1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people _____ that more streets and roads should be build.2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud3.There is ___ ____ (不必)for him to come.4.Take a No.26 bus,and then ____

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 17:01:47

1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people _____ that more streets and roads should be build.2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud3.There is ___ ____ (不必)for him to come.4.Take a No.26 bus,and then ____
1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people _____ that more streets and roads should be build.
2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud
3.There is ___ ____ (不必)for him to come.
4.Take a No.26 bus,and then ____ _____ (下车)at the New Park.
5.She gives half of her ___ ____ (薪水)to her parents.
6.同义句转换 He got a tutor to help him.He ____ ____ ____ to help him.

1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people _____ that more streets and roads should be build.2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud3.There is ___ ____ (不必)for him to come.4.Take a No.26 bus,and then ____
1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people ___suggest__ that more streets and roads should be build.
2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud
D loud
3.There is _no__ need____ (不必)for him to come.
4.Take a No.26 bus,and then __get__ _off____ (下车)at the New Park.
5.She gives half of her salary (薪水)to her parents.
6.同义句转换 He got a tutor to help him.He had a tutor to help him.

3、no necessary
4、get off
6、had a tutor

suggested , D, no need,get off ,

3,not need
4,go off
6,have a tutor

汉译英 有人建议修建更多的道路 1.有人建议修建更多的道路.Some people _____ that more streets and roads should be build.2.My grandpa always speaks in a ___ coice.A aloud B alone C loudly D loud3.There is ___ ____ (不必)for him to come.4.Take a No.26 bus,and then ____ 一篇英语作文.按照提示写出不少于90词的作文1.修建更多道路优点:加速车流(flow of traffic)缺点:占地过多2.开通(open up)更多公共汽车线路(route)优点:减少自行车和小汽车缺点:对部 ..为筹办一个大型运动会,某市政府打算修建一个大型体育中心.在选址过程中,有人建议该体育中心所在位置应当与该城市的三个城镇中心(如图中P,Q,R表示)的距离相等.(1).根据上述建议,试在图( 某小区要修建一块矩形绿地设矩形长为x米宽为y米,且x大于y如果用18米的建筑材料来修建绿地边框即周长求y与x的函数关系式,并求x的取值范围.有人建议把矩形绿地面积改为21平方米,此人建议 道路上的标牌P是什么意思? 在修建高速公路时,有时要将弯曲的道路改直,依据是 在长方形草地内修建了宽为1m的道路,则草地面积为 如图,某市准备在道路EF的一侧修建一条运动比赛道 丘陵,山区的道路一般延什么修建?A.山脊.B山坡.C山谷.D.等高线 描写自己想象的未来车的英语作文以下是题目给的信息(初中作文)近年来,各大城市的车辆越来越多.交通拥堵问题和节能环保是人们关心的话题.一方面,政府加大投入修建更多的道路,一方 ————————————————————————————————-—对于英法联军毁灭圆明园,曾经有人提出要重新修建圆明园的建议,但也有历史学家提出反对.要不要修建圆明园呢? 有的城市正在建造地下铁道,你对地铁修建者有怎样的建议? 我们的城市将有更多更宽阔的道路[汉译英] 要在100m、宽90m的长方形绿地上修建宽度相同的道路,6块绿地的面积共8448平方米,求道路的宽? 要在100米,宽90米的长方形绿地上修建宽度相同的道路,6块绿地的面积共8448平方米,求道路的宽. 如图,某小区规划在边长为x的正方形地上,修建两条宽为2米的道路,其余部分种草,求道路所占的面积 今有一块正方形土地,要在其中修建两条笔直的道路,是道路把这片土的分成形状相同且