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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 11:32:12 作文素材









My holiday

My holiday si happy 。No school, no class. This life is the most beautiful。I very Iike My holiday。 Because it is happy.in holiday.。During the holiday, I will go every day to and my friends go out to play, we play are very happy, I am very happy. We will go to the library to read a book, this is the most I like doing. I will play the game together with father, and the father when playing the game very happy。I will help my parents to clean the room every day, my parents it is happy.every day。I Iike my holiday.
















“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。







“李伯伯,新年快乐”“王阿姨,工作顺了”“刘奶奶,身体健康”〃〃〃跟所有的长辈们拜过年之后,妈妈提议说:一会,去街上看看,感受下新年的气氛。 一上街,街上可就更热闹了。人们手里有提着大袋大袋的菜,身边的孩子手上握着一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑着。看!我左边的一位四、五岁左右的小女孩,跑到前面去。一下子又转过头对一位满手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊着:“爸爸,快点!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿着那边超市发的小气球的,红的,黄的,绿的,还有蓝的。也有三五成群,手挽着手说说笑笑的姑娘们,小伙子们,忙绿了一年,辛苦了一年,我想这个时候应该是大家最放松,最高兴的时候。你看,路灯上还挂着两个小红灯,喜气洋洋的。就像在说,“我们也要过新年,我们也要过新年”。

一进菜市场,那才更热闹呢!人流窜动,一眼望去,什么也看不见,全是人。还有那翠绿的黄瓜,可真新鲜哪,你看,那金黄色的小花在太阳的照射下显得多么的生机勃勃啊。那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜〃〃〃真是要什么有什么呀。“哎哟!可真够挤的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟着妈妈买了几个我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场。超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙。 傍晚时分,街上,又渐渐安静下来。店主们把店子关了,超市也比往常早了些许关门。大家都提着东西回家过年去了。




“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。








My English name is sally. I‘m from China. I‘m Chinese. I always wear green and white shirt and blue trousers. I have big eyes、small mouth and a small nose.

My favorite sports are tennis, Ping-Pong and running. My favorite subject is English. I like eating apple and cake. My favorites drink is coke, milk and juice.

This is me, we can become good friend?



(My home)我的家

My name is Mao Jiayun. I’m in Class 1, Grade 4. Look! This is my home. It’s not big, but it’s very nice. There are six rooms in it, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a computer, a bed , two chairs , a desk and three windows in my father’s bedroom. There is a picture, a bed, a shelf, a desk and three chairs in my room. You can see a picture, a fan and a shelf in Grandma’s room. In the living room, you can see a picture, a fan, two lights, a TV, a table, three sofas and many books. Do you like my home?




Dear friend,

My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself? ,




2、My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I’m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents . Can you write to me soon ?

2、我的名字是王麟。我现在住在杭州,中国。我想找一个英国的笔友。我现在已经14岁了。我讲中文。我能说一点英语。我喜欢运动,游泳是我最喜欢的。我也喜欢玩电脑游戏。我在学校最喜欢的科目是数学。我喜欢和我的朋友去看电影。我最喜欢的电影是美女与野兽。现在我和我的父母住在一起。 你能尽快给我写信吗?

3、I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia. Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It’s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.


5、My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute. I like to palsy with it after school.


8、I like playing basketball .It’s very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It’s a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每个人都需要和别人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.



10、Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends .They all love to watch different TV shows. Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows. Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms. But Lily can’

t stand them .She just likes game shows. Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either. He enjoys talk shows. So you know they are all TV shows fans.(他们都是电视迷)

汤姆,南茜,莉莉和杰克是我的好朋友。他们都喜欢看不同的电视节目。汤姆喜欢体育,所以他喜欢体育节目。南茜和她喜欢看喜剧连续剧。我不能忍受他们。她只是喜欢游戏节目。杰克不喜欢情景喜剧要么。他喜欢的谈话节目。你知道他们都是电视迷。(他们都是电视迷) 关于写天气预报的英语作文短文

Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.

That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)

早上好!这里是一些大城市的天气预报中的世界。北京是多云。天气很冷,所以穿上暖和的衣服当你出门。在香港有美丽的阳光。(阳光灿烂)。人们会感到凉爽的白天。纽约是晴天,但有一个强烈的风(大风)下午。在悉尼会下雨,但是很热。明天以后(后天)将是晴朗的。 这是今天的天气报告。谢谢你听。(谢谢收听)


My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant. Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.



There are three people in Jim’s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straight hair . He wears glasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has curly hair. She is cleaning the room . Jim is very thin. He is playing with the ball. They are all happy.





