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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/25 23:20:36 字数作文

篇一:Look at this picture(Miss Yu)

Lesson 1

Look at the picture of my family


教学目标: 1.会说会用这些句子:

This is my family

. This is my Dad.His name is….

2.会说会用会写这些单词 family dad mum picture 。

重点难点: 会说会用这些句子:

This is my family

. This is my Dad.His name is….


名人的照片。 父母的单人照片各一张和一张姚明的照


2.学生准备自己的家庭照片,爸妈的单人照片各一张 。




A:Hello. I’m Miss Smith.My name is Linda Smith.

B:I’m Mis YU.My name is YU LU LAN. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you ,too. What’s that ?

B: Oh. This is a picture.

A: A picture? Let me have a look.

B: OK. Look! This is my family. This is my dad.

A: What’s his name?

B: His name is ……. This is my mum.

A: What’s her name?

B: Her name is …….

同学们,刚才的对话,你们听懂了吗?今天我们来学习新的一课, 板书课题“Look at the picture of my family”

二. 新课展示



1)教师出示主图中的家庭照片,让学生边看,老师边反复说picture picture picture 。 然后让学生和老师一起拍着手或打着节奏读这个单词,引导学生注意这个单词有两个音节: pic-ture, picture ,pic-ture, picture 。板书时同样注意拼写的节奏,如:写出pic 读/pik /,再写出ture (之后把事先准备好的单词卡片贴在黑板上)


用This is a picture of……….继续介绍。

2)教师拿出自己家庭的照片,教授单词family 。


What picture is it?

This is a picture of my family.

然后,声音从大到小,重复五遍family family family

family family 。让学生学着老师重复这个单词。


个单词有三个音节。 fa-mi-ly family


Whose family is this?

某个同学一看是自己的家庭照片 ,立刻站起来回答:

It’s my family.


It’s …’s family.

3) 教师再拿出自己的家庭照片,指着上面的人说:

Look. This is a picture of my family. This is my dad. This is my mum.



Is this your dad? No, he isn’t. He is my dad. He isn’t your dad.

不管是 your dad还是 my dad,人称代词都是“他”,用 he来代替 。

比如:He isn’t your dad. He is my dad.

4) What’s his name, do you know? 他叫什么名字?

Bob Smith.鲍勃 ·史密斯。His name is Bob Smith.

拼读 Bob Smith 。


his他的。男性“他的” 都用his。老师指着班上任意一男生引导学生理解 he和his.随手用该男生的物品学习应用人称代词和物主代词。

如:He is Li Dong. He is my friend. He is a good boy.

His name is Tom. This is his pen/ his book / his bag.



两个同学一组一一从教室的走道走过,前一个同学先快速走过时, 用手摸摸每一个男同学的头说:he,he,he,he,he…. 等他走完时,第二个同学也走过这个走道,当他快速走过时,也用手

摸摸每一个男同学的头说:his , his , his , his , his ….


天 水 市 麦 积 区

甘 泉 中 心 学 校 教 学 设 计 学

执 教

校:甘泉中心小学 目:英语 级:四年级上册 题:Look at the picture of my family 者:余露兰 间:2012年8月28日




英语试卷 2013.5

第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分) 1.A 6.A 11.B

2.C 7.B

3.B 8.C 13.B

4.C 9.C

5.A 10.A 15.B


12.C 14.A


每小题1.5分。如出现拼写错误不计分;出现大小写、单复数错误扣0.5分;如每小题超过一个词不计分。 16. Tanner / TANNER

17. Designer

18. German

19. 5:00/5/five 20. weekends 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)

第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 21.C 26.A 31.A 36.B 41.C 46.A 51.B

22.A 27.D 32.C 37.D 42.D 47.A 52.A

23.B 28.B 33.B 38.C 43.A 48.B 53.C

24.D 29.A 34.B 39.A 44.B 49.C 54.C

25.D 30.C 35.D 40.B 45.D 50.D 55.D

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 56.C 61.C 66.B

英语 第 1 页(共 7 页)

57.A 62.B 67.D

58.D 63.B 68.D

59.D 64.A 69.A

60.C 65.C 70.B

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 71.D






第一节 情景作文(20分) 一、评分原则:






5.词数少于60,从总分中减去1分。 二、内容要点:

1.课程 2.学习方式 3.评价(学分制)

英语 第 2 页(共 7 页)

四、One possible version Hello Jack,

I’m very happy to receive your letter. I’d like to share with you the great changes that have taken place in our school since the educational reform.

