有关Hamlet的一片小论文Act III(To be,or not to be —that is the question那部分吧)想要简要介绍一下之后再小发点读后感 我想参考一下

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有关Hamlet的一片小论文Act III(To be,or not to be —that is the question那部分吧)想要简要介绍一下之后再小发点读后感 我想参考一下
Act III(To be,or not to be —that is the question那部分吧)
想要简要介绍一下之后再小发点读后感 我想参考一下

有关Hamlet的一片小论文Act III(To be,or not to be —that is the question那部分吧)想要简要介绍一下之后再小发点读后感 我想参考一下
The play Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare, the greatest drama as well as the greatest poet in the world literature in The English Renaissance. Hamlet is a publication of the Pennsylvania State University and Jim Manic, the faculty editor. Hamlet, the most famous masterpiece of Shakespeare, one of the four tragedies among his lifetime works. The play is written in old English. Whole story can be divided into five acts, and each act contains several scenes in which the author introduces the main character and background information including some asides. The theme of the book is the record of the process that Hamlet, prince of Denmark, plans to average his father’s murder.
The gist of the story is as follow. The story is set on the eve of Elsionre. Denmark court in the Middle Ages. Hamlet, the prince of the Denmark, is the leading role. The king of Denmark dies, his brother Claudius becomes the new king. Claudius marries Gertrude, queen of Denmark, Hamlet’s mother within two months. Having known his father is murdered, Hamlet is determined to revenge for his father’s deaths.
At the beginning of the play, the ghost of the dead king appears to two officers at a plantform before the castle. The tell the appearance of the ghost to Horatio, Hamlet’s loyal, best friend. At this moment, Hamlet is extremely upset about his mother’s over-hasty remarriage with Claudius, his uncle within that short time. Hamlet has fall in love with a pure, pretty beautiful girl, Ophelia. Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius, the lord chamberlain of the new king. Ophelia tells Laertes her brother and polonus that of late Hamlet has expressed his affection to her. They give advice and attempt to convince Ophelia to stop seeing and give up Hamlet. Having been told the existence of the ghost, Hamlet goes to the ghost on his own. The ghost informs Hamlet of the course of his father’s killing, and does wish that Hamlet must figure out a way to average his father’s death by Claudius.
In the following, Hamlet begins his proposed for revenge. He pretends to be crazy and full of madness. Ophelia tells Hamlet’s piteous look to her father. Polonius goes to the court, and intended to have the king know Hamlet’s state. Queen Gerttrude believes that her son is mad for his father’s death and her over-hasty marriage. Polonius presents the paper from Hamlet to Ophelia to Claudius and Gertrude. They wonder it and decide to examine whether Hamlet is really crazy. Polonius is scheduled to send Rosencrantz and Guildensten, Hamlet’s classfellows for killing Hamlet. Now, there come several good players. Hamlet comes up with an idea to
have these players play something like the murder of his father before Claudius. He hopes to catch the conscience of the king through observing Claudius’s looks.
Hamlet’s speech is interrupted when he sees Ophelia. He attacks Ophelia and claims that he does not love her any more. Polonius assumes that the origin of Hamlet’s grief springs from neglected love for Ophelia. While Claudius thinks Hamlet’s affections do not that way tend and doubts his strange behavior will be some danger. Hamlet meets the players to direct a play, and invites Claudius and Gertrude to do