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截止目前,留学360更新海外名校录取86789枚,中哈佛大学43人、耶鲁大学56人、斯坦福大学43人、麻省理工学院25人、牛津大学38人、剑桥大学35人、多伦多大学 290人、麦吉尔大学353人、悉尼大学1874人、墨尔本大学1286人、澳洲国立大学 1100人、香港大学120人、新加坡国立大学150人、南洋理工大学227人、新西兰奥克兰大学1241人。

篇三:Queen Gertrude


姆莱特)) 中的女性形象


内容摘要:?哈姆莱特?是莎士比亚最为著名的作品之一其中的乔特鲁德和奥菲利娅这两个女性形 象不容忽视。王子哈姆莱特的复仇虽然可歌可泣,可是,通过他对这两位女性的态度以及对这两个女性形 象本身的分析,可见其对女性的偏见与不公,进而揭示哈姆莱特自身的软弱性。


历来,男性作家笔下的女性 形象,无论是天使还是恶魔,实 际上都是以不同的方式对女性的 歪曲和压抑,这反映出父权制下 男性中心主义的根深蒂固和对女 性的歧视、贬抑。而“在剧本写

作的那个年代,许多专门为妇女 写的训导书告诉她们,妇女们的 角色就是“贞洁、沉默和服从”。

从14世纪以来,作家们就在争 论妇女究竟是贞节的还是邪恶 的,其起源可以回溯到导致人类 从伊甸园堕落和失去天恩的夏

娃。”([美】迈克尔·莱恩著,赵 炎秋译:?文学作品的多重解 读?,北京大学出版社2006年版, 第140页。)通过对?哈姆莱特? 中乔特鲁德和奥菲利娅这两个女 性形象以及哈姆莱特对待她们的 态度的分析,可见莎士比亚时代 对女性的压抑与不公。



德的改嫁不可饶恕。哈姆莱特在 知道父亲死亡的真正原因之前就 对乔特鲁德表达了强烈的不满: 脆弱啊,你的名字就是女

人!……只有一个月的时间,她 那流着虚伪之泪的眼睛还没有消 去红肿,她就嫁了人了。啊,罪 恶的匆促,这样迫不及待地钻进 了乱伦的衾被!


刻薄,极力斥责乔特鲁德的失节 和再嫁的迫不及待。可见,对丧 夫之后改嫁他人的妇女,哈姆莱

特持的是否定的态度。 在哈姆莱特知晓父亲的真正

死因之后,哈姆莱特心中的母亲 形象彻底毁灭了。在其父亲的鬼 魂口中,乔特鲁德俨然成了一个

谋杀亲夫的,理应遭到唾弃鄙夷 的荡妇:


始终信守这我在结婚的时候对她 所作的盟誓;她却会对一个天赋 的才德远不如我的恶人降心相 从! 可是正像一个贞洁的女子,

虽然淫欲罩上神圣的外表,也不 能把她煽动一样,一个淫妇虽然 和光明的天使为偶,也会有一天 厌倦于天上的唱随之乐,而宁愿 搂抱人间的朽骨。


新的爱情生活的希冀与追求丝毫 没有被提及,更遑论被体谅。改


一旦,成为别人眼中的罪人。先 王的葬礼与新王的婚礼“相去得 太近”,这固然是值得怀疑的, 可是,哈姆莱特根本没有给乔特

鲁德辩解的机会,而是去到她的 寝宫夹枪带棒地对她一顿训斥: 羞啊!你不觉得惭愧吗? 要

是地狱中的孽火可以在一个中年 妇人的骨髓里煽起了蠢动,那么 在青春的烈焰中,让贞操像蜡一 样融化了吧。当无法阻遏的情欲 大举进攻的时候,用不着喊什么 羞耻了,因为霜雪都会自动燃 烧、理智都会做情欲的奴隶呢。 情欲,这人类正常的、与生 俱来的欲望,在哈姆莱特口中成 为十恶不赦的罪孽。女性为了遵 循男权社会规定的法制,不得不 压抑内心哪怕是正常的、理所当 然的情感欲望。乔特鲁德对克劳 狄斯的感情扑朔迷离,可毫无疑 问不是完全被强迫的。哈姆莱特 一味地嘲讽、讥笑母亲的再嫁, 是无礼的。乔特鲁德作为女性的 正常欲望被他说得极其不堪,而 她却无力反驳抵抗,可见,对于 再嫁的女子,自我辩解的权利已 经荡然无存。男权社会的既定法 则容不得再嫁妇女。她们处于 “失语”的地位。