In our school, both the compulsory and optional courses are offered. We are free to choose the optional courses based on our own interests. We are encouraged to learn by doing. We are supposed to do research work, which helps us to think for ourselves and develop our creative mind. Taking exams is not the only way to get credits, homework and research paper also count.

I really like the changes in our school. What about yours?

Yours Li Hua

第二节 开放作文(15分) 一、评分原则:


2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言质量初步确定其档次,然后以该档次的 要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。



4.拼写、标点符号或书写影响内容表达时,应视其影响程度予以考虑。英、 美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。


英语 第 3 页(共 7 页)

Jim, look at this picture! The man seems to be looking for water. He has dug several holes, but all of them have been left unfinished. In reality, many people lack willpower and patience while doing something difficult. Just like the man in the picture, he didn’t dig any of them further. If he had done so, he would have got water. In my opinion, when we do something, we should have the willpower to finish it. We must firmly carry it through to the end if we want to get a fruitful result. A man who gives up halfway will achieve nothing.


Text 4

英语 第 4 页(共 7 页)

英语 第 5 页(共 7 页)

篇三:三年级英语上Unit7 Look at me 教学设计


小学英语三年级上册 Unit7 Look at me!



2、 能听懂、会读、会说、会运用本单元Listen and say. 能听、说、认读本单元的形容词:big, small, long, short.




3、 能用简单的英语介绍自己、描述自己。 能用本单元的核心语言对他人的有关询问进行回答。 能够运用所学的知识,在图片的帮助下,听懂、读懂本单元





3、 了解英语中最简单的称谓语、问候语和告别语。 培养学生团结友爱的互助精神。 利用游戏方法调动学生参与课堂活动的积极性,使学生们在



(来自:WwW.smhaida.Com 海达 范文 网:look,at,this,picture)




Step 1: Warm up

1. Greeting between T and Ss.

2. Free talk.

3. Warm-up exercises

Step 2: Revision

1. Review the words and sentences.

2. Listen and read.

Step 3: New teaching

1. (PPT) Show a picture of a zoo. T: look at this picture, this is a zoo,

and there are many animals .Look! Elephant, zebra, tiger and so on. but one day, an elephant comes out of the zoo. He walks and walks, suddenly, he’s scared. Why? Guess “Who does he meet?”

Ss: “Mouse”

T: “How clever you are, but Why? The elephant is so big, the mouse is very small, why ?”

Ss: “…”

2. T: Now let’s look at the picture again. The elephant, the body is

very big. (body language) do you know “big”? What’s the meaning? Ss: “…”( teach the word “big”)

T: Look at the mouse, his body is very small. (body language)“small” do you know small what’s the meaning? Ss: “…” (teach the word “small”)

Read the new words and do body language together.

3. Look at this picture. One day a snake meets a worm, they say

“Hello” to each other. Oh, I think they look the same. But the snake’s body is very long. (body language “long long long”) teach the word “long” T: look at the worm, his body is short. (body language short short short) teach the new word “short”

Read the new words and do body language together.

4. Read the four words, group by group ,then one by one .

5. Game time. “Let’s guess” (What animal is it?)PPT: The animals

introduce themselves and the pupils guess.

6. T: “The animals can introduce themselves, can you? I can!!! I can

introduce myself.Now listen to me carefully.(PPT) Show a photo of me, then inroduce like this: Hello, I’m Miss Zhang, I have a small nose,.....Nice to meet you”Now can you introduce yourself like this?can you? Who can?”

7. PPT show some photos,and choose some one to introduce


Practice: Introduce yourself to your partner.

Choose more pupils to introduce themselves.

8. T:“Boys and girls, well done! Now let’s know a new

friend,Open your book to Page 38, learn Part 1 by yourself. You can read