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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 19:18:59 字数作文




我店主营各式高档男女上衣、羽绒服,休闲裤,牛仔裤,羊毛衫、保暖内衣。种类齐全,款式新颖,款款让你心动.件件让你行动,在这里,保证您购买到的每件服装都物超所值。 雅飞服饰,每一件服装都经过我们精心设计,质量上层,做工精细

雅飞服饰一直本着用最低的价格,最高的质量,最优的服务回馈广大顾客,我们始终秉承着顾客是上帝质量是第一的原则,让您买的放心,穿的舒心。同样的品牌,同样的质量,不同的就是价格,买的越多 实惠越多 走过路过千万不要错过!

买服装到雅飞服饰,是您无怨、无悔的选择。雅飞服饰欢迎您的光临,欢迎您的惠顾 在线客服:www.pinway.cn



六年来,红豆服饰一直本着用最低的价格,最高的质量,最优的服务回馈广大顾客,同样的商品??同样的质量,不同的就是价格,买的越多 实惠越多 走过路过千万不要错过! 红豆服饰始终秉承者顾客是上帝质量是第一的原则。让您买的称心。穿的舒心


清仓,清仓,本店服装大清仓.厂家库存,大量积压,现亏本大甩卖,件件29,件件29.走过路过,不要错过.件件29,件件29,物美价廉.品种齐全.本店有高档男装,品牌女装,外贸时装,T恤牛仔,件件29 件件29.逛千家,跑万家,价格最低是我家.绝对的优惠,绝对的实惠.进来看一看,进来瞧一瞧,看看不要钱,不买不要钱.清仓,清仓,本店服装大清仓,件件29,件件29,本店有秋装,冬装,男装,女装,夹克,棉衣,羽绒服,只要想得到,就能找得到.件件29,件件29.彻底地清仓.彻底地甩卖.时间有限,数量有限,请大家抓紧时间,抓住机会,千万不要错失良机.欢迎光临,快快抢购



我们是厂家直销,商场卖几百多元的我们分别只卖 55 元 45元 35元 25元 ,我们所经营的羊绒衫全部是09年韩版新款 ,各式羊绒衫为您的美丽尽现青春.



无锡沃尔灵贸易有限公司热忱欢迎广大新老顾客的光临,祝所有路过的、来过的、看过的、买过的朋友度过一个详和 愉快的一天











三重礼购物满98元送内衣专用洗衣袋,从此告别手洗时代,机洗不再担心内衣变型。 在线客服:www.pinway.cn


本店经营有文胸 睡衣 内裤 内衣全部厂家直销 全部厂家直销



特价男式纯棉内衣最低低至18元每套 男式保暧内衣最低低至50元每套

本店还有梦芭蕾品牌内衣 质量三包 若有起球 裉色 缩水现象??本店承诺包退 包换, 让你买的放心 穿的舒心




丝袜,棉袜,运动袜,长筒袜 短袜、羊毛袜、长袜、五指袜、中筒袜、连裤袜、船袜、打底袜等近百种款式各样、色泽鲜艳的中高档袜子供您选择。质量上层 经久耐磨 穿着舒适 尺码齐全 适合各种年龄,满“足”您的需要!


让您秀出个性 秀出美丽 引领时尚前沿





测试报告Test Report


成品检验Checking of finished products 检验,检查inspection, check

商检commodity inspection

领面松wrinkles at top collar

领面紧top collar appears tight

领面起泡crumples at top collar 领外口松collar edge appears loose 领外口紧collar edge appears tight 底领伸出collar band is longer than collar 底领缩进collar band is shorter than collar 底领里起皱wrinkles at collar band facing 底领外露collar band lean out of collar

倘领偏斜collar deviates from front center line 领窝不平creases below neckline

后领窝起涌bunches below back neckline 驳头起皱wrinkles at top lapel

驳头反翘top lapel appears tight 驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose 驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight 驳口不直lapel roll line is uneven 串口不直gorge line is uneven

领卡脖tight neckline

领离脖collar stand away from neck 小肩起皱puckers at shoulders

塌肩wrinkles at shoulder

袖隆起皱creases at underarm

袖隆缝起皱puckers at underarm seam 塌胸lack of fullness at chest

省尖起泡crumples at dart point 拉链起皱wrinkles at zip fly

止口不直front edge is uneven

止口缩角front edge is out of square 止口反翘front edge is upturned 止口反吐facing leans out of front edge 止口豁split at front edge

