写了一篇托福作文,希望能得到一些意见和建议,文章主要都是自己发挥,不太想用模板,觉得这样会有些枯燥,而且对长期的写作帮助不大.所以写得比较随意,可能问题会比较多,虚心赐教,People tod

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/18 15:48:37

写了一篇托福作文,希望能得到一些意见和建议,文章主要都是自己发挥,不太想用模板,觉得这样会有些枯燥,而且对长期的写作帮助不大.所以写得比较随意,可能问题会比较多,虚心赐教,People tod
People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment- doing things they like to do- rather than doing things they should do.
I do not agree with the statement.
In this days and ages,the society has thrown before us a number of options for enjoyment and activities.You can go to cinema for a wonderful Star Wars night,hang out with girl friend in a beautiful beach,or just sleep until noon.In a word,people seem to have the freedom to speed their time on personal enjoyment and doing things they like,however,is the thing really fabulous as it seems to be?
Unfortunately,we are rarely seeing people to throw everything they need to do behind,and spend plenty time on enjoyment.Instead,individuals are always busy on what they should to do rather than what they like to do.Asked why people behave this way,the response in society has a boilerplate answer:the greatest factor comes from an ocean of responsibilities of the highly competitive society.Literally speaking,individuals act various roles in their life,ranging from parents of a family to a manager of a company.There are endless affairs waiting them to handle,manifestly,the work and family leave very limited time for them to enjoy their life.They may prefer to enjoy their life,yet,the diverse responsibilities would not allow them to spend plenty of time on it,instead,impelling them allocate much more time on what they should to do.
Furthermore,not only does adults was pushed to spend primary concentration on their obligations,but also children cannot be the exception.For example,nowadays,a large portion of primary students has attended various classes,such as piano,foreigner language and so on and so forth.They hardly have time to spend with their friends because their parents’ restrictions.When they grow up,it is reasonable to imagine that they will be costumed to control their desires,acting as their parents.
In conclusion,it is really difficult to judge whether people should pay their mainly attention to their job and families,which generally is considered as the things should do.Given the dilemma to people,why not we just try to transform “should” to “like”.It will definitely be the optimum choice.Hence,enjoying our time with family and being enthusiastic to the job might be the best conclusion for this discussion.

写了一篇托福作文,希望能得到一些意见和建议,文章主要都是自己发挥,不太想用模板,觉得这样会有些枯燥,而且对长期的写作帮助不大.所以写得比较随意,可能问题会比较多,虚心赐教,People tod
People today spend too much time on personal enjoyment- doing things they like to do- rather than doing things they should do.
I do not agree with the statement.(开门见山很好,但你写的太突兀,之前应该写一些背景铺垫之类的东西)
In this days and ages,(用this?看看单复数)the society has thrown before us a number of options for enjoyment(一个是快乐,一个是具体的活动,平行不好,改成entertainment吧) and activities.You can go to(少个冠词)cinema for a wonderful Star Wars night,hang out with girl friend in a beautiful beach,or just sleep until noon.In a word,people seem to have the freedom to speed their time on personal enjoyment and doing things they like,however,is the thing really fabulous as it seems to be?
Unfortunately,we are rarely seeing people to throw everything they need to do behind,and spend plenty time on enjoyment.Instead,individuals are always busy on what they should to do rather than what they like to do.Asked why people behave this way,the response(前面用了asked,后面主语是society,很明显社会不能问问题,所以错) in society has a boilerplate answer:the greatest factor comes from an ocean of responsibilities of (改成innate to吧,不是社会的责任,是社会内部产生的责任)the highly competitive society.Literally speaking,individuals act(用play就行了) various roles in their life,(这个ranging指向的是individuals,不是你想说的roles,改成individuals in their life play various roles(注意没有逗号) ranging fromg...)ranging from parents of a family to a manager of a company.There are endless affairs waiting them to handle,(少连词)manifestly,the work and family leave very limited time for them to enjoy their life.They may prefer to enjoy their life,yet,the diverse responsibilities would not allow them to spend plenty of time on it(你往前看看it指代哪个名词?
),instead,(not.but...更好)impelling them allocate much more time on what they should to do.
Furthermore,not only does(does,was怎么会出现连续的两个动词呢?) adults was pushed to spend primary concentration on their obligations,but also children cannot be the exception.For example,nowadays,a large portion of primary students has attended various classes,such as piano,foreign language and so on and so forth(不用写and ,直接so on so forth).They hardly have time to spend with their friends because their parents’ restrictions.When they grow up,it is reasonable to imagine that they will be costumed to control their desires,acting as their parents.(acting,这个动作无法指到学生,只能追溯到it,而it 是从句先行词,实际上指后面那句话,所以就变成了他们.这句话acting as .(另,as 作“像”的意思是必须跟句子,所以as不对,应该用like))
In conclusion,it is really difficult to judge whether people should pay their mainly (副词修饰名词错,用main)attention to their job(s) and families,which generally is(are) considered as the things should (be done)do.Given the dilemma to people,(前置词given,后面主语是why.后面主语用we)why not we just try to transform “should” to “like”.It (任何代词不能指代一句话,你看看这个it指代前面哪个名词?)will definitely be the optimum choice.Hence,enjoying our time with family and being enthusiastic to the job might be the best conclusion for this discussion.

