英语翻译we believe in a new india where energy is a driving force.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 02:33:11

英语翻译we believe in a new india where energy is a driving force.
we believe in a new india where energy is a driving force.

英语翻译we believe in a new india where energy is a driving force.



kao ,


我们信仰的新印度 ------ 一个精神就是动力的国度!




We can't ___anyone .we must ___ourselves.A.believe ,believeB.believe in,believe inC.believe,believe in 英语翻译we believe in a new india where energy is a driving force. we believe in nothing... we all .what he said this time ,but we don't .him at all.A believe;believe B believe;believe inC believe in;believe D believe in;believe in 英语翻译Believe in your dreams.Believe that you are loved.Believe that you make a difference.Believe we can build a better world.Believe there's light at the end of the tunnel.Believe that you may be that light for someone else.Believe that the b 英语翻译:we have four things here at TKCP we really believe in.Dabek explained. 英语翻译The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just. - We not only respect our teachers,but also _____ them.- l don't ______ what you said.A.believe in;believe inB.believe;believeC.believe in;believeD.believe;believe in 英语翻译i believe in you ,i believe in your mind We only sell what we believe in and believe in what we CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN怎么样 change we believe in 是什吗意思 Cynicism We Can Believe In 汉语翻译 We really is in name of loves?Idon't believe that,but we are like in a play什么意思 英语翻译We are false to ourselves by conforming to institutions we really do not believe in.“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” says Emerson.He is not defending reckless,unprincipled,irrational action but a conscience ar 英语翻译This issue of Policy & Politics features a series of articles addressing recent developments in intergovernmental relationships in the advanced Western democracies.There is today,we believe,sufficient uniformity in these developments acro We believe Liu Xiang will be a great s____ in the future. 单句改错:We all believe that honesty is important in a friend.