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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 07:16:16 小学作文

篇一:Should we go to the cinema to watch movies

Should we go to the cinema to watch movies?

Nowadays, people like to go to the cinema to watch movies. They think the big screen and the incredible sound is a treat. Somehow, I think go to the theater to watch films has a lot of disadvantages. Sometimes, these shortcomings even overwhelm the pleasure of watching movies.

First, when you on your way to the cinema, you may stick in traffic jam and cannot arrive on time. If you make it, you may have problem of finding a parking spot. As you know, not every cinema has enough places for you to park. The time you have wasted on the road can do different kinds of things. If you choose to stay at home to watch movies, you don’t need to worry about these problems. You’re not only saving your precious time but also parking fees and gas.

Second, you may have to stand in line for hours just to buy yourself a ticket. It is annoying. If the tickets have sold out, you will wait another day. Sometimes you succeed in buying a ticket, but it was not the best seat. You might seat just in front of the screen or in the last row. When you’re watching the movie uncomfortably, you will be regret that you have made the wrong choice. Maybe you should seat in your own sofa to watch.

Last, the atmosphere of the theater is not always as good as you think. People around you allow eating anything they want, which means they will make a lot of noise while they’re chewing. What’s worse, you may seat next to the person who talks on the phone while you try really hard to listen to what the actress says, or a young couple who seat behind you happily discuss about how the movie will end. This is annoying, isn’t it?

Due to these reasons, I think people should reconsider whether it worth to go outside to watch a movie, while we have the condition to watch at home. The problems and the hazards can be avoided if we choose to stay at home. Thus, it’s more convenient and comfortable to stay at home to watch movies.

篇二:Story 23 Go to the Cinema

Story 23 Go to the Cinema

A lorry driver, David is driving 200 penguins to London Zoo. But his lorry breaks down on the motorway, when another lorry driver, Robert stops in the front of him, David asks for help, and explains that he is taking the penguins to the zoo. Robert says, “Ok. I can help you.”

Some hours later, Robert drivers back and passes David. David is still on the lorry, and look happy.

“I thought I told you to take those penguins to the zoo.” David says.

Robert replies, “I did, but I had some money left, so I’m going to the cinema now.”

故事23 去电影院





篇三:Do you like to go to the cinema or watch a film online

Do you like to go to the cinema or watch a film online? People have different answers to the question. to the cinema is a better choice. the screen is much larger than what we have at home. The image and sound effects are amazing, which are totally different from what we feel at home. it’s a good way to communicate with friends if you invite them to go with you. they prefer to watch movies at home. It’s convenient and money-saving to watch films online. You can enjoy the films you choose without being disturbed in such a quiet place.

tickets are very expensive, I will go to

the cinema instead of watching films online. In this way, I will have a good opportunity to communicate with my parents or friends. What’s more, the magic of silver screen is so fascinating that it cannot be replaced by other ways of watching films.

篇四:Lesson 3At the Cinema


篇五: An invitation to the cinema

Module 6 An invitation to the cinema

Unit 1 Would you like to go to the cinema ?



能运用本课的新词汇及Would you like to... Let’s...句型,进行有关交流和建议的口语交流。




go to the cinema







用in on at组词

用Would you like to... , Let’s…句型造句,




a.I’ll invite Lily to my birthday party next Sunday.

Invite sb. to +场合/地点

We invite them to have dinner with us.

Invite sb. to do sth.

Thanks for you invitation.

b.The film is on in the morning.

The book is on the desk .

c. May I ask you a question?

(ask sb. sth)

He asked me to help him.

(ask sb. to do sth.)











老师读 Activity 1方框中的单词短语,学生把所听到内容与图片搭配。 老师读 Activity 2, Activity 3 中的短语与单词,让学生根据实际进行排序。


Work in pairs, 以邀请对方看电影为题材,即兴发挥,组织对话。




1) Who is Daming’s favourite film star?


2) When is the film?


3)When is the football match ?



1) Daming invites Tong to the cinema . ( )

2)They are going to see a Jackie Chan film. ( )

3)The film is on in the morning . ( )

4)Tong asks Daming to go to a basketball match. ( )

5)Doming and Tong are going to go to a football match on Sunday. ( ) (3)听第三遍,补全下面短文,每空一词。

Daming, Betty and Tony will go to the ________in the ________. Jackie Chan is _________favourite film star. Tony invite Daming _________go

to a football match on ________.


1) Would you like to go to the cinema with Betty and me?

Would you like to do ? 意为“你愿意干…吗?”,是非常客气的说


回答时肯定形式是_________ , 否定形式是___________

2) Let’s go in the evening.

Let’s do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,是不定式省略符号“”的用



Let’s ________class.

3) Tony ask Daming to go to a basketball match.

ask sb. to do sth. 意为“要求某人做某事”


The teacher asks us __________our homework carefully.

4) The film is on in the evening.

be on 是“在进行;在持续”之意,on 是副词。


The light in the classroom __________.



1)去看电影___________ 2)在下午__________________

3)在星期五__________ 4)电影明星_________________

5)去看足球比赛________ 6)好主意_________________

7)在进行___________ 8)一部成龙的电影__________



1)The TV play is ____________ ___________ the morning .

A . at, on B . on ,in C . at , in D . to , on

2) Would you like some bread ?________________

A . like B .Yes , I do C . I think so D . No , thanks

3) When is the film ?

It’s ______________Sunday evening .

A . at B . in C . on D . /

4) Would you like _____________to the cinema ?

A . come B . coming C . to come D . comes

5) A : Where is the film ?

B : It’s __________New Times Cinema .

A . in B . on C . at D . to

6) Let’s ___________our English teacher .

A . asks B . to ask C . asking D . ask

7)Here is an invitation ___________the cinema .

A . to B . of C . with D . on

8) The film Hero is on at the cinema .Let’s go to see it .__________

A . OK B . All right

C . That’s a great idea D . All of A , B and C

9) They have a maths lesson___________________________two

o’clock_____________Wedndsday afternoon .

A . at ;on B . at ; in C . in ; on D . in ; in

10)—Does he like ________TV in the evening ?

A . watching B . watch

C . watches D . is watching