写了一篇托福作文,希望能得到一些意见和建议,文章主要都是自己发挥,不太想用模板,觉得这样会有些枯燥,而且对长期的写作帮助不大.所以写得比较随意,可能问题会比较多,虚心赐教,People tod 怎么样才能把作文水平提上去?我今年初二了 作文写得不是太好 希望大家能给我一些意见 能请各位大神看看我的这篇作文,然后给点意见和帮我起个题目.因为作文字数超了 所以截图了,希望大家可以看看这篇作文,并给我一些评语! 托福作文(第一次问,第一次写托福作文不大清楚具体的要求而且个人水平很低,今天决定写篇作文,题目是你认为可以通过宣传电影来宣传自己的国家吗?希望能得到点评!附上一篇口语内容 题 希望这篇作文能得到大家的点评,修改意见 这是我同学写的...好吧,是我写的 小女子在准备考托福,希望能帮我发送TPO模考题一些,和老托福的partC听力.我错矣~太匆忙了。 怎样发现自己的缺点?希望得到一些具体意见. 我的英语和语文很差.我想每一到两个星期写一篇英语作文或是语文作文,希望有人能够提出意见,如果愿意请留言. 开学我就要升初三了,可物理和英语有时考的考不及格,希望大家能给我一些意见和方法? 提供一个可以互改托福作文的网站吧~有什么地方能使自己试写的托福作文得到好的建议和修改,或者是大家能一起相互修改讨论的地方也可以~作文练习总是自己写了也不知道多大程度上符合 歌唱祖国作文题要谢一篇歌唱祖国的作文,要求800字左右,我给的分不算少,所以不希望复制,希望能动脑写.这一年我都歌唱两回祖国了,实在是没词了,歌颂祖国题目叫什么好,给点意见。题记是 有什么简约派的风景画?希望是一些风景的,不是一朵花只类的!如果能附上你的见解和意见那就求之不得了! 我要写一篇关于我和我的哥哥的作文.这个哥哥人很好、和懂事、喜欢打篮球也很喜欢看课外书、希望能写一些关于我和他之间的故事.(我是他妹妹). 托福第一篇作文怎么写 一篇高三英语作文求修改是说现在有很多学生补课.有赞同和反对的两种意见,分别写出至少两个理由,还有自己的观点.只是一篇作文,希望能帮我支出搭配错误,单词用法和句型等.谢谢了!省略 题目是Enjoy TV and study well的英语作文怎样写?初中水平的作文,希望能得到一篇完整的来参考. 议论文的事例能写自己吗如题、希望老师和学者多给意见! 求征文大纲意见我要写一篇以“做个好公民”为主题的征文,因为感觉太宽泛,不知道如何下手,希望大家能提点意见,