
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:09:09



是setting charge吧?安顿的费用

settling settling settling什么意思? score-settling 是什么意思? The Balance Star Settling Down In Sorrento. 安家费(settling-in allowance)是什么费啊? this question is far from settling这句话有错吗? returning-on-sale export settling for re-bond settling for less Our journey has never been one of short-cuts or settling for less.这是奥巴马就职演讲稿中的一句话.怎么翻译最恰当?不能理解有些人将settling for less翻译为退而求其次. You'll see many problems ( )in this way.A settled B settling C to be settled D to be settlingYou'll see many problems ( )in this way.A settled B settling C to be settled D to be settling settling the bed什么意思其中bed是流化床的意思,所以这句是什么意思?原句如下:Elution, cleaning, and sanitization are usuallyperformed after settling the bed. 英语翻译The way they were talking __the problem seemed impossible.A.about settling B.of settling settle D.about to settle求翻译和详解 英语翻译问题:Settling back on the bed as it fast forwarded to the song, 英语翻译:Settling back on the bed as it fast forwarded to the song, 英语翻译What am I settling for?Who do I give my power away to? with a lot of problems__ A.settled B.settling settle D .being settled There is a lot of history connected to people settling in Australia?哪里错了? With the technical problem______immediately,we have to send for Mr.Li,an expert in this field.A.settled B.settling be settling settle为什么不选A