My English name is sally. I‘m from China. I‘m Chinese. I always wear green and white shirt and blue trousers. I have big eyes、small mouth and a small nose.

My favorite sports are tennis, Ping-Pong and running. My favorite subject is English. I like eating apple and cake. My favorites drink is coke, milk and juice.

This is me, we can become good friend?



(My home)我的家

My name is Mao Jiayun. I’m in Class 1, Grade 4. Look! This is my home. It’s not big, but it’s very nice. There are six rooms in it, three bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. There is a computer, a bed , two chairs , a desk and three windows in my father’s bedroom. There is a picture, a bed, a shelf, a desk and three chairs in my room. You can see a picture, a fan and a shelf in Grandma’s room. In the living room, you can see a picture, a fan, two lights, a TV, a table, three sofas and many books. Do you like my home?



Dear friend,

My name is Sally. I am from China. I want a pen pal in Australia. I am 14 years old. I have no brothers or sisters in my family. MY favorite subject in school is science, because I think it’s very interesting. I like playing the piano and playing basketball on weekends. How about you? Can you write and tell me something about yourself?




2、My name is Wang Lin . Now I live in Hangzhou , China. I want to find a pen pal in England. I’m now 14 years old . I speak Chinese .And I can speak a little English. I like sports ,swimming is my favorite . I also like playing the computer games . My favorite subject in school is math. I like to go to movies with my friends. My favorite movie is Beauty and Beast . Now I live with my parents .

Can you write to me soon ?

2、(来自:www.sMHaiDa.com 海 达范文网:英语作文我喜欢的超市)我的名字是王麟。我现在住在杭州,中国。我想找一个英国的笔友。我现在已经14岁了。我讲中文。我能说一点英语。我喜欢运动,游泳是我最喜欢的。我也喜欢玩电脑游戏。我在学校最喜欢的科目是数学。我喜欢和我的朋友去看电影。我最喜欢的电影是美女与野兽。现在我和我的父母住在一起。


3、I have a good friend, his name is Bill. He is from Sydney, Australia. Now he lives in Beijing with his parents. He is 14 years old and his birthday is in October. He speaks English and he can speak a little Chinese. He has lots of friends in Beijing. He often plays soccer after school with them. It’s his favorite sport. He likes Chinese action movies very much. He thinks they are interesting. He favorite actor is Jet Li.


5、My favorite animal is a cat. I have a cat in my family. Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China. She is two years old now. She likes to eat fish every day. She is kind of lazy, but she is very

cute. I like to palsy with it after school.


8、I like playing basketball .It’s very interesting . I often play it with my friends. It’s a team work.. Everyone needs to work together with others. (每个人都需要和别人合作). I can also make many new friends in the game. My favorite basketball player is Yao Ming. He is very tall and plays basketball very well. I want to play in NBA one day like him.



10、Tom, Nancy , Lily and Jack are my good friends .They all love to watch different TV shows. Tom likes sports, so he likes sports shows. Nancy watches comedies and she loves sitcoms. But Lily can’t stand them .She just likes game shows. Jack doesn’t like sitcoms either. He enjoys talk shows. So you know they are all TV shows fans.(他们都是电视迷)



Good morning ! Here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world . Beijing is cloudy . It’s very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out . In Hong Kong there’s beautiful sunshine.(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It is sunny in New York , but there’s a strong wind (大风) in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow (后天) will be sunny.

That’s the weather report for today . Thank you for listening .(谢谢收听)

早上好!这里是一些大城市的天气预报中的世界。北京是多云。天气很冷,所以穿上暖和的衣服当你出门。在香港有美丽的阳光。(阳光灿烂)。人们会感到凉爽的白天。纽约是晴天,但有一个强烈的风(大风)下午。在悉尼会下雨,但是很热。明天以后(后天)将是晴朗的。 这是今天的天气报告。谢谢你听。(谢谢收听)



My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant. Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.



There are three people in Jim’s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is fat and he has short straight hair . He wears glasses . He is watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is a woman of medium height . She has curly hair. She is cleaning the room . Jim is very thin. He is playing with the ball. They are all happy.






1 The Pleasures and Pains of Childhood (童年的快乐和痛苦)

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult . If a child has good parents , he is fed ,looked after and loved ,whatever he may do .It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return . In addition ,life is always presenting new things to the child-things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known . A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain , or in the snow . his first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure .

But a child has his pain: he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are : he is continually being told not to do things , or being punished for what he has done wrong . His life is therefore not perfectly happy.

2 How to Behave in An Interview (如何应付面试)

In order to make a good impression during a job interview ,you need to prepare yourself for it . you must arrive in plenty of time for the interview ,so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins .

