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篇一:The night of the horse教案

The Night of the Horse

Warming up

1.Do you know any other historical place in the world?

Such as…

e.g. The Great Wall is a famous historical place of interest in China.

1) _______ are in ______.

2) _________ is in ________.

3) ________ is in ________.


Have you ever heard of Troy?A famous took place in the city long ago… The ancient city of 3. Look at the map and find out the two places: Greece, Troy

Teaching procedure

1.Pre-reading New words:

1)In the war, a 诡计) of ended the war. Finally, who won the war? 攻占5) 绳子n.; 市民n.; 广场n.; 拉v.; (使劲)拉v.; celebrate庆祝v.

2.While-reading :


Divide the story into 3 parts

? Part 1: Trojans found the wooden horse.

Part 2:Trojans pulled the wooden horse into the city.

Part 3: Greeks won the war with the trick of a wooden horse.

Detail-reading: activity 1:

Book A P51 A3 : Read the story again and choose the right answer and tell me why.

1). The soldier was probably feeling _________ when he came down the stairs.

A. frightened B. excited C. angry

2 ).According to the captain, the Greek army left because the Trojans _________.

A. won the war B .fooled them C. felt afraid

3).According to the captain, the Greeks had left the horse behind because_________.

A. it was too big to take with them

B. they did not want it any more

C. it really contained some Greek soldiers

4). What do you think the soldier was going to say when the captain interrupted him? He was probably going to say “Maybe the Greeks want us to _________.”

A. return the horse to them

B. pull the horse into the city

C. push the horse into the sea

5). The Greek soldiers inside the wooden horse waited for another hour because they wanted to be sure that _________.

A. the Greek army opened the gates

B. all of the Trojans were asleep

C. the Greek army entered the city

6). The Greeks were not able to win the Trojan War for ten years because _________.

A. the Greeks could not get inside t(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:the,trojan,horse教案)he gates of Troy

B. the Trojans had a wooden horse

C. the Trojans had a lot more soldiers

Detail-reading: activity 2:

Read paragraph 1-2 .

? 1. How many years have the Greeks tried to capture Troy?

? 2. Where did the story happen?

Read paragraph 3-6

? 3. Why did the Greeks leave a huge wooden horse outside the main gates? ? They wanted the Trojans to pull the horse into the city.

Read paragraph 7-9.

? 4. When did the Greek soldiers climb out of the wooden horse?

? 5. Finally, who won the war?

3.Post-reading: activity 1:

Match the new words and the meanings.

1).main a. a cunning action

2). capture b. chief, the most important

3). trick c. foolish

4). obey d. catch, get sth under control

5). celebrate e. sth you do to show your happiness, like holding a party

6). stupid f. listen to and follow

Post-reading: Activity 2

Summary of the story

The captain of the g______ ran up the stairs and saw that the p_____ was empty, and the Greeks had all gone, leaving a huge wooden horse outside the m______ gates. The captain o______ the soldier to p_____ it into the city. The Trojans d______ it into the city with r_____. All the c______ of Troy c________ for winning the war. By midnight, when the s______ was empty, the Greek soldiers inside the horse climbed out and opened the main gates… The Greeks s______ the Trojan captain and s_________ in capturing Troy with a t______ instead of by fighting.

4.Retell the story.

The captain of …and the Greeks … leaving a huge wooden horse … The captain … The Trojans … All the citizens of Troy …

By midnight…, the Greek soldiers inside the horse… The Greeks …capturing Troy with a trick instead of by fighting.


? Finish the exercises in Book B of U4 R.A.

? Review the new words.

篇二:The Trojan Horse

The Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse is from Latin Equns Trojanus. It is an international idiom and is used in the world's major languages, such as Chinese vocabulary. On Contradictions, Mao Zedong said that Song Jiang used the "Trojan horse" to attack Zhu Jiazhuang in the "Water Margin".

This idiom comes from Homer's Epic Odyssey. The Greeks and Trojans had been warring constantly for ten years and the outcome was pending. Finally, Odysseus, the famous Greek hero, came up with the Trojan horse, it was that used wood to make a giant horse and put it on the outside of Troy. All the Greek soldiers disguised to retreat and took a boat to hide in the nearby bay, Odysseus led 20 warriors to hid into the Trojan's belly. Trojans thought that Greeks already lost. So they opened the gate, saw the outside of the great Trojan, thought it was the Greeks worship god, they regarded it as a trophy and dragged it to the town to celebrate the victory. In the middle night, Trojan was sleeping and was no alert, the Greek heroes that in the Trojan climbed out and opened the gate, gave a sign, and with the returned of the Greek army at bay destroyed the city of Troy.