哈姆莱特请来戏班子,表演 了一场“戏中戏”,用以试探克 劳狄斯和乔特鲁德。其实,这场 戏的矛头指向的是乔特鲁德。哈 姆莱特曾经称赞“蒙脸的王后” 这一句“是很好的句子”。乔特 鲁德也正像蒙着一层面纱一样, 其真心不为人知。她对爱情的渴 望,与先王和克劳狄斯的真实感 情都被哈姆莱特异常强烈的复仇

怒火吞噬,淹没在他人对其“杀 夫淫妇”的唾骂与赌咒之中。女 性被压迫的地位、失语的状态在 此体现得淋漓尽致。 二.美丽的奥菲利娅

父亲去世的真相使得哈姆莱 特心中的价值体系完全坍塌了, 他对整个世界产生了怀疑。母亲

的失节和谋杀亲夫使得哈姆莱特 认定了女性的不洁,他开始鄙视 所有的女性、怀疑女性的忠诚、 憎恶爱情。这集中表现在他对奥 菲利娅的敌视上。他把对女性的



奥菲利娅似乎是全剧最为无 辜的一个角色。

她的第一次出场是在向其兄 雷欧提斯告辞的时候。身为兄长 的雷欧提斯对奥菲利娅的告诫是

那个时候男性对深闺淑女的要 求:


的亲爱的妹妹,不要放纵你的爱 情。不要让欲望的利箭把你射 中。一个自爱的女郎,若是向月 亮显露她的美貌就算是极端放荡





总而言之,奥菲利娅,不要 相信他的盟誓,它们不过是淫 媒,内心的颜色和服装完全不一 样,只晓得诱人干一些龌龊的勾 当,正像道貌岸然大放厥辞的鸨 母,只求达到骗人的目的。 作为父亲,波洛涅斯不去关 心女儿到底怀着怎样的心事,不 去弄清楚哈姆莱特对女JLN底是

什么态度,却只是用冠冕堂皇的 大道理教育奥菲利娅,实在不是 真正关心孩子。


只有唯唯诺诺。而哈姆莱特呢? 他究竟有没有爱过奥菲利娅,对 她是否真心相待呢?母亲的不贞 使得哈姆莱特心中关于女性的所 有的美好印象全部丧失了。而奥 菲利娅就是美好的典型代表。 再次见到奥菲利娅的时候,


深长的叹息,好像他的整个胸部 都要爆裂,他的生命就在这一声 叹息中间完毕似的”。此时的哈 姆莱特已经不相信奥菲利娅的爱

情,对母亲的极度失望已经摧毁 了他的理智,他已经不能分辨爱 情中的是非黑白。“朝臣的眼 睛、学者的辩舌、军人的利剑、 国家所瞩望的一朵娇花;时流的 明镜、人伦的雅范、举世注目的 中心”……这一切已经一去不 复返,残留下来的只是一个被 命运赋予了不能承受之重的灵


哈姆莱特“从未对自称喜爱 的女人表示过同情”,反而故意 中伤她。

哈姆莱特对待奥菲利娅的态 度以及对她所说的话,绝对不是

一个男人应该对他心爱的女人说 的,甚至不是应该对任何一个女 人说的。他说:“要是你既贞洁 又美丽,那么你的贞洁应该断绝 跟你的美丽来往……因为美丽可 以使贞洁变成淫荡,贞洁却未必 能使美丽受它自己的感化”。他 误杀了奥菲利娅的父亲,并且毫 无忏悔之意,导致奥菲利娅的疯


处倾诉,最致命的伤害竟然来自 意中人,真是可悲可叹。所谓爱 情,只不过是镜花水月。女人在 男性面前永远处在被动和依附地 位。



特就已经有了厌世的倾向。而知 道母亲的不贞之后,他因爱生 恨,不仅看到了女性心灵的丑 陋,也看到他人心灵的丑恶,更 看到了自己灵魂的黑暗。在他心 中,不仅仅是女人,所有的人都 是十足的坏人。可是,既然世人 皆恶,那么他所斗争的对象就不 仅仅是克劳狄斯,而是所有的

人,是整个世界。但是,想要完 全消除人类身上的恶,就等于否 定了人类的存在,重整乾坤也就 成了空话,人生也成了虚无。既 然人生是虚无的,没有意义, 哈姆莱特又觉得不如死去,但 他又感到死亡的恐惧,于是他 提出“生存还是毁灭”的亘古 难题。

