有谁知道一首英文诗 是墓志铭 写给他妻子的诗的内容是:我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前叹息;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前哭泣;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前吟诵哀伤的诗;我不在这

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 04:38:56

有谁知道一首英文诗 是墓志铭 写给他妻子的诗的内容是:我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前叹息;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前哭泣;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前吟诵哀伤的诗;我不在这
有谁知道一首英文诗 是墓志铭 写给他妻子的

有谁知道一首英文诗 是墓志铭 写给他妻子的诗的内容是:我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前叹息;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前哭泣;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前吟诵哀伤的诗;我不在这
I'm Not Here.
Don't stand by grave and weep,
For I'm not here,I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow;
I am the diamond's glint on the snow;
I am sunlight on ripened grain;
I am the gentle autumn's rain,
I am the stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry.
I am not there,I did not die
“Do Not Stand at my Grave and Weep”
I'm not here.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there,I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the mornings hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there,I did not die.
Author unknown

“Do Not Stand at my Grave and Weep”
I'm not here.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints o...


“Do Not Stand at my Grave and Weep”
I'm not here.
Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the mornings hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight,
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.
~~Author unknown


Mary Frye, who was living in Baltimore at the time, wrote the poem in 1932. She had never written any poetry, but the plight of a young German Jewish woman, Margaret Schwarzkopf, who was staying with ...


Mary Frye, who was living in Baltimore at the time, wrote the poem in 1932. She had never written any poetry, but the plight of a young German Jewish woman, Margaret Schwarzkopf, who was staying with her and her husband, inspired the poem. Margaret Schwarzkopf had been concerned about her mother, who was ill in Germany, but she had been warned not to return home because of increasinganti-Semitic unrest. When her mother died, the heartbroken young woman told Frye that she never had the chance to “stand by my mother’s grave and shed a tear”. Frye found herself composing a piece of verse on a brown paper shopping bag. Later she said that the words “just came to her” and expressed what she felt about life and death.[1]
Mary Frye circulated the poem privately, never publishing or copyrighting it. She wrote other poems, but this, her first, endured. Her obituary in The Times made it clear that she was the author of the famous poem, which has been recited at funerals and on other appropriate occasions around the world for 60 years.[3]
The poem was introduced to many in Britain when it was read by the father of a soldier killed by a bomb in Northern Ireland. The soldier's father read the poem on BBC radio in 1995 in remembrance of his son, who had left the poem among his personal effects in an envelope addressed 'To all my loved ones'. The authorship of the poem was established a few years later after an investigation by journalist Abigail Van Buren.
It has become a very popular poem and a common reading for funerals.


有谁知道一首英文诗 是墓志铭 写给他妻子的诗的内容是:我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前叹息;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前哭泣;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前吟诵哀伤的诗;我不在这 求英文原版 英文诗 墓志铭 写给他妻子的 急诗的内容是:我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前叹息;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前哭泣;我不在这里,请不要在我的墓前吟诵哀伤的诗;我不在这里 一首英文歌曲,歌词大意是,他妻子得了绝症对他妻子不离不弃,为他妻子写的歌曲 雪莱的墓志铭的英文“他并没有消失什么,不过感受了一次海水的变幻,他成了富丽珍奇的瑰宝.”雪莱的墓志铭取自莎士比亚的暴风雨,有谁知道这句话的英文是什么? 写给自己的墓志铭 写给自己的墓志铭 写给自己的墓志铭 写给自己的墓志铭 写给自己的墓志铭 世界上最感人的英语歌曲听说有首英文歌,是一个人写给他妻子的葬礼的,还有许多美国人听了这首歌自杀了?不知有没有?有又叫什么名字呢? 写给老王的墓志铭 有谁知道有一个事迹:一男的和他爱人生活在山上,为了让妻子出行方便,他就为妻子铺了一条路,从山顶到山 【夜雨寄北】是写给谁的是写给妻子,还是写给朋友的 犯罪片,讲一个人把他的妻子杀了,但是找不到证据,因为杀人的枪是警察的,谁知道电影名?那个警察和杀人犯的妻子有外遇 怎样写给信客的墓志铭 写给狼牙山五壮士的墓志铭30字 当我站在列夫*托尔斯泰的墓前,我会写给他怎样一段墓志铭?100字左右 过几天我们三个人要朗诵北岛的《回答》一诗,谁知道配什么背景音乐好,要符合气氛的,得有感觉才行!北岛:《回答》 卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证,高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,看吧,在那镀金的天空中,