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篇一:It Pays To Be Honest英语作文

It Pays To Be Honest

In our modern social life, there is no denying the fact that numerous adverse dishonest behavior around us . Those phenomenon have caused wide attention.

We almost can find such things every day of our lives: several students cheat in their exams for higher marks; a number of doctors treat their patients with unnecessary and expensive money; and some merchants sell fake products so that ignore consumer?s health , even their lives.

Obviously , It?s high time that those poor matter should be change . Being honest will benefit not only others , but also ourselves . First and foremost , only when you pays to be honest ,do you get greatly appreciated .besides, it is honesty that is the best policy bringing you unprecedented success . Last but not least , honesty will seen as the most essential moral in our lives .

From my own perspective .honesty is to a society what air is to our body , we can not live in this society without honesty . 距离2011年12月份即将开考的四、六级考试还有20多天的时间,对于大多数考生来说,如何在这段时间里冲刺一把,快速提高成绩是广大考生所关注的。众所周知,在几类题型中,阅读同写作一样,也是在考前最后阶段最容易提分的题型。
















四、通过题目确定答案所在位置,采取局部定位阅读法,做到即确准又提高做题速度。 我们考试的时候阅读理解的确是时间不够,那么四、六级考试改革后呢,一篇文章只能是8分钟的时间,而通常情况下要读上一篇300-500字的文章,至少需要大概10分钟左右。所以说在考试中,四、六级考试说白了就是拼个速度问题。



Campus life 校园生活(短对话重点)

1. 作业词汇:assignment/assigned book (必读书目 10年6月第11题)

paper essays(07-6听写答案) book/research report composition 作文 textbook教科书/reference book参考书(07-6听写答案) copy 副本

搭配词汇还有:be through with sth 结束,完成(两次考到)

due 到期 have sb's hands full with sth 忙于做某事(07-12)

2. 课程形式词汇:


原句: do you have the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?) optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程 09-12词汇)

compulsory course/requirement (必修课) presentation (多次考到,展示或演示课)

搭配词汇: hardly/barely stay awake (无法保持清醒。三次考到,最新10-6考点) 09年以来的一些新课程名称

advanced physics (高级物理) data processing (数据处理) computer programming (计算机程序)

biology 生物

3 名称:

freshman(大一) sophomore(大二) junior(大三) senior(大四)(05年考点) graduate(毕业生) undergraduate (在校生,本科生) postgraduate (研究生) tutor(导师) graduate school (研究生院)


gym 健身房

overweight=out of shape 胖 dieting 节食 lose weight 减肥 slim 苗条

larger waist 腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装) physical training 身体锻炼 weight-lifting 举重

Job hunting 求职 (长对话重点)

short list 候选人名单(2010-12) job vacancy 职位空缺(2010-12)

job applicant candidate 候选人(多次考到) apply for application (2008/09/10) Position/post (多次考到。职位) resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到) recruit (连续考到。招聘) reputation(多次考到)

resign (辞职,多次考到)

benefit (package) (福利,两次考到) paid vacation (带薪假期)

social security (美国的社会保险) relocation expenses (异地补偿费用) phased retirement (08-12 阶段性退休) be laid off (解雇 09-12考点)

hotel consultant (08-6 酒店咨询) sales manager(08-12 销售经理)

Administrative work (08-12 行政工作)


the job will involve much train travel (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)

tell me about your present job...


There were about 20 candidates competing for the sales manager's job. And finally

篇二:四级英语作文:It Pays to Be Honest

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic It Pays to Be Honest. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:



It Pays to Be Honest

Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat on exams; some applicants find jobs by using fake diplomas; some people tell lies to avoid responsibility or avoid being punished. Dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves. Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once they were found out, no one will buy their products any more. Asaresult, they will lose their fortune. What is more, they will even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise can win trust and respect from their customers. Because they are trustworthy and respectable, everyone is eager to be their friend and everyone wants to buy their products. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say.

篇三:3分钟演讲稿诚信To be honest

To be honest

Hello, everyone. It's my honor to stand here to give my speech today. What I want to talk about is “ To be honest”.