哈姆莱特拥有与其温文尔雅 的性格不相称的过度发达的思 维,这使他成为了以为怀疑主义

者。同时,才智太发达的人往往 会沉溺于自己的思考之中,于是 成为了利己主义者。他或许信仰 人文主义,但是当现实残酷地打

破他的美梦时,他却失去了信 仰,陷入了虚无。而在了解父亲 死亡的真相和自己所肩负的重担

的时候,哈姆莱特万分纠结。他 对母亲的蔑视、对恋人的无情、对人世的憎恶,皆因他对自己向

来尊崇的爱与同情的信仰的否 定。他认为自己追求信仰的行为是一场闹剧,认为自己优柔寡断 的复仇是可笑可恶的。哈姆莱特蔑视自己,因为细小的失败而意 志消沉、抱怨不已。这是因为他过分地高估了自己的价值,为自 己的行为没有能够达到思想所能


此智慧的精神。所以他只有在折磨与厌恶自己的恶性循环中求得心灵一时的安慰。并且把咄咄逼 人的矛头指向弱质的女人。这也 正是哈姆莱特最大的悲哀。 哈姆莱特嗟叹:“脆弱啊,

你的名字就是女人!”而实际上, 真正脆弱的是哈姆莱特自己。

篇四:Queen rura美白面膜成分简介


◎ 美白:这主要是“光甘草定”俗称(黄金美白)的作用,它是从特定品种甘草中提取的天然美白剂,有美白、抑制黑色素、抗炎、抗氧化、抗菌、祛斑、辅助其他功效等作用,是一种目前公认疗效快速、高效、绿色且功能最全面的美白祛斑原料,也是目前国际上高档美白化妆品的主要高效成分。除日本、韩国的高档品牌化妆品公司广泛使用外,Lancome 、Dior 、Sania Rykiel 、 Chanel也普遍使用该成分。同时,我们面膜特有的配方,让光甘草定的功效得到了充分的发挥。

◎ 祛痘、修复过敏:这主要是因为里面有不少天然提取物,具有抗敏消炎作用,比如黄山药根、冬虫夏草,它们都有解毒、消炎、祛痘、润肤、消肿的作用;比如薄荷,它可以治疗皮肤瘙痒、皮疹、湿疹,再搭配金黄洋甘菊可以减轻烫伤、发炎、帮助改善湿疹、面疱、疱疹、干癣、起敏感皮肤及一般的干敏现象,比如红景天根,它有抗衰老、抗微波辐射、排毒、去红血丝的作用,酵母菌,它营养价值高,富含较多的蛋白质、维生素B等,可以增强皮肤抵抗力。

◎ 保湿、收缩毛孔:成分里含有纤毛红藻提取物,它具有很强的收缩功能、抗衰老、滋润,另外红藻搭配透明脂酸钠渗透性


篇五:Queen's english

Queen's English refers to standard British English,

and it can be further defined as the standard

pronunciation and intonation of British English. Its

opposite is American English.

Mandarin as the standard Chinese pronunciation has

already been accepted widely and advocated

throughout China. However, as its counterpart,

Queen's English is still little known and never

promoted in China, where English has been

designated as the first foreign language and a

compulsory subject for all students in primary and

secondary schools and even universities. In fact,

students learning English nowadays in China

basically have no concept of what Queen's English is

and how it differs from the American version.

As is known to us all, mandarin originates from the

dialect spoken in northern China and is based on the

Beijing accent. In analogy, Queen's English

originates from England and is based on the

educated London accent. American English is

derived from Queen's English. In China, only

mandarin is accepted as the standard Chinese

pronunciation. But as to the standard English

pronunciation, some students would think it must be

the American version.

The Chinese government has been trying to

popularize mandarin across the country in the past

five decades, because there are 56 ethnic groups in

China who speak different languages, and Chinese

language alone is spoken in seven main dialects,

each of which, in turn, has several local varieties. 英语普通话是指标准的英国英语,进而可被定义为标准的英语语音和语调,与其相对立的是美国英语。 汉语普通话作为标准的汉语发音,在中国已得到普遍推广,并已在全国范围内得以公认。然而,作为与汉语普通话有同等地位的英语普通话,其知之者却甚少,并从未在中国得以推广,尽管在中国英语已被指定为大、中、小学的第一外语和必修课。实际上,今天学习英语的中国学生根本不知道什么是英语普通话,也不知道英语和美语究竟有何不同。 众所周知,汉语普通话源于中国北方方言,以北京口音为基础。同汉语普通话一样,英语普通话源于英国,以伦敦口音为基础,而美国英语是从英语派生出来的,属于英语的音系分支。在中国,只有普通话被视为标准的汉语发音,但对于标准的英语发音,许多英语学习者甚至会认为是美语。 在过去的五十年中,中国政府一直在大力推广汉语普通话,因为中国有56个说不同方言的民族,仅汉语就有七大语系,各语系自身也极具变化,这给人们的日常生活和交流带来极