The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important. Try to find out if the company or organization has rules about dress .Then try to dress according to their regulations.

You also need to plan what you are going to say. In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking , and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience . You need to have answers ready about yourself .your schoolwork ,your strong points, your reasons for applying for the job , and the salary you expect.

You will also be allowed to ask some questions. The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position . You can ask question like these : What duties will I have to do in the job? Does the company provide health insurance ? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?

3 Supermarkets (超市)People all over the world shop in

supermarkets . When you enter supermarkets, you will see shelves loaded with goods. You will hear soft , light music as you walk along the aisles. Food in supermarkets seem to be very attractive. A large supermarkets is a big business . In addition to food items , many other goods such as house wares , school supplies ,toys clothing ,magazines and even books are sold in supermarkets. It is a place where housewives frequent . It tries to meet her needs so that when she leaves , she’ll shop nowhere else.

Supermarkets are becoming more and more popular. There is no doubt about it——more and more housewives around the world will soon be standing in the check-in line.

4 Should College Students Do Part-time Jobs (大学生应当做业


Most students think that doing part-time jobs when studying at collage can provide them with an opportunity to get in touch with the society .Also , some students do part-time jobs to support themselves . They are said to work through collage.

However ,it’s not easy to find jobs which are suitable for students .Some jobs requiring long hours of tedious work under tough conditions may do harm to their health .Besides ,some jobs may expose them to the negative aspects of society_dishonesty and corruption.

Therefore ,students should take a second thought in deciding whether they should do part-time jobs or what kind of jobs they should choose. If they are luck enough to take a good job ,it will benefit them enormously .Otherwise ,it may waste their time and their energy. 5 My View on E-mail (我对电子邮件的看法)

Electronic mail ,or E-mail for short ,is a new way of communication by means of computers .Fast ,cheap and convenient , E-mail is so popular that it has become an indispensable means of communication.

Millions of computer all over the world have been connected to form a global network, namely the Internet. You can send and receive by E-mail documents, letters and papers to anyone in other countries in no time .By using E-mail you can also store ,delete ,compile information .In a world ,E-mail helps you overcome spatial and time limitations in communication .

With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the expansion of information highway ,E-mail is expected to play a more and more important role in our lives.


Living in a City__a Crazy Idea (住在城市——疯狂的念头) Tired of the city life ,some city-dwellers opt for city suburbs as their residence .They are flocking there to avoid people ---in the city ,wherever you look, it’s people ,people ,people.

It’s not strong for them complain about the living conditions in the city. It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. The subways which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed : an endless procession of human sardine tins. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blot out the sun . The flow of traffic goes on continuously and the noise never stops.

Decades of years ago ,people were crazy about crowding into the city .Now more and more people believe that only a madam would choose to live in a large modern city. 7 Career Hopping (跳槽)

Today ,growing numbers of men and women are changing careers or getting second starts in careers that have greater appeal to them. Many of those who find that their work is unsatisfactory retrain themselves for a different occupation .

Job changes and careers shifts occur at all ages. It is estimated that as many as one out of four male workers between the ages of twenty and twenty-five change their lines of work. About half that number do so between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four. Some married women combine child-rearing responsibilities with new career lines.

Motives for changing careers vary widely , but many people move because they feel bored with the dull routine. For some ,a second start grows out of the realization that what they want out of life is not what they are doing , and they decide to do what they enjoy .Most go back to school to get the training they need to make the shifts. 8 The Young and The Old(年轻人与老年人)

When the young man starts to earn his own living , he becomes free from discipline of school and parents; but at the same time he is forced to accept responsibilities .He can no longer except others to play for his food, his clothes ,and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably .If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the lows of his parents ,he may go to prison. If , however , he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health ,he can have the great happiness of seeing himself make steady progress in his job and of building up for himself his own position in society.

Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be ; but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come wisdom and the ability to help others with advice wisely given . The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life ;they can watch their grandchild growing up around them; and ,perhaps best of all ,they can ,if their life has been a useful one ,feel the happiness of having come through the battle of life safely and of having reached a time when they can lie back and rest ,leaving others to continue the fight.

9 Electricity and Our Life(电力与我们的生活)

Since its invention ,electricity has found wide applications in industry, agriculture and scientific research . It is so essential to our daily life that, without electricity, we could not enjoy modern comforts because home appliances would not function . Without electricity, we could not cook food ,wash clothes and watch TV.

Roughly ,there are three ways to save electricity .First ,we should produce electricity-saving home appliances .Second, remember to turn off the light when you leave a room. Lastly ,we should change our way of life .Avoid as much as possible the “artificial life” powered by electricity.