I believe all of you still remember the event of “sky-high price shrimps” happened in Qingdao on October 4th this year, which destroyed the tourism brand of Friendly Shandong completely. So, there’s no need for me to review the whole thing here. But after the whole thing, I think we have to reflect what honesty is in our modern society.

Since we were little kids, we have learned a lot about how to be an honest person from our parents, teachers and traditional Chinese stories. Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, or cheat in any way. Honesty is the chief and most honored virtue in our country. Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers; some students cheat on exams; some people tell lies to avoid responsibility or avoid being punished.

But in my opinion, dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves, because as a result of being dishonest, they may lose their fortune or even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promises can win trust and respect from others, because they are trustworthy and respectable. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

In a word, honesty wins trust, respect, honor, friendship and lifefong happiness. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say. I sincerely hope that people from all walks of life would be honest in their daily lives.

That’s all for my speech. Thank you every much!



我相信你们所有人都还记得今年10月4日发生在青岛的“天价虾”事件。这完全毁掉了“好客山东”的旅游品牌。所以,我没有必要在这里回顾整件事情。但在这件事后,我想我们不得不反思,在我们现代社会里什么是诚信。 自从我们还是小孩子,我们从父母、老师和中国传统故事里学会了怎样做一个诚实的人。诚实意味着不以任何形式说谎、偷盗和欺骗。诚实是我国重要的美德。虽然人们都认为诚信是美德,但在我们的社会中,仍然有很多不诚信的人。例如,一些商人卖假货给顾客;一些学生在考试中作弊;一些人为了逃避责任或惩罚而说谎。

但是在我看来,不诚信是目光短浅的。他们所做的事情不仅伤害到了其他人,也伤害到了他们自己。因为作为不诚信的结果,他们可能会丢掉自己的前程,甚至被送进监狱。与之相反,诚信的人则获得很多。他们所做的事情不仅对他人有益,对自己也有益。那些总是讲真话,信守诺言的人,能赢得别人的信任和尊重,因为他们是值得信任、值得尊重的。毫无疑问,他们最终会有个好的前程。 总之,诚信能够赢得信任、尊重、荣誉、友谊和终身幸福。所以,我们对我们所说所做的事情诚信是重要的。我衷心希望生活中各个领域的人们都能保持诚信。


篇四:It Pays to Be Honest

It Pays to Be Honest

1. Although honesty is believed to be a virtue, there are still dishonest people in our society. For example, some businessmen sell fake products to their consumers.

2.In my opinion,dishonest people are short sighted. What they do brings harm not only to others but also to themselves. In the long run,it pays to be honest.

3.Those who sell fake products may make money at first, but once they were found out, no one will buy their products any more. As a result, they will lose their fortune. What is more, they will even be sent to prison. In contrast, honest people gain a lot. What they do brings benefit to others as well as to themselves. Those who always tell truth or keep to their promise can win trust and respect from their customers. Because they are trustworthy and respectable, everyone is eager to be their friend and everyone wants to buy their products. Undoubtedly, they will make a great fortune in the end.

4.In a word, honesty wins trust, respect and honor. So it is important that we should be honest in whatever we do and say.

篇五:It pays to be honest

It pays to be honest

Honesty, a traditional virtue of China,has been inherited from generations to generations .It is an essential part of human personality which is known to us all.In many cases,however,many of us have lost this valuable virtue.What a pity!

It has ,undoubtedly, become a common phenomenon that students cheat on their exams or businessmen sells unqualified products and so on.There are various kinds of dishonesty in our society.Some people may think that a little dishonesty is a trifle thing.However, a little dishonesty today may be a disaster tomorrow.A man may be fired because of his dishonesty and those who gain their fortunes not by hard labour will probably suffer from their deeds sometime.

Honesty is gold.If you are honest to others all the time,you’ll be trusted and respected.Your reputation will become great which is also beneficial to your family.The mem(转 载于:wWw.SmHaIDA.cOM 海达 范文 网:to,be,honest,作文)ber of your family will be proud of you whenever people talk about you.What’s more,we all know that with a good reputation ,one will easily ask a loan from the bank.As you are reliable and trusted ,others will be willing to help you when you are in trouble.So doesn’t it make sense that it pays to be honest? From today on,let’s be honest and eradicate immediately the seed of dishonesty once it is sowed in our minds.
