖鞋柜的,要不就有一面大镜子挂衣服放鞋子一体的.如果买一体的放大门的左侧正好那面镜子对着小卧室的门.也有可能对着一 外套红色、衣服白色、裤子黑色、鞋子灰色.这样搭配衣服是不是很奇怪呢?今天卖完衣服后好后悔呀!回到家全部试穿过,才发现不对劲! 如果浓硫酸沾到皮肤或衣服上,必须( 星巴克面试问你对星巴克的了解,要怎么回答呢?我很想在星巴克工作 但不知道星巴克面试会是怎么样的 如果问到你对星巴克的文化了解 一个人到小花店里买一双鞋子,鞋子成本15元,标价是21元,那个人拿50元要买这双鞋子,小花没有零钱找,用5 请你试穿这双鞋子,好吗? 用英语怎么说? 为什么不试穿这双鞋子?用8个英语单词 为什么在阳光下看东西的颜色和灯光下看东西的颜色不一样顾客在某服装袋能力看中了一件红色的连衣裙,购买后走出商店,在阳光下却发现是白色的,于是她拿着衣服返回店里,再到店里,灯光 白色鞋子被太阳晒干后变黄怎么样去掉黄色的啊 我拿去洗鞋子的店里面他说没 办法洗 进口服装进口服装中文洗水标和英文洗水标如果有不同如果有不同,会出现什么后果我店里卖出一件衣服,中文洗水标和英文洗水标有一点点不同,商场要求我们衣服退回来,还给顾客赔了一倍的 英语翻译:我试穿了一下这件衣服 英雄联盟miss试穿衣服是那一集 王阿姨和妈妈一起逛街,妈妈看中了一双鞋子,王阿姨看中一件衣服,但她们各自带的钱都不够买,如果妈妈借钱给王阿姨买衣服,自己还剩30元,如果王阿姨借钱给妈妈买鞋子,自己还剩80元,已知衣