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篇一:2014考研英语作文范文 节约资源

2014考研英语作文范文 节约资源










Water used to be mistaken to be an unlimited and renewable resource. Actually, water resource is very limited and precious. It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention


①。 Just as is depicted in the picture, just like saving money, the lovely and smiling piggy bank is collecting every drop of water falling from the water tap.

However, water shortage is still a serious problem threatening the existence and survival of the whole human being, and yet the phenomenon of wasting water can still easily be found

anywhere in our daily life②。 For example, water taps are frequently left on by careless users. Someone even assumes that they have the right to waste water because they pay for it so that it has nothing to do with others. In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it③。 Water resource is indispensable④ not only in our daily life but also in the industry and agriculture. And water is the wealth of the whole mankind, and it is hard to imagine what the world would be like⑤ when there is no more water.

Even though an increasing number of people have become aware of⑥ this emergency, further measures still need to be taken. On the macro level, the whole world should make a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as

broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, should be conducted. To store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.






① It is fortunate that now the public is starting to pay attention: 来自于2005年阅读真题,原句是这样的:Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention.


② 第二段开头,用了一个转折词,也就是“起承转合”中的所谓的“转”,把这篇作文改造成了一篇社会问题型作文,也就是大家最擅长写的作文。

③ In fact, so precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it: 倒装句,表语提前,句子倒装。


第一步:写正常原句:Water is so precious that we cannot afford to waste it.


第三步:主谓倒置,变成So precious is water that we cannot afford to waste it.

普通的so… that… 句型,也能被化腐朽为神奇,成为钻石加分句型!

④ indispensable: 不可或缺的,替换important的一个很好的词汇。


因为原文中出现了:not only… but also,所以这个单词被拆开翻译成了两个近义词,以使行文更加通顺。

⑤ what the world would be like:注意宾语从句必须用陈述语序。

⑥ become aware of: 意识到。意思和用法都等同于be conscious of.后边接词语。 ⑦ 非常重要:一般而言,历年真题中谈到的正面话题,或者人生哲理类的文章,有可能题目要求会变成:


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you


(1) describe the drawing briefly,

(2) explain its intended meaning, and then

(3) support your view with an example/examples.



Examples of people?s increasing awareness on saving water can easily be found anywhere in our life. On the macro level, the whole world is making a joint effort to fight against waste of water. On the micro level, publicizing activities, such as broadcasting wonderful ways on how to save water on TV and other media, can be seen nearly anywhere and every day. In short, to store water means to store happiness and only by saving water can we save a better life for our offspring.



篇二:关于国庆节英语作文 80字左右

关于国庆节英语作文 80字左右

几篇关于国庆节英语作文 80字左右

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.


We had a seven-day National Holiday. I read lots of interesting books during the holiday. I got up at 8:30. After breakfast I began to do my homework because I had lots of homework to do. I helped my parents cook lunch. After lunch I washed the dishes. In the afternoon I could listen to music, read books and surf the internet. In the evening I usually watched TV after I did my homework. I nearly did the same thing every day so I felt boring.

Today is National Day.We have no classes. In the morning, I went to the People’s Park with my mother.We had a good time. In the afternoon, I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a busy day today.

My holiday was very interesting. I reads two hours book everyday,then I go out to play. In this holiday,I watch a lot of movies, for example:Twilight and Inception.My classmates and I sometimes go out to go shopping. I have eaten a lot of food. At night,I always listen to my favourite music, play computer games and chat with my family members. How foolish am I! I copy this on the Internet!






First of all, watching TV is a good relaxation. After a day of hard work, we look forward to a good relaxation. Watching TV can meet our requirements by easing our minds and comforting our physical bodies because the pleasant music and pictures can keep'us away from tension and fatigue. Besides, watching TV is entertaining. There are so many kinds of entertainment, such as sports activities, performances, plays and movies, etc. in the world. Of course, it is impossible for us to be on every spot, even with the best means of transportation of our time. However, TV can bring them right in front of us and with them our life is full of joys. Above all, watching TV is educational. Education TV service offers teaching programs on all subjects for people of different professions as well as for students, children and aged people. No doubt, it provides the widest education and has the largest audience. Everyone of us, more or less, is benefited from watching TV. Indeed, TV has great influence on people's life, work and study.



Is Stress a Bad Thing?

With the fast pace of modern life, more and more people are living under great pressure. Some people are afraid of pressure. They think that the stresses and strains of work deprive them of joy and happiness. In their view, stress does harm to them both physically and mentally. That is why they prefer something less competitive and strenuous to something more demanding and challenging. Others argue that stress isn‘t as bad as it often supposed to be. Unless it is overwhelming, a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and stimulation. Without stress, you may slack off and idle away your time. It gives purpose and meaning to an otherwise meaningless, dull life. People under stress tend to bring their potential into full play and to realize their goals. In my opinion, we shouldn’t escape from stress but to face it as it is. What we can do is to adapt to the stress and to profit from it rather than to avoid it.



