
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 13:04:05


呵呵呵. 额 哈哈哈 给我 60 元 QB 我给你弄 QQ 762668631 我给你 视屏 看 啊 我现在5年级 我写完了 呵呵呵.

我也要。快 急






1.( get sweep home clean school water kind funny like tall ...


1.( get sweep home clean school water kind funny like tall teacher young )
Hi, I’m Mike. I __________ up at 6:30 and go to __________ at 7:00. At school, I __________ the classroom and __________ the classroom and __________ the flowers. I __________ English class. My English __________ is Miss Li. She is __________ and __________. She is very __________, but she isn’t __________.
2.( have has Mr He’s likes class tall Miss long like very She’s )
I __________ a new English teacher.She is __________ White. __________ very kind and active. We all __________ her class. Because her __________ is so funny. She is __________ and strong. She __________ big eyes and __________ hair. She __________ apples __________ much..
3.( have has watch TV am here are math like on in They’re but favourite She’s English )
Hello!I’m Jack. I __________ 11. My __________ class is science. We __________ science __________ Mondays. I __________ fish and vegetables. __________ healthy. My mother si an __________ teacher. She’s funny. __________ strict to me. I often __________ __________ on Saturdays.
4.(a, picture, small, big, on, curtains, nice, room, an, window, like, near)
Look, this is a __________ of my room. It’s not __________, but it’s __________. There is a __________ bed in the middle of my__________. There is __________ air-conditioner __________ the wall. There are blue __________ and a big __________. I like my room very much.
5.(boy , is , girl , set , make , empty , cook , homework , housework , sweep, water , helpful)
The pretty__________ is my sister, Sarah. We often do __________ at home on the weekends. I am very __________ at home. I can __________ the floor, __________ the bed and __________ the table. Sarah __________ helpful, too. She can __________ the trash, __________ the flowers and __________ the meals.
6. ( Today on beef for favourite don’t like It’s They’re is are sweet )
__________ is Sunday. My mom cooks many food __________ the weekend. We have potatoes, __________, green beans, fish and cabbage __________ lunch. Potatoes are my mom’s __________ food, but I __________ like them. I __________ green beans very much. __________ tasty and healthy. Dad’s favourite food __________ beef. After lunch, we eat some apples. They are __________.
7.(city, are, tall, aren’t, big, lake, houses, air, water, colourful, picture, park, sky)
Look, this is a__________ of my__________. It’s a __________ city. There __________ some rivers. But the __________ is not clean. There are many __________ buildings. There are some small __________, too. On weekends, I often go to the __________. The __________ is fresh. The flowers are __________. I like there very much.
8. (home, teacher, cook, he, she, ten, student, can, empty, table, can’t, helpful, help, wash)
I’m __________ years old. I’m a good __________ at school. I’m also a good child at __________. I can __________ my mother __________ the meals, __________ the clothes and set the __________. My sister is 8 years old. __________ can sweep the floor and __________ the trash. But she __________ cook the meals. My mother says we’re all helpful.
9.( very, an, a, two, have, is, are, bedroom, living, in, on, own, nice, like)
My name is Chen Hong. I’m in Class Two, Grade Five. Now we __________ a new flat. It’s __________ the fourth floor. There __________ three bedrooms, __________ kitchen, a bathroom and a __________ room. I have my __________ room now. It’s small and __________. There are __________ end tables in it . I __________ my room __________ much.
10.( see, happy, fresh, over, is, are, Under, park, sunny, in, clean, lake)
Today is __________ and windy. I go to a nature __________ with my friends. There is a big mountain __________ the nature park. There __________ a long path in the mountain. __________ the mountain, there is a big lake. The water is __________. There are some fish in the __________. There is a river, too. You can __________ a bridge __________ the river. We play on the bridge. We are very __________.