止口下部搭叠过多crossing at front edge 底边起皱wrinkles at hem

后身起吊back of coat rides up

背衩豁开split at back vent

背衩搭叠过多crossing at back vent 绗棉起皱puckers at quilting

絮棉不均padded cotton is uneven

边缘缺棉empty hem

绱袖不圆顺diagonal wrinkles at sleeve cap 袖子偏前sleeve leans to front

袖子偏后sleeve leans to back

前袖缝外翻inseam leans to front

袖口起皱wrinkles at sleeve opening

袖里拧diagonal wrinkles at sleeve lining 袋盖反翘top flap appears tight

袋盖反吐flap lining leans out of edge

袋盖不直flap edge is uneven

袋口角起皱creases on two ends of pocket mouth 袋口裂split at pocket mouth

腰头探出end of waistband is uneven

腰缝起皱wrinkles at waistband facing 里襟里起皱creases at right fly

夹裆tight crotch

短裆short seat

后裆下垂slack seat

前浪不平wrinkles at front rise

裆缝断线bursting of crotch seam

裤脚前后two legs are uneven

脚口不齐leg opening is uneven

吊脚pulling at outseam or inseam

烫迹线外撇crease line leans to outside 烫迹线内撇crease line leans to inside

腰缝下口涌bunches below waistline seam 裙裥豁开 split at lower part of skirt

裙身吊split hem line rides up

裙浪不匀skirt flare is uneven

线路偏移stitch seam leans out line

双轨接线 stitch seam is uneven

跳针 skipping

尺码不符 off size

缝制不良stitching quality is not good

洗水不良washing quality is not good

熨烫不良pressing quality is not good


水渍water stain



色差color shade, off shade, color deviation 褪色fading, fugitive color

线头thread residue

毛头raw edge leans out of seam

绣花不良embroidery design out line is uncovered



一、以Myself 为题写一篇作文介绍自己,不少于50个单词。文中不能出现真



Mary Brown.

我在七年级二班)I live My birthday is on April 30th.My favorite color is red. (我最喜欢的颜色是红色) I like English. I love sports. I often play ping-pong with my classmates after school. My phone number is 232-9176.

This is me, Do you like me? Please call me .

二、以我的好朋友为题写一篇作文,不少于50个单词。文中不能出现真实姓名。 My good friend

Hello. I’m Mary. I am 13 years old. I am a middle school student. I have a good friend. Her name is Jane.

She is a beautiful girl. She is 12 years old. She is tall . She has big eyes and a small nose.

She has long hair. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite subject is P.E.


This is my good friend. Do you like her?

三、以My family我的家庭为题写一篇作文介绍自己的家庭,不少于50个单词。文中不能出现真实姓名。

My family

Hi,I’m Linda. Here is a photo of my family. There are six people in my family. They are my parents , grandparents ,brother and me. My father is Tony. He is 34 .He is a teacher. His birthday is on May 2nd.This is my mother. She is 38. She is a doctor. Her birthday is on June 12th. Who’s that? That is my brother .He is 12. His birthday is on July 5th. He is a middle school student. This is me. I am a middle school student ,too.

I love my family. They love me, I love them, too.



I found a pencil in the classroom this morning. It’s yellow. Is it yours? Please call me at 682-3074.


I lost my schoolbag in the library this afternoon. It’s red. There is a pen, a ruler and an eraser in it. My name is Jenny. Please E-mail me at . Thank you.


My room

This is my room. It’s tidy and nice.

My jacket is on the bed. There is a ball under the bed. My shoes are under the bed. This is a photo of my family. It’s on the wall. You can see a compute and some CDs on the desk. Where are my books? Look, They are in the bookcase.

I have a nice and tidy room. Do you like it? What about yours?

六、以My favorite sports我最喜欢的运动为题目写一篇不少于50个单词的作文。文中不准出现真实姓名。

My favorite sports

Hello, I’m John. I am 13 years old .I am a middle school student. I love sports

My favorite sports is soccer.I always It’s interesting and relaxing. It’s easy for me. I have two tennis bats , three ping-pong balls and four soccer balls. I don’t play basketball. I only watch them on TV. So I don’t have a baseball . I think It’s difficult and boring.

Do you like sports? Sport is good for us.

