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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 09:40:34 体裁作文

篇一:反对种族歧视 Say No to The Racism

Say No to The Racism

The Information from The Test

From the test “Invisible Man” , we learned that in the white-dominated society, the American black are under complete control of the white men. They were forced to fight with each other to entertain the white men. What was worse, after the fighting they were put to the eletric rug. We can learn how inhuman the white men were from what they had done to the black people. It is so unfair and unequal that the black had to suffer from the insults and humiliation. The article showed us narrator’s desperate struggle to be seen as a human being in the society.

The History of Racism

The racism has exited for such a long time in the American history. Actually, the root of racism could be traced back to the time when Columbus discovered the New Continent. The people who lived there attracted the greedy businessman very much. So thousands of millions of blacks were caught and transported to the America to do the labor. From that time, the black people had been forced to leave their homeland and lived in America, suffered a living of dirty, thirsty, hunger and disease. Many black people died because they lived in the awful living condition but had nobody take care of them. After they died or nearly got die, they were just thrown into the sea. The white people took it for granted that the black people should work for them all day and night and they had to do all kinds of labors. So they had no liberty and political rights, not mention to the right to accept education. That was one reason for they were discriminated was that they didn’t have knowledge. We can see that from the start of the history of America, black people were put to a much more lower status than any other races. There was a long way for them to reach their freedom and equality.

The Current Situation of Racism

When there is oppression there is a revolution. It could be foreseen that the black would begin to fight back one day after being oppressed for such a long time. More than 600,000 men lost their lives in the Civil War in 1860. We all know the cause of the war was slavery. Then finally the history of the slavery in America was ended by the Civil War. A series of laws were justified to abolish the racial segregation and discrimination after the war. Though the black could enjoy the right to get access to the school, hospital and transportation, they still were deprived of the right to enjoy the same conditions as the white people. It’s hard for them to find a job or they could get a good pay even if they had get one. They still lived in the poverty.

Racism Will Die out in the Future

From the developing of the American history, I think the racism will throughly die out in the nearly future. The American have changed their concept. They began to accept the interracial marrige. Many players in the NBA are black

people. They voted Condoleezza Rice to be their Assistant Secretary. And now they chose Obama to be their president. Many people realized it’s not the black people’s fault. It’s ridiculous to discriminate them just because their skin is black. What is more, black people make great contribution to the American socity and the role they play is becoming essential. In conclusion, I believe racism will die out one day.












种族歧视是指否定某些种族对宝贵的社会资源的平等使用权。在美国, 尽管所有的少数民族仍然是受歧视的目标, 但黑人在所有的种族中往往更易于受到歧视, 遭受歧视已成为他们日常生活中的一部分。由于奴隶制、种族主义和种族歧视的长期影响, 美国黑人作为一个整体, 和白人相比, 在很多领域处于明显的劣势。

美国黑人为争取平等民权的斗争从未停止过。19 世纪六、七十年代在美国内战和《解放黑人奴隶宣言》的推动下, 在联邦军队的保护下, 美国黑人开始拥有选举权和被选举权。进入20 世纪, 美国


黑人争取平等权利的斗争也进入一个新时代。民权运动的组织者们组织了一些其他形式的非暴力行动, 如游行、罢工和静坐, 以此来和当权者争论平等使用权和选举权的问题。

经济上,黑人社区存在的最严重、最长久的问题之一是贫困, 贫困是一种极大的苦难, 因为它是与婚姻的压力和破裂、健康、低少的教育机会和犯罪等问题紧密相连的。2004 年, 24.7%的美国黑人家庭生活在贫困线以下。据估计, 美国有三分之二的黑人属于社会底层。

在美国, 接受医疗服务的权利大小常常与收入水平和工作身份联系在一起,

因此, 作为异常贫穷和无业的一群, 美国黑人是最没有保障的。对于多数黑人, 他们接受的医疗服务是有限的, 或是根本不存在的。即使能够享受到医疗服务, 他们更可能比其他人口接受不标准的,甚至是伤害性的服务。

白人学生可以进入因防止黑人学生进入而建立的私立学校, 大部分黑人, 农村人则几乎享受不到任何教育资源。为了使孩子在其他地区能进入公立学校, 一些父母把孩子送到亲戚家居住, 导致家庭分离,但绝大多数黑人孩子仍是无法上学。既使黑人孩子能接受教育, 也常常是最低等的教育。在黑人和其他少数民族学生占绝大多数的学校,授课教师大多是从教未满三年的教师。相反, 在白人孩子占多数的学校里, 教学质量要高的多。在家庭教育方面, 白人家庭拥有一台电脑的可能性是黑人家庭的两倍。












宜都市外国语学校 任逍

词典上说:?‘美丽’即‘美好’,‘歧视’指不平等地看待。?当然歧视有许多种,例如?种族歧视?,?阶级歧视?等等。而指了?美丽的歧视?则是?美好的不平等看待?,它有一种催人向上奋进的巨大力量,能使荒芜变成绿荫。 上个星期,陈老师要考进外校而期中考试失利的同学走上讲台,于是这几个同学垂头丧气地走上了讲台。可陈老师非要?伤口上撒盐?,严厉地批评他们:?你们以为考进了外校就进了‘保险箱’,就满足了吧?正是你们的这种思想,正是你们这种人,给我们班拖了后腿!??拖后腿?可不是个好名称,何况把它盖在不该拖后腿的同学头上,那是多么丢人显眼啊!我想那些同学肯定会恨陈老师,同时也伴着些不屈吧。他们不会心甘情愿地生活在歧视的阴影里,一定会发奋努力地学习!支撑他们的力量,正是歧视里的?激素?,激发他们的潜能,从而茁壮成长!





(指导老师 :陈启艳)


1.The United States is the world’s oldest surviving federation. It is a constitutional republic.(宪政共和国)

Federal(联邦) and state judicial(司法的) and cabinet officials are typically nominated(提名) by the executive branch(行政部门) and approved by the legislature(立法机关), although some state judges and officials are elected by popular vote.(普选)

In the American federalist system, citizens are usually subject to three levels of government: federal, state, and local.

The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances(相互监督与制衡) defined by the U.S. Constitution, which serves as the country’s supreme(最高的) legal document.

2.Racial discrimination, or, the color problem, refers mainly to Negroes in the United States, as they constitute one tenth of the total population. The term "Negro" is applied to people descended or partly descended from slaves transported from Africa long ago.

the Negro position today couldn't be understood. The black population is about 20 million. Their ancestors were brought to America as slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Nearly all their descendants were kept in legal slavery in the South until 1865. The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free. But the southerners were determined to keep the Negroes from becoming equal in anything but constitutional law.

The Federal Government has, gradually compelled the white majority in the South to allow Negroes to enjoy civic rights. But legal protection has been slow to develop and has not yet solved the social problem of inequality in voting, education, employment and housing.