10 Turn off Your Mobile Phone(关掉你的手机)

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products , the mobile phone has become a necessity for people .It is obvious that it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient. Thanks to it ,it’s easy for us to contact others anytime and anywhere.

However, have you noticed that the mobile phone also bring embarrassment to people ?It’s not rare to see people pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present .It is more than likely that you have noticed that the mobile phones ring continuously on a formal occasion. People around them have to listen to the noise and they can’t concentrate on what they’re doing.

11 Education ——Preparation for Society(教育——为走上社会


Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to fit them for life.

Because of the development in modern education, many people avail of the opportunities to receive collage education .But there are not enough positions for people with university degrees. Beside, some graduates refuse to do what they think “low” jobs ----work with hands is thought to be indecent.

In fact ,when we say that all of us must be educated, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly ,each of us should do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability, and secondly, that we must realize that all jobs are necessary to society.

12 Making a Phone Call or Writing a Latter(打电话还是写信)

When there is a need to communicate with people, we either make a phone call or write a letter. Some people like making a phone call while others prefer writing a letter.

The advantage of phoning is evident. It is handy and fast. We can contact whomever we want to and talk with him right away. By making phone calls, people can discuss things as if they were in the same room. However ,there are still some people who prefer to write letters. There is no doubt that letters are less expensive than long-distance calls. Besides it is a better choice for those who are not good at expressing themselves orally. However ,it takes days ,even weeks for a letter to reach its destination.

Both making a phone call and writing a letter are effective means of communication. It seems advisable to make use of them both on different occasions.

12 My Favorite Mode of Travel(我喜欢的旅行方式)

With the improvement of people’s living standards, more and more people are making a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours for convenience’s sake, I prefer to travel by myself.

I like traveling on my own not only because it costs less but because it gives me freedom. Traveling on my own, I’m my own boss and can decide when to start or where to linger I can adjust my own plan. By contrast, in a package tour you’re deprive of such freedom as you are supposed to follow the agenda of the tour team.

True, you may encounter inconveniences if you travel alone; getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals might give you headaches. But nothing can be compared with freedom---the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip to be free from constrains of the routine life. 13 A letter of Application (应聘信) Dear Sir:

I was pleased to see your ad in the newspaper on December 25 for a sales engineer. In July I will receive my bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Nanjing University, and I would like to be considered for the post.

I believe I am a competitive candidate for your post because both my education and work experience meet your requirement. Besides degree courses concerning electronics ,I also took such courses as Marketing, Consumer Behavior Strategies. Last summer, I participated in an electronic project, from which I have gained practical experience in this field.

I would welcome an opportunity to join your company because your post is what I’ve been preparing for. If you feel that I might be the right person for the job I would be ready for an interview at your convenience. I’m looking forward to your reply!

Sincerely yours,

Zhu Fang

14 A letter of Complaint(投诉信) Dear Sir:

I am writing to complain about one of your bus drivers, who was so rude to the passengers.

Yesterday ,I was taking the bus No. 133 to school .It was about 9:30 in the morning .It was not the rush-hour and there were not many passengers on the bus. But the driver drove so fast and he didn’t slow down even when the bus turned round street corners. One of the passengers asked him to drive slowly but he did not listen. When the bus reached the next stop, a man stood up and walked toward the door. The driver stopped the bus so suddenly that the man could not keep his balance and fell on the floor. The driver didn’t make an apology and asked him to get off the bus right away .

I think that public bus system should serve the public whole-heartedly. The safety of passengers should be the major concern. It is my sincere hope that proper measures ought to be taken to prevent such incidents from happening again.

Yours sincerely

Liu Yuan

13 Healthy Lifestyle(健康的生活方式) Dear James,

I’m glad to get your letter. Do you still feel stressful ?As far as I know ,a lot of people live in a way that is wearing themselves out. In fact, life doesn’t have to be like that. It is wise to bear an important principle in your mind-----managing time. To make it simple ,decide what you want in your life ,and put that first. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life, just do it! Take a nap, or a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office . Fill more of your time with what-to-dos instead of have-to dos.

Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. Anyhow ,we should do something for ourselves .I hope you can manage your life! Stay cool!

ours faithfully,


14 Reply to a Birthday Invitation (对参加生日聚会邀请的回复) Dear Henry,

Happy birthday to you!

I got the invitation to your birthday party yesterday morning .Thanks so much for inviting me to join in your party . I tried hard to reschedule my activities ,but I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to join you .My boss and I have to leave for Shanghai next week for an international trade affair .There is not any possibility of canceling it. I will go to see you as soon I am back .I am sure you will have a great fun at the party!

Sincerely yours,



