It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk.如题

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It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk.如题
It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk.

It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk.如题
Don't cry on the spilt milk = It's no use crying over spilk milk (不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣) 文章来源:《错误与人生》 [美]罗伯特·迈耶 在纽约市的一所中学任教的保罗博士曾给他的学生上过一堂难忘的课.这个班级的多数学生常常为过去的成绩感到不安.他们总是在交完考试卷后充满忧虑,担心自己不能及格,以至影响了下一阶段的学习.一天,保罗博士在实验室讲课,他先把一瓶牛奶放在桌子上,沉默不语.学生们不明白这瓶牛奶和所学课程有什么关系,只是静静地坐着,望着保罗博士.保罗博士忽然站了起来,一巴掌把那瓶牛奶打翻在水槽之中,同时大声喊了一句:“不要为打翻的牛奶哭泣!”然后他叫所有的学生围拢到水槽前仔细看那破碎的瓶子和淌着的牛奶.博士一字一句地说:“你们仔细看一看,我希望你们永远记住这个道理.牛奶已经淌光了,不论你怎样后悔和抱怨,都没有办法取回一滴.你们要是事先想一想,加以预防,那瓶奶还可以保住,可是现在晚了,我们现在所能做到的,就是把它忘记,然后注意下一件事.”保罗博士的表演,使学生学到了课本上从未有过的知识.许多年后,这些学生仍对这一课留有极为深刻的印象.

It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk.如题 The next day we went ____(观光 ).we went to the Summer Palace.It's u___ to cry for the spoiled milk. It's u___ to wait for him.He's gone to Shanghai on business peter's m____ doesn't like to g___into this room because it's always u___ It's My Turn To Cry It's my turn to cry. If be happy is impossble for you.Please cry!It's the best way to end the sad mood.翻译 U___ it rains,well go out for a walk you must take your___ with you,because it's going to rain soonyou must take your u___ with you,because it's going to rain soon I think it u___ to complain others.说明原因 It's also a rallying cry for athletes to come to the UK ,to perform at their very best and toinspire the world.(关于伦敦奥运会的, It's all right to show we're sad.It's all right to cry翻译 1don't forget to take an u___ because it's going to rain2it;s very lunck for you to get Jackie Chan's a___-3He h___ out with his friends yesterday morning4do you know the w____ of the match5he weat to the Great Wall and boufht a s____6Many foreign v_ 1.I think it a great honor ( ) to visit your invite B.inviting C.having invited be invited2.It's no use ( ) over spilt milk.A.cry B.crying C.that you cry D.for you to cry It's useless to cry for spilt milk这句英语的汉语翻译是什么?为什么“spilt milk” 的含义与原来的意思完全不一样? Jim is good at many things.So he is very t_____.It is not cold in winter so it's u___ to see snowJim is good at many things.So he is very t_____.It is not cold in winter so it's u___ to see snow here.She's very c___;she writes and paints.The ice is t It is better to cry once than to sigh for ever! It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry 分析语法.