Why I Study English English is the most widely used international language of today. It is spoken by more than half of the people of the world. Some speak English as their own language, and some speak it as a second language. By learning English we can enlarge our mental horizons and increase our knowledge because we shall have a better chance of reading a wide variety of books, newspapers, and magazines. English is also useful in other different fields of life such as business and commerce. Indeed, many businessmen build their success up on their good knowledge of English. Students sometimes study their subjects in English. Businessmen use English at their meetings; scientists and doctors write articles in English; tourists speak English when they go abroad, it helps them enjoy their trip sand communicate with other people to develop better understanding and establish new friendships.

From what we have said, one can say that English is learnt for both benefit and enjoyment. Another essay The English language has now become an international language because it is used by people of the most countries in the world. If you know English you can understand people from other countries better and you can also do what you should do for the world peace.




eyes. My Teacher in High School My English teacher is Ms Hong. She is very pretty. She has curly hair and a pair of big

She gave lessons very patiently. She always has good ideas to make her students laugh, and we feel happy in her class. We learn very quickly in this way. Besides, she cares every students in her class. She knows our likes and dislikes, and then give us special attention according to our differences. Ms Hong is very kind to us, too. She never scolds us. When we make mistakes in study, she will point out the mistake kindly and tell us how to correct it. When we make progress, she feels happy, too. Ms Hong is our friends in daily life, too. She usually plays with us. We sometimes go outing together. I like her very much. I hope she will be our teacher forever.




Everybody has failure. The failure is a successful mother, if there is no failure that will not have results to show an achievement. Really, the successful man is very happy; they own fresh flowers, applause. But the person, who fail, own of only have lonesome with unfrequented. In fact, we should go to more honorific is those person of with failures. Because, there is failure, just have results to show an achievement. Fail don't mean you is a for failed, fail to just mean you haven't succeeded; Fail don't mean you a have no become, fail to mean you get experience; Fail don't mean you are a stupid person who don't know to improvise, failing to mean you have Attic faith; Fail don't mean you have to has been suppressing not and quickly, failing to mean you take pleasure in trying....... This is the failure, precious failure. Failure is the Mother of Success.


作文素材(Air Pollution)

空气污染 Air Pollution

雾霾Fog and Haze

建筑粉尘Construction dust


全球变暖Global Warming

碳排放 Carbon Emission

工厂排放Factory Emission

温室效应 Greenhouse Effect

海平面上升 Sea Level Rise

冰盖融化 Ice Sheet Melts

提高平均气温Raise our average temperature 固体污染物Solid Pollutant

有害物质Harmful Substances

低碳生活方式low-carbon lifestyle

节约能源 Save Energy

开发和使用新能源Develop & Use Alternative Energy 使用可再生能源 Apply the Renewable Energy 太阳能Solar Energy

风能 Wind Energy

限制、控制和减少排放 Limit, Control & Reduce Emission

If you find a path without obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.










要求:主语从句一句,表语从句一句,同位语从句一句,虚拟2句,倒装2句. 100~120个词.

health, surrounded by, smog, anything but, gases, impurities, absorb, poisonous, try hard, blacked out

We all know that clean air is important to good health. Wherever you go and whatever you do, you are always surrounded by a sea of gases that we call air. If there are impurities in the air, they may be absorbed by our bodies and make us ill. We need clean air, but unfortunately, air pollution is globally present, especially in cities.

Many large cities are anything but pollution-free. Our cities have many factories, which we need to make food, clothing and other things. Every year these factories pour millions upon millions of tons of smog into air. Power plants and houses that burn coal add greatly to air pollution. Besides, there are more cars in cities now. Once out on the streets, they will take in fresh air and replace it with poisonous gases.

Our country is trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. As long as every citizen also realizes its importance and makes join efforts, the day will come soon when people will take in only clean air. Then, the sunlight will no longer be blackened out by smoke and soot.


2009年10月17日,马尔代夫总统穆罕默德?纳希德以及副总统等11名内阁官员当天穿着黑色潜水服,身背水下呼吸装置,头戴防水面罩潜 入至6米深的水下开会。开会期间用他们用防水笔在一块白色塑料板上写下马尔代夫发出的“求救信号”:“我们必须要像准备一场世界大战那样团结起来去阻止气 温继续上升,气候变化正在发生,它威胁着地球上每个人的权利和安全。




1、 电池可以重复利用,大件电器上用过的电池可以放在小件电器上继续使用。“比如电动玩具耗电量比较大,把玩具上用过的电池再放到闹钟、遥控器上之后,还能再继续使用一个多月的时间。”

2、 少开私家车,出行尽量选择步行或搭乘公交车,这样不仅锻炼了身体,也是低碳生活的好方式。数据显示,开车每消耗100公升汽油,将派出二氧化碳270kg。

3、 不要频繁开启关闭电器,尤其是电灯、空调等。关电脑时一定主意把鲜食品也关上。

4、 少乘电梯,多走楼梯,家住六层以下的人最好不要乘电梯。

5、 冰箱内存放食物的量以占容积的80%为宜,放得过多或过少都费电。食品之间、食品与冰箱之间应留有约10毫米以上的空隙。用数个塑料盒盛水,在冷冻室制成冰后放入冷藏室,这样能延长停机时间、减少开机时间。

6、 一般家庭都有很多废弃的盒子,如肥皂盒、牙膏盒、奶盒等,其实稍加裁剪,就可轻松将他们废物利用,比如制作成储物盒,可以在里面放茶叶包、化妆品之类的物品。 我们的地球需要我们共同来爱护,让我们从身边的小事做起,珍惜资源,降低能耗,让我们的生活更加美好吧!

