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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 09:17:30 字数作文

篇一:研究生英语My English Story

My English Story

Part 1(Past)

Before entering middle school, English is a remote and mysterious realm I roughly have not ever touched. In other words, I began to learn English till I was 12 years old, about 5 or more years later than other children around me. And hence I have a rough time when I attempt to learn it. For instance, asked by my classmates, “What is your name, please?”, I felt so inferior and downcast because I may hardly recite the 26 letters at that time.

Fortunately for me, my English teacher, Mrs. Sun, encouraged and helped me a lot. She gave me extra classes during her noon break. She told me I should never be too timid to use English and must have enough valor to speak loudly. With her selfless help, I finally caught up with my classmates after months of hard working. I felt enlightened and became interesting in English, though I could only say measly several simple sentences such as “Good morning” and “How old are you”.

Afterwards my English learning gradually turned in a relatively positive direction. However, the primary force I studied English was simple, just to get a higher school record to go to a better high school. And in the high school, it changed to go to a better university. As a result of this simple but inappropriate motive, after being accepted by Harbin Institute of Technology to get a bachelor's degree and breezing through the CET4, 6, I hardly learned English for quite a long time, nearly two years.

On one occasion, I read a poem from Tagore’s Stray Bird. Different from my usual reading, it is written in English. And it gave me more fantastic sense than when I read its Chinese translation. This fantastic sense gave me totally new aspiration to relearn English. As I found I extremely need English to know more about the world.

Part 2(Present)

Trying to get my master’s degree smoothly, I currently use English in readings of foreign literature in my field of expertise. Due to the previous learning, I may digest some elementary literature with the help of my teachers and dictionaries. But that is not enough, I must try to learn more. Very luckily, I get a foreign teacher, Mrs. Taylor, to give me guidance in learning English. This is the first time I get in touch with a native speaker of English so frequently.

Mrs. Taylor speaks clearly and fluently, it is a relish to go to her class. In her class, we enjoy harmonious and relaxed atmosphere she establishes for us . She not only tells us how to learn English effectively, but also gives us much more knowledge about the foreign world. Watching the movies she recommends to us, we improve our English, at the same time, we begin to think more about the gap between China and the western world in politics, economy and culture.

On the other side, I integrate my English learning in daily leisure and entertainments.

For instance, I take part in E-club, a English club for English lovers in our campus. Or if there is no class in the morning, I occasionally listen to VOA to improve my poor listening skill.

Part 3(Future)

In the future, namely after my graduation, if I could find a job in foreign invested enterprises, it is certainly I will use English more frequently. Practice makes perfect, so my English will get corresponding improvement day after day. Otherwise, I still will never abandon my English studying. That’s because of my drea(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:my,story,英语作文)m, a dream to journey round the world. And also for my children in the future, as they are going to touch English sooner or later, and I wish I may be a good enlightener to give them relevant help. In a word, never will I terminate my English learning, it will attend on me, all my life long.

篇二:英语作文我的房间my room


Hu yukun

This is my room. There is a big bed in my room. Above my bed is a map of China. China is my Motherland. Next to my bed is my bedstand. On it is a shelf, There are some collection on it, such as Chinese clay doll, a bear carve from Yellowstone National Park and Aladdin lamp. I have a book case too, many books are on it. Before the case, it is my desk. On the desk, there is a fish tank, some fish are in; it. I like them very much. There is also a globe on the desk .This is my room. Do you like this room?