11.( like name’s name Monday four English math science class I watch in )
My __________ is Amy. I go to school from __________ to Friday. Every morning __________ get up at 6:30. I have __________ classes in the morning and two the __________ afternoon. We have __________, math and __________ on Monday moring. I __________ Fridays very much, because I have P. E. __________ and I can __________ TV on that day.
12.( about am play go do He’s She’s football read she watch like teacher )
Hello, I __________ Tim. I __________ Chinese. Mrs. Wang is our Chinese __________. __________ strict and kind. We all like her. I often __________ Chinese books on Sunday moring. Then I __________ shopping. In the afternoon, I play __________ with my friends. In the evening, I __________ my homework and __________ TV. I love Sundays. What __________ you?
Hello! My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, eggplant and tofu. I’m very helpful at home. I can do the dishes, set the table and water the flowers. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. What do you do on weekends?
My home is near a river. There are some mountains behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over it.
I like my home.
( ) 1. What’s Tom’s favourite class?
A. He likes Chinese. B. He likes English.
( ) 2. What’s Tom’s favourite food?
A. Beef, eggplant and tofu. B. Beef, fish and tofu.
( ) 3. Is Tom helpful at home?
A. Yes,he is. B. No, he isn’t.
( ) 4. Where is Tom’s home?
A. Near a lake. B. Near a river.
( ) 5. How many bridges are over the river?
A. There are four. B. There are two.
Today is Sunday. The sun is bright. The students of Grade Five
are having a field trip. Look! The butterflies are flying. The birds are singing. Jack and Kate are drawing pictures near the river.Amy
is reading a book. Peter, John and Tom are picking up leaves in the woods. Chen Jie is flying kites. What about Sarah ? Oh, she is
writing a report. What a good time they are having !
( ) 1. The students are in Grade Four.
( ) 2. They are having a party.
( ) 3. There are some butterflies there.
( ) 4. Jack and Tom are drawing pictures.
( ) 5. They are very happy.
15. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其字母符号填在句子前面的括号里,每小题1.5分,共7分。
It is a nice day. John and Jim go to a nature park. There is a big forest in the park. There is a beautiful lake near the forest and they can see some fish in the lake. There is a bridge over the river in front of the lake. They take some pictures on the bridge. They want to climb the mountains, but they have no time.
( ) 1.Are there any trees in the park?
A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t.
( ) 2.What do they do on the bridge?
A. They go fishing. B. They take some pictures.
( ) 3.Is there a lake near the forest?
A. Yes, there is . B. No, there isn’t.
( ) 4.Are there any fish in the lake?
A. Yes, there are. B. No, there aren’t.
( ) 5.Do John and Jim climb the mountains?
A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t.
16. 阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子是否正确,相符的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每题1.5分,共7.5分)
I have a new flat. There is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. Come and have a look at my bedroom. There is an air conditioner over the desk. There is an end table and a closet near the bed. And there is a picture over the bed. I have a trash bin behind the door. I empty the trash every day. Look! What’s under the desk? There is a chair. I love my bedroom. I clean my bedroom on Sundays.
( )1.There are two end tables in my bedroom.
( )2. There are four rooms in my home.
( )3. The chair is under the desk.
( )4. The door is behind the trash bin.
( )5. I clean my bedroom on weekends。.
Unit 1:
年轻的 滑稽可笑的 高的
强壮的 亲切的 老的
矮的 瘦的 大学生 ________
校长 先生 严格的
聪明的 活跃的 安静的
1. A: ?
B: Mr Zhao is my math teacher?
2. A: ?
B: He’s thin and short. He’s very kind.
3. A: ?
B: She is very strong.
4. A: ?
B: Yes, she is very strict.
5. A: ?
B: Yes, he is tall and strong.
6. A: ?
B: No, she is young.
7. A: ?
B: No, he isn’t thin.