伴随着经济社会的迅猛发展过程中,由于人类过分追求发展所带来的满足和发展的速度而忽视或淡薄了其所带来的负面效应,致使在极大满足自身物欲的同时,也给自身未来的发展埋下了诸多隐患,这些问题随着时间 的推移暴露越来越明显,直至威胁到人类自身的生存,如温室效应的出现、水污染等问题。在某种程度上,这些问题都归于人们对发展的片面理解,认为只要经济发展了,一切问题都可以迎忍而解,忽视了环境保护。事实上,只有科学的发展才能不断解决人类所面对的问题。这是其一。 节能减排不仅是企业生产、汽车尾气排放等对环境污染所带来的问题。社会的主体是人,节能减排的主体也必须是人,节能减排必须从每一个来抓起。由于个体的认识不足或者忽视,致使一个水、电等白白的浪费掉、汽车无情地冒着黑烟……。不是没有人注意到环境的恶化,已经所带来的危害,而是多数人认为环境污染问题离自己很遥远,不是自己的事情,也不是浪费自己的钱财,甚至有一些人认为自己有钱,无所谓浪费。殊不知,水、电、气这些都是人类共同的资源,现在的浪费,就给子孙后代带来无穷隐患。因此,节

能减排人人有责,需要人人参与。这是其二。 多数人认为不关电脑、不关水龙头,浪费点水、电都不是什么问题,也花费不了多少钱。但是,他们没有认识到在这些电白白消耗掉的同时,电脑所排放的二氧化碳等有害气体,正在残害着自身的身体;他们也没有认识到,发电厂发电所需要的煤炭等资源以及所排放废气和污水所给环境带来的危害;他们更没有意识到,发电厂的机器设备、电脑豪材等生产资料在生产过程中所给环境带来的巨大危害…… 节能减排、环境问题,不是一个人、几个人或一些人所需要的,也不是一个人、几个人或一些人的事情,更不是一个人、几个人或一些人所能解决的。要想解决环境问题,必须从每一个个体抓起,从提高每一个人的认识抓起,从改变每一个人的习惯抓起。节能减排指的是减少能源浪费和降低废气排放。 我国“十一五”规划纲要提出,“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右、主要污染物排放总量减少10%。这是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的重大举措;是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择;是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路;是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求。节能减排的形势 当前,实现节能减排目标面临的形势十分严峻。去年以来,全国上下加强了节能减排工作,国务院发布了加强节能工作的决定,制定了促进节能减排的一系列政策措施,各地区、各部门相继做出了工作部署,节能减排工作取得了积极进展。但是,去年全国没有实现年初确定的节能降耗和污染减排的目标,加大了“十一五”后四年节能减排工作的难度。更为严峻的是,今年一季度,工业特别是高耗能、高污染行业增长过快,占全国工业能耗和二氧化硫排放近70%的电力、钢铁、有色、建材、石油加工、化工等六大行业增长20.6%,同比加快6.6个百分点。与此同时,各方面工作仍存在认识不到位、责任不明确、措施不配套、政策不完善、投入不落实、协调不得力等问题。这种状况如不及时扭转,不仅今年节能减排工作难以取得明显进展,“十一五”节能减排的总体目标也将难以实现。 节能减排的意义我国经济快速增长,各项建设取得巨大成就,但也付出了巨大的资源和环境代价,经济发展与资源环境的矛盾日趋尖锐,群众对环境污染问题反应强烈。这种状况与经济结构不合理、增长方式粗放直接相关。不加快调整经济结构、转变增长方式,资源支撑不住,环境容纳不下,社会承受不起,经济发展难以为继。只有坚持节约发展、清洁发展、安全发展,才能实现经济又好又快发展。同时,温室气体排放引起全球气候变暖,备受国际社会广泛关注。进一步加强节能减排工作,也是应对全球气候变化的迫切需要,是我们应该承担的责任。 节能减排的着手点一要加快产业结构调整。要大力发展第三产业,以专业化分工和提高社会效率为重点,积极发展生产性服务业;以满足人们需求和方便群众生活为中心,提升发展生活性服务业;要大力发展高技术产业,坚持走新型工业化道路,促进传统产业升级,提高高技术产业在工业中的比重。要积极实施“腾笼换鸟”战略,加快淘汰落后生产能力、工艺、技术和设备;对不按期淘汰的企业,要依法责令其停产或予以关闭。 二要大力发展循环经济。要按照循环经济理念,加快园区生态化改造,推进生态农业园区建设,构建跨产业生态链,推进行业间废物循环。要推进企业清洁生产,从源头减少废物的产生,实现由末端治理向污染预防和生产全过程控制转变,促进企业能源消费、工业固体废弃物、包装废弃物的减量化与资源化利用,控制和减少污染物排放,提高资源利用效率。
