
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 18:17:11


Niu - a father's notes,"a secretary of state has only 562 days of a little girl of life - Niuniu.Because the mother was 5 months pregnant who received a large number of X-ray irradiation,less than a month niu birth was diagnosed with terminal illness.When parents finally determined,to give Niuniu for surgery,it was too late.Niu any treatment can not save the life of the.However,parents niu has not been abandoned by her own flesh and blood or negative a little bit of waiting to die,they are the same as raising healthy children and attentive care of her until she stopped breathing at that moment.
Zhou Guoping of a philosopher,and in this book,he used a very fine brushwork,he recorded live with the daughter Niuniu 562 days and nights together.In the middle of diary-like records,but also the resulting interspersed with his insights on life,the philosopher his demeanor revealed faint.



Girl -- a father's reading notes "book described a only hold 562 days of life - niuniu little girl. Because mother during pregnancy five months when accepting a lot of X-ray irradiation, girl born in less than a month is diagnosed with terminal illness. When parents finally determination, will give to niuniu operation, have already too late. Any treatment are irretrievable niuniu lives. However, the girl's parents did not forsake her, or negative waiting for my relative little die, they like raising healthy children as caress attentively her until she stopped breathing at the moment.
The author zhou guoping is a philosopher, and in this book, but he with extremely delicate brushwork, with his daughter, record the common life of 562 niuniu a day and night. In the middle, diary records still with a he so that the towards life feeling, faint revealed he philosopher demeanor.
The book, the author put him to niuniu feelings show incisively and vividly. Micro like word, a phrase, from big section, an essay, until the whole book, nowhere not filled with him to niuniu love. Niuniu at birth, her eyes was not found long have tumor. The author first saw her, they describe "her eyes zheng, slender eyeliner micro is very beautiful, eyes constantly to turn right or left. She clearly is watching! However, the eye is transcendent, nor hardcore." Subsequently, girl was taken back home, she's a movement, a series of laughter, or a sound YiYaXueYu punch-drunk, can cause the author series of surprise, write down a long feeling. This book, it is undoubtedly a father can give a daughter of the best cult.
Meantime thrust deep into a series of life feeling, some seemingly with niuniu no relation, talks about ordinary bloke, with pay remuneration, eternal, mysterious and so on, but if you set your mind to read his word will find these life growing fantastically, each section and niuniu has more or less contact, each section is caused by niuniu, by which to niuniu enlightenment. For example in the reading notes in the fate of the second perception of an article, is the author by its daughter miserable fate sparked the fate of exclamation. He felt that he and niuniu eventually will meet again, and to this world "niuniu line", perhaps in a hurry only to recognize a "confess dad, for that eternal together for a rainy day". Can say, is to niuniu brief life brings him for life into a deeper understanding.
Niuniu life is short, short to she still too late to this world produces the feeling of self-complacent, he had already left. She didn't even know her pain is caused by tumor. But it left for parents, it is undoubtedly fatal, lose baby pain, not everyone can afford. However, zhou guoping (author) not only bear down, but also with his pen, recorded the niuniu brief life, let the girl's life has been eternity.
This book, even the author itself admitting, is a cannot classify books. It isn't a novel, no imaginary plots; It isn't report literature, the protagonist is just a merely living at a year and a half of the baby, and no worth report the ones that really mattered. It is not a more philosophical book because, blended in the author too much affection. Let's put it as a record in section a special course authors life diary of a period have a lovely daughter accompanied the ching's journey of the mind. Hope to have read the book from which people can realize, can the health to live happy, is a how happiness and rare. In order to niuniu, please cherish our current life.
Because, you live, is joy.


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