This has caused great misunderstandings and

difficulties for people to communicate in their daily

life. The same situation exists in the

English-speaking world, where native speakers of

English from different parts of the world speak

different forms of the language. Even in London,

people from the western part sometimes find it

difficult to understand the people from the eastern

part. Therefore, for a better understanding among the

people who speak different forms of English, it is

highly necessary to uphold Queen's English as the

standard pronunciation in not only the

English-speaking countries but the other parts of the

world as well.

The English pronunciation varies mainly in the sound

of vowels, while the consonants are pronounced in

very much the same way wherever English is

spoken. A language is first of all to be spoken. Good

pronunciation comes from a good command of

phonetics. In order to standardize pronunciation of

vowels, phoneticians invented a diagram illustrating

the side view of oral cavity and showing clearly the

pronouncing positions of different vowels. Queen's

English also serves as the foundation of the

International Phonetic Alphabet promulgated by the

International Pronunciation Association (IPA)

established in 1886.

For about 50 years, until the end of last century,

teachers and students of English in China regarded

Queen's English as the sole standard, and the IPA

was a compulsory course in schools and an

independent item for the annual national university

entrance English examinations. In the 1970s, China 大不便。同样的问题在英语世界亦广泛存在,来自不同英语国家的人们用不同的英语口音讲话。即使在伦敦,东西部之间的人也时常会有交流的困难。所以,为使讲不同英语口音的人们能够无障碍地交流,在英语国家里以及世界其它地区都十分有必要倡导英语普通话。 英语口音的不同主要体现在元音上,而辅音的发音在世界各地都大致相同。语言首先是用来说话的,好的发音源自对音标的良好掌握。为了规范元音的发音,语言学家发明了语音图,即语音口腔剖面图,使看不见、摸不着的不同元音有了明确的发音定位。国际语音协会于1886年成立,其制定的国际音标也是以标准英语,即英语普通话为基础的。 直到上世纪末,大约五十年以来,中国的英语老师和学生都把以国际音标为依据的英语普通话视为英语的唯一标准。国际音标是学校的必修课,也曾是高考英语试卷中不可缺少的

imported the "Linguaphone English Course" with

sound effect, and in the 1980s followed this with the introduction of the "Follow Me" TV English teaching

program and the "New Concept English Course" with

tape-recordings. The oral standard and elegant

Queen's English courses have helped at least two

generations of Chinese learners of English develop

the basic skills of English pronunciation.

However, along with introduction of the US TOEFL

course into China in the late 1980s, Queen's English

gradually lost its dominant position. Consequently,

more and more students nowadays never stop

complaining that English has no unified standard and

different teachers teach different forms of English,

which dampens students’ interest in learning the

language and in a certain sense damages the

teachers’ image in the hearts of their students. 内容。在上世纪七十年代,中国引进了《灵格风英语教程》,八十年代引进了《跟我学》电视英语以及至今仍十分流行的《新概念英语》。通过这些标准优雅的英语普通话的学习,至少有两代中国学习者掌握了基本的英语发音。 然而,在上世纪八十年代末,随着美国托福考试系统的引进,英语普通话逐渐丧失了其在教与学中的主导地位,最终导致今天越来越多的学生抱怨英语没有标准,不同的老师讲不同口音的英语。这不仅极大降低了学生们学习的兴趣,也影响了老师在学生心目中的形


Although different Chinese teachers may pronounce

Chinese differently, few students complain that there

is no standard pronunciation. That is because most

Chinese people know very well what the standard is

and they can easily consult dictionaries whenever

they are uncertain about the pronunciation of a

particular word. Within a Chinese dictionary every

word is marked with the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet,

which is the only standard for Chinese people to

follow. 虽然不同的汉语老师也讲不同口音的汉语,但却没有学生抱怨汉语没有标准,因为中国人都知道汉语的标准是什么。当他们对一个字的发音感到不确定时,可随时查字典找标准。在汉语字典里,每个字都有明确的拼音标识,这是汉语的唯一标准。