As a result, The Mauritius Horse referenced constantly to become a widespread idiom, used to metaphor “the hidden danger”; “the covert wreckers (mole)”;“ to engage in underhand activities”etc.

篇三:the night of the horse 教案



篇四:Unit6 TheTrojan horse

Unit6 The Trojan horse

【1】The captain (站在高墙上)

of 同义句 ). “The

Greeks have gone and (指代won(原

形 ),” he(指代 )said. “They’ve(指

代 ) tried to capture our city(汉

语 ) for ten years. Now they’ve given up(同义词

= ) and 句型转换

= )

【2】“But look over there,”(汉语 ) a soldier said.

“They’ve a (wooden horse.”(同义句 =

They’ve left a huge horse .)

【3】“Ah, yes,” the captain said, “it’s (指代 )too big. The Greeks didn’t want to take (指代. Get some help and pull(替代


代 ) (填入介词)

the city.”

【4】That night, in the main square of the city, all the ______

(Troy) celebrated. They sang and danced around the horse, and made

jokes about (同意词组 the stupid(替代词

/ ) Greeks. “I haven’t laughed (像这样) since my (指代 ) childhood,” the

captain said. After the party, (指代 (同

意词组 )

【5】By midnight(汉语 ), the main square

was empty, except for the huge horse.( sudden) a ( Greek soldiers! They quietly (爬

出来)the horse (一个接一个)

(【6】The soldiers opened the main gates. The Greek army

entered(= ) the city.

【7】For ten years, the Greeks could not capture the city by _____________ (fight). (一夜之间), (指代)through a clever trick.

用心 爱心 专心




一 、教学内容及学生情况分析





Go Dutch French leave

Greek gift Indian summer



3 、文化意识


4 、情感目标

1)激发学生并提高学习英语的兴趣, 乐于接受新鲜事物,勇于尝试;体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动地参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人;





① 重点俚语的翻译;

② 这几个俚语的使用 ;











Next, let’s known these slang one by one.

Go Dutch——AA制

16~17世纪时的荷兰和威尼斯,是海上商品贸易和早期资本主义的发迹之地。终日奔波的意大利、荷兰商人们已衍生出了聚时交流信息、散时各付资费的习俗来。因为商人的流动性很强,一个人请别人的客,被请的人说,说不定这辈子再也碰不到了,为了大家不吃亏,彼此分摊便是最好的选择了。而荷兰人因其精明、凡事都要分清楚,逐渐形成了let's go Dutch(让我们做荷兰人)的俗语。

Why don't we go Dutch in the future?

French leave——不辞而别 在18世纪的时候,法国社会上的宴会或晚宴是有流行这种不告而别的风气的,只是现在的法国人不承认有此风俗。 He took French leave during the dinner party.

Greek gift——图谋害人的礼物

“Greek gift”含义为“图谋害人的礼物”。直译“希腊人的礼物”,来源于著名的“特洛伊战争”:特洛伊战争(the battle of Tro)中希腊人使用“木马计”( the Trojan Horse),特洛伊人将希腊人留下的“礼物”——大木马拖进城,导致藏在木马中的希腊人与城外大军里应外合,摧毁了

特洛伊城。“Greek gift”就是指那只木马,后来用来比喻“存心害人的礼物”,与“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——没安好心”有异曲同工之妙。

He is always buying you expensive clothes, I'm afraid they are Greek gifts for you. Indian summer——秋老虎


在加拿大与美国的交界处,魁北克和安大略南边,一个很特别的天气现象,深秋的时节,在冬天来临之前忽然回暖的天气,宛若回到了温暖的夏天,于是常叫做——印第安的夏天(Indian summer)。

郁达夫曾在散文《北平的四季中》提及"Indian summer"。原文为“所以我说,北平的秋,才是真正的秋;南方的秋天,只不过是英国话里所说的Indian Summer或叫作小春天气而已。”此处,郁达夫先生用小阳春般的"Indian summer"形容中国南方的秋天。

An Indian summer in the West Country brought peak holiday traffic jams in Devon yesterday.




Ok ! It’s time for you to practice and show !





