如题~我只有那么多分了...好重要的吖~1.what is the _ (significant) of this speech?2.several industries are _ (development) in this area.3.this is the only solusion_ (imagine).4.the children_ (competition) against each other to reach the

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:03:24

如题~我只有那么多分了...好重要的吖~1.what is the _ (significant) of this speech?2.several industries are _ (development) in this area.3.this is the only solusion_ (imagine).4.the children_ (competition) against each other to reach the
1.what is the _ (significant) of this speech?
2.several industries are _ (development) in this area.
3.this is the only solusion_ (imagine).
4.the children_ (competition) against each other to reach the order end of the pool.
5.on closer_(inspection),it was found to be false.
6.we can _(ensure) that the work shall be done in the right way.
7.the _(time) of these actions depend on the types of positions to_(fill).
8.they wiil probably_(acquire) special training and_(manage) skills.
9.on the whole,it _(go) too far to say that most boards of directors act simply as bubber stamps to approve the decisions already _(take) by the officers of the company
10.usually ,the president_(assist) by four executive departments.
11.he _(conceal) the news from his mother,in fact ,he stayed in _(conceal) unitil danger has passed.
12.the information is not possible to _(obtain) before _(arrive) at the negotiation table.

如题~我只有那么多分了...好重要的吖~1.what is the _ (significant) of this speech?2.several industries are _ (development) in this area.3.this is the only solusion_ (imagine).4.the children_ (competition) against each other to reach the
1 significance
2 developing
3 imagination
4 compete
6 ensure
7 times be filled
8 原型
9 goes taken
10 assisted
11 concealed conceal
12 obtain arriving 不敢保证都对

如题~我只有那么多分了...好重要的吖~1.what is the _ (significant) of this speech?2.several industries are _ (development) in this area.3.this is the only solusion_ (imagine).4.the children_ (competition) against each other to reach the 不锈钢的含锰量和含镍量这代表什么含义我现在分不够,就只有那么多了. 过程比结果重要还是结果比过程重要我是过程比结果重要,好的我把所有分都给了给点问题和想法 我想知道,真玉里面有气泡吗?看了大家的答案我好迷糊,我的手镯里面只有一个小小的气泡,没有那么多. 2011年7月到12月的政治时事如果详细的话我还会再追加30分,分不多 但是我只有那么多了,尽快 关于有机化学基础的重要反应谁能帮我总结一下有机化学这一块中重要的反映方程以及某些重要的反应,例如特殊颜色,气味,什么的只有30分了,敬送我不要网站上的,越实用越好 有关世博地理知识! 快快!我只有几小时的时间,好的追加分拜托了~~~ 我表白了`她的意思是啥吖!我向她表白,说了之后,她回到“我现在好累,没想那么多,也不想想那么多,想那么多真的好累”我说“这是答案吗?”她接着说“你可以当着是.也可以当着不是!如果真 为什么纯水的处理的设备流程那么多啊?如题;怎么那么多的流程?都分别是那些流程? 托福100分难还是雅思6.5难?我雅思口语稍稍好点,弱项是写作和听力.托福和雅思都考过的才进来,如题,英语比较烂.我之前考过雅思学术,口语part2几乎没话说也拿了5.写作只有5分,词汇量估计只有 chicken的用法是什么啊,老师作业上的题我没那么多悬赏分了…… 有二价铜离子的化合物都是蓝色吗?有二价铜离子的溶液都显蓝色吗?初中学到的重要的有颜色的物质能不能列出来一下?我只有5分了``抱歉吖` 求40个动词词组及其过去式如题.拜谢.如果一口气写不出那么多的话,请多少写一点也好~我会给悬赏分的..已经倾家荡产了.. 英语翻译祝福,我能给你的只有那么多. 用200字简要介绍小猫的体态,动作特征,生活习性和生活环境 急啊!明天要交!快!我只有那么多分了,答对了有空帮你加 春雨作文,给我几个好一点的开头和结尾,今天就要!好的话就给50分!(对不起我总共只有55分了) 跪求观《庆建国60周年》作文我只有一天时间,逾期不收,我没钱所以不给那么多分了. 如题.月球是否有地带性现象?请回答具体,有分析,只有是否不给分如果是从知道上拉下来的就免了,我也看过了.还不够好.好答案我追加100也就是有200