Unit 2:
星期一 星期二 星期三
星期四 星期五 星期六
星期日 看电视______________读书__________________
做作业______________ 怎么样…?_______________ 也,太
1.A: ______________________________________________?
B:It’s Wednesday today.
2. A: ______________________________________________?
B: We have English, math and music on Thursdays.
3. A: ______________________________________________?
B: They have art and math today.
4. A: ______________________________________________?
B : I often do my homework on Saturday.
5. A: ______________________________________________?
B: I often play football on Tuesdays.
6. A: ______________________________________________?
B: Yes, I like Mondays.
7. A: ______________________________________________?
B: No, I don’t have Chinese on Fridays.
8. A: ______________________________________________?
B: No, it isn’t Monday today.
1以My weekend为题写一篇作文,包括以下内容:在星期六、星期天你分别进行了什么样的活动,你的心情怎样?不少于5句话。

2以My day为题写一篇作文,包括以下内容:今天星期几,这天你上什么课,一日三餐吃什么,进行了什么样的活动。不少于5句话。

3以My days of a week为题,写一篇作文,包括以下内容:一个星期的课程和周末的活动,不少于5句话。

Unit 3:
卷心菜 猪肉 羊肉 最喜爱的
茄子 鱼 青豆 水果
豆腐 土豆 西红柿 葡萄
午饭 健康的 可口的 我们
甜的 酸的 新鲜的 咸的
1. A: ______________________________________________?
B: I’d like some tomatoes and mutton for lunch.
2.A: ______________________________________________?
B: We would like some green beans for dinner.
3. A: ______________________________________________?
B: She’d like some milk for breakfase on Friday.
4. A: ______________________________________________?
B: We have computer and music on Monday
5. A: ______________________________________________?
B: We have tofu and fish for lunch on Tuesday.
6. A: ______________________________________________?
B: They have potatoes for dinner on Wednesday.
7. A: ______________________________________________?
B: My favourite food is chicken.
8. A: ______________________________________________?
B: My favourite fruit is grapes.
9. A: ______________________________________________?
B: Yes, I like apples.
10. A: ______________________________________________?
B: Yes, the beef is very tasty.
11. A: ______________________________________________?
B: No, I like pears.
12. A: ______________________________________________?
B: No, I don’t like beef.
1、 你最喜欢哪些食物、水果和饮料以及喜欢的原因及你不喜欢哪些食物、水果和饮料以及不喜欢的原因。

1. 写一封信给ZhangPeng,介绍你的名字,年龄,在哪个学校上学,最喜欢的一天是星期几,那天上什么课,最喜欢的食物是什么,为什么 ,最喜欢的老师是哪一个,他/她长得如何,性格如何。

倒垃圾 做饭 浇花
扫地 打扫卧室 铺床
摆饭桌 收拾衣服 使用电脑
做家务_________ 不能
1. A: ?
B: I can sing a song.
2. A: ?
B: My father can clean the windows.
3. A: ?
B: His mother can draw pictures.
4. A: ?
B: Mr Wang can play chess.
5. A: ?
B: Miss Lin can dance.
6. A: ?
B: No, I can’t dance.
7.A: ______________________________________________?
B:Yes,I can cook the meals.
8. A: ______________________________________________?
B: Yes,he can draw pictures.
9. A: ______________________________________________?(洗衣服)
B: No,she can’t.But she can wash the cars.
B: I often read books in the evening.
B:Yes. She can cook the meals.
B: No.My father can’t do the dishes.
13.A:Do your classmates have own room?

空调 窗帘 垃圾箱
衣柜 镜子 床头柜
卧室 厨房 卫生间
客厅_________ 在…里面 在…上面________
在…下面_________ 在…旁边_________ 在…后边__________
在…上面(悬空)___________ 在…前面__________________
1. A: Where is the shelf?
2. A: Where are the books?
B: ________________________________________.(在书柜里)
3. A: Is there a trash bin in front of the door?
B: ________________________________________.(不是)
4. A: Are there end tables near the bed?
B: ________________________________________.(是的)
5. A:What’s in the room?
6. A: Is your bed near the curtain?
B: _________________________________________.(是的)
7.A:Do you like your room?
8. A: ______________________________________________?
B: The mirror is behind the closet.
9. A: Where is the closet?
10.A:What’s in your flat?
B: ________________________________________________.
It’s small and nice.
1. 描述你的房间,看课本P61图。

2. 描述你的公寓。

河流 花 草 天空
湖泊 森林 路 山脉
公园 照片 房子 云
桥 树 公路 干净的
建筑物 村庄 城市
1. A: ?
B: Yes ,there is a lake in the farm.
2. A: ?
B: Yes, there are some ducks in the river.
3. A: ?
B: No,there isn’t a river in the park.
4. A: ?
B: No, there aren’t any tall buildings in the village.
5. A: ?
B: No, there is a forest in the park.
6. A: ?
B: No, there are some houses in my village.
7. A: ?
B: Yes, it is a picture of the nature park.
8. A: ?
B: Yes, I like the nature park.
9. A: ?
B: The sky is blue.
10. A: ?
B: The