帮忙翻译下 土木工程的英文Building MaterialsMaterials for building must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful, they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently, when a load is applied to

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 00:32:00

帮忙翻译下 土木工程的英文Building MaterialsMaterials for building must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful, they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently, when a load is applied to
帮忙翻译下 土木工程的英文
Building Materials
Materials for building must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful, they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently, when a load is applied to a structure member, it will deform; that is, a wire will stretch or a beam will bend, however, when the load is removed, the wire and the beam come back to the original positions. This material property is called elasticity, If a material, were not elastic and deformation were present in the structure after removal of the load, repeated loading and unloading, eventually would become useless. All materials used in architectural structures, such as stone and brick wood steel aluminum reinforced concrete and plastics behave elastically within a certain defined range of loading, if the loading is increased above the range, the types of behavior can occur, brittle and plastic in the former, the material will break suddenly. In the latter the material begins to flow at a certain load (yield strength), ultimately leading to fracture, as examples, steel exhibits plastic behavior and stone is brittle. The ultimate strength of a material is measured by the stress at the stress at whish at which failure (fracture) occurs.
A second important property of a building material is its stiffness. This property is defined by the elastic modulus, which is the stress (force per unit area) to the strain (deformation per unit length). the elastic modules, therefore, is a measure of the resistance of a material to deformation under load. For two materials of equal area under the same load, the one with the higher elastic modulus has the smaller deformation. Structural steel, which has an elastic modulus of 30million pounds per square inch. or 2100 000kilogrems per square centimeter, is 3times as stiff as aluminum, 10times as stiff as concrete, and 150times as stiff as wood.

帮忙翻译下 土木工程的英文Building MaterialsMaterials for building must have certain physical properties to be structurally useful, they must be able to carry a load, or weight, without changing shape permanently, when a load is applied to