Submitted by marcc22 on 12 June, 2008 - 16:53


Edited by Marc Chen from the content by Josephine Bacon

The following content mostly by Josephine Bacon expresses the same view as mine and I would like to use it to open a discussion on the idea that Standard English is indeed a standard. Whereas American English is abnormal. Abnormal, in this definition meaning 'anything which does not conform to the rule or standard or to what is acceptable. For too long now the British have allowed standards of English to fall and accommodated various forms of colloquial and colonial English. If grammar can be viewed as a a measure, then why not use it and set the standard in concrete. Most native English-speakers are aware of George Bernard Shaw's dictum that the British and the Americans are: “two nations divided by a single language”. Most non-native English-speakers, however, remain ignorant of the fundamental differences between the ways in which the British and the Americans express themselves and this can be of vital importance to a translator.


The British are far more aware of the difference than their American counterparts thanks to the influence of the movies, and the arrival of the GIs during World War II. When the first American talkies were shown in Great Britain, they had to be subtitled because the British had never heard an American accent and could not understand the dialogue! Even today, I am asked in the United States about my accent. My reply is always, ‘No, I don’t have an accent, you have an accent’. [Standard Received Pronunciation, as all British people know, has no accent.]

The problem is not confined to dialogue and dialect speech, what we translators call the ‘familiar register’. For legal translators, the most fundamental difference is in the date. Throughout the

English-speaking world (don’t forget there are far more speakers of British and British-based English in the former colonies and dominions, for instance, than there are of American English), the date is written dd/mm/yyyy. But not in the U.S., oh no, they have to be different. In the U.S. the date is written mm/dd/yyyy. Except in what the Americans refer to as ‘the military’ and what we in the UK call ‘the forces’. And not just there. When I first went to the United States in the 1970s, the immigration forms required that you to write the date the universal way, but the customs forms required that you to write it the American way. How confusing is that? Can you imagine the sort of hassles? I know American attorneys who employed translators from outside the U.S. to translate their documents and who had to go into court and take the oath in the witness box to convince the judge that their client was not lying about his birthdate, the translator had gotten (gotten is an Americanism, by

the way) it the wrong way round! Another confusion in legal circles arises from the word continued. To continue a case in British English means for it to carry on; to continue a case in American English means to postpone it. To table a motion or proposal in British English means to deal with it right away. The same expression in American English means to shelve it.

A BRIEF SURVEY OF STYLISTIC DIFFERENCES: AMERICAN VERSUS BRITISH ENGLISH The above are just a few of the confusions that can arise. Some translators and editors think that a text can be converted from one form of English to the other merely by running it through the correct spellchecker. Changing the spelling is only the beginning, however. Firstly, there are questions of style. In British English, words like "can't," "don't," etc. are not used in publicity material. Americans are more verbose, use more adjectives and more hyperbole, and they love long words. They will always write "utilize" when "use" would do perfectly well, and we are all familiar with the dreadful – ‘at this time’, when it would be even better to say ‘now’. Of course, this is also a sort of euphemism, as in ‘we can’t make use of your services at this time’, which sounds much better than ‘you’re fired!’.

Major differences in vocabulary occur in areas in which the two cultures have diverged. These include law, construction and architecture,

transport, food and cookery and the home. Examples include "shake" - American (for roof tiles -British), "fieldstone" - American (believe it or not, we British call it "crazy paving"), "burlap" - American (Hessian - British), "diaper" - American (nappy - British ), "shade" - American (blind - British), "dust ruffle" - American (valance - British ),

"valance" - American (pelmet - British), "baseboard" - American (skirting board - British ).

Banking and finance are other areas in which the two languages diverge.

A "routing code" in American banking is a "sort code" in British banking. In accountancy, "private ledger" in America is "bought ledger" in the UK. If all this is confusing, here is some input from my fellow director at American Pie, Dan Henderson, a Texan by birth, in order to ensure that you are confused further: "Nobody would think twice in America about naming a child Randolph Pratt ('Randy' as you can find out by looking in any British dictionary, means 'horny' and a 'Prat' is one of many words meaning twerp, plonker, berk, etc. for an idiot). The chain of equipment rental stores called B.U.M Equipment always raises a laugh among Brits, as did the name of the coach of the New Orleans Saints, Bum Philips. Although a bum is a derelict in the U.S., in the UK it is a ‘bottom’, 'butt' or 'rear end'! Americans might consider 'spotted dick' to be a