七、以My healthy eating habits我的健康饮食习惯为题是写一篇不少于50个单词的作文。文中不准出现真实姓名。

目 My healthy eating habits

I have good healthy eating habits. I eat well.

I love fruit and vegetables. For breakfast , I like bread , eggs and milk. I like rice, chicken, tomatoes and apples for lunch.

for dinner. I don’t like hamburgers, ice-cream. Because I don’t want to be fat.

These are my healthy eating habits. What about you?

My family’s eating habits

Hi, I’m Mike. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my grandparents ,my sister and I.

eggs, bread. And milk for breakfast.

eggs, chicken ,vegetables

and beef. rice, vegetable and fruit.

rice, . For dinner ,we like eating rice, vegetables and bananas. So you see we are very healthy.

八、假如你是Chaoliu Clothes Store潮流服装店的老板,为了接双十二活动,你要为自己的服装店写一则广告。文中不要出现真实的姓名。

Chaoliu Clothes Store

Chaoliu Clothes Store. We sell all clothes at very good prices .Do you need trousers? We have black trousers for only $25. For boys we have blue black, yellow ,brown jackets for only$35 .For girl we have red skirts for only 30$. Socks are $2 for a pair. $3 for two pairs.

Come to Chaoliu Clothes Store now.

九、以My favorite subject我最喜欢的学科为题写一篇不少于50个单词的作文。 My favorite subject

I am a middle school student now. I am busy . I have seven subjects at school. My favorite subject are English and music.

I like English because it’s interesting . I have English lessons from Monday to Friday. My English teacher, Mrs Zhang, is great fun. She is 36 years old. She

classes interesting. I like music ,too. It is relaxing . After school ,she

basketball with us . We all like her.

These are my favorite subjects. Can you tell me what’s your favorite subject?

十、这是你进入初中的第一个学期,写一封信给你的朋友John, 告诉他你现在的中


How’s it going? I am a middle school student. I am in Class 2,Grade 7.

I am very busy, because I have nine subjects. They are Chinese, math ,English, history,

P.E. , geography, music and so on.

in the morning.

in the afternoon.

I have much homework at school. I don’t have time to play.

We th.

This is my middle school life. So you see I have a busy term.



介绍自己的房间:This is my room. Look! The bed is on the floor and the books are on the bed. The bag is under the table and the pencil case is in the bag. The plant is on the table, the chair is near the table. The baseball is under the desk and the computer game is on the desk. The cat is on the sofa. The books are on bookcase. The TV is on the table. I like my room very much!

介绍自己的家庭: This is a photo of my family. Look! This is me. And these are my grandparents. This is my mother. She is near my grandmother. And this is my father. He is near my grandfather. These are my cousins. They are cute. I have a happy family.

为服装店做广告:Mengxin Clothes Sale!

Please come to Mengxin Clothes Store. Do you like T-shirts? We have black T-shirts for only 25 yuan each! For girls, we have yellow and white hats for only 5 yuan each! For boys, you can buy white, yellow and blue socks for only 2 yuan each! Do you want to buy pants? We sell pants in black, red and green for only 35 yuan each! Anybody can afford our prices! Come and see for yourself at Mengxin Clothes Store!

自我介绍: Hello, my name is Kate. I am a girl. I have a nice family. They are my parents, my brother and me. I like red and white. I like playing sports very much. I play basketball every day. I eat lots of healthy food. I am a happy girl.

介绍朋友一日三餐:I have a good friend. His name is Tony. He eats lots of healthy food. For breakfast, he likes eggs and milk, but he doesn’t like French fries. For lunch, he likes chicken and salad, he doesn’t like hamburgers. For dinner, he likes tamatoes,broccoli and rice (米饭), but he doesn’t like chicken or salad. He is healthy.



学校 班别 姓名 座号 成绩 (全卷总分:50分)


生叫我要卧床休息,我很难过。要求语句通顺, 不少于五句话。(10分)






(四)、写信:Zhang Peng刚从四川度假回来,他坐飞机来回,他在四川去了动物园看熊猫,


(五)作文,以My favourite teacher为题,写一篇小短文,简单介绍你认识的一位老师(外


My favourite teacher


学校 班别 姓名 座号 成绩 (全卷总分:50分)







(三)、请你以 Myself 为题,介绍你的外貌特征、喜欢的食物、在家能做什么家务、学校



This is my good friend, Mike.

