帮忙做个英语的完形填空,30分..I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroo

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/19 18:17:38

帮忙做个英语的完形填空,30分..I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroo
I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.
I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroom stared at me in _5_.My face turned_6_.I couldn’t help _7_back .It was the _8_and sympathy in their eyes that _9_me doing so.I went shyly towards an unoccupied seat
Being lame,I didn’t dare to _10_in front of my classmates.I was afraid that I might be _11_ at.In those days ,I was very sad to see other walking_12_.
One day a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside .I was really _13_.They encouraged me with an _14_smile and _15_ me in my wheelchair from place to place .I was _16_ to them for giving me a chance to see the _17_of our lovely school with my own eyes .
After that we often read ,played and talked together .My friends are alwalys _18_ to help me .It made me _19_ I am handicapped.
Once they asked me ,what is the most beautilful thing in our school?Without hesitation I said it is the_20_.
1a with b without c under d on
2a walk b run c sit d stand
3a school b wheelchair c home d hospital
4a he b she c everyone d nobody
5a thought b interst c anger d surprise
6a red b brown c white d black
7a enterring b hiding c coming d turning
8a feeling b kindness c sorrow d pain
9 a made b prevent c kept d let
10a walk b study c practice d speak
11a laughed b smiled c started d looked
12a quickly b slowly c happily d shyly
13a brave b sad c hurt d excited
14a honest b friendly c luchily d handsome
15a pushed b placed c drew d pulled
16a satisfied b sorry c loyal d grateful
17a signs b sights c buildings d students
18 a ready b smart c wise d unwilling
19 a forget b remember c imagine d think
20 a teachers b schoolyard c classmates d friendship

帮忙做个英语的完形填空,30分..I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroo
1、B 填without,意思是:假如没有拐杖的帮助,我就占不起来了.
5D 6A 7D 8B 9B 10A 11A 12C 13D
14 有an的话只能选A,如果是a,可以选friendly
15A 16D 17B 18A 19A 20D

帮忙做个英语的完形填空,30分..I became lame in both legs in my childhood.I can’t stand __1_ the support of two sticks .Only in my wheelchair can I _2_.I still remember the first day at_3_ .when I appeared at the door ,_4_ in the classroo 30分!帮忙翻译英语短文!事先声明,下文中的完形填空只翻译,不填答案,我是好学生,作业自己做,现在正在做任务,一会还要加分!ps:我还有个提问也是翻译,想要分的同学们请访问我的问题.1.The b 帮忙做一篇英语初中完形填空! 谁的英语好 能否帮忙做一道完形填空 打完秒给好评 帮忙估一下2010年6月英语6级成绩快速阅读对7个,仔细阅读对9个,听力前25题对20个、单词2个、句子2个,完型填空12个,翻译2.5个,作文估9分吧!麻烦估准一些,最好是有以前和我做的差不多的兄弟姐 初二英语阅读完形填空.请大神帮忙做一下.英语烂的就不要进来了.急求啊. 帮忙做一下完形填空.谢谢! 帮忙做一篇初三完形填空 英语的填空题,练习帮忙做下 求 初二下英语期末试卷 2套 急用啊A卷完形30分30个阅读40分20个AⅡ卷补全对话5分5个看图完成句子5分5个B卷根据中文写英文10分完成对话10分10个选词填空10个10分阅读A选择适当的句子填空5个B 做英语完形填空的方法. 求大神帮忙做一道英语完型填空 帮忙一下这个英语完形填空、 英语完形填空帮忙解决下 完形填空英语请大师帮忙 初二英语完形填空 能不能进来帮忙做一道 第一时间给好评 进来吱一声 麻烦大家帮忙做几个英语填空 帮忙做道英语填空题,I’m rather concerned how he will take --- his school.A.on B.up C.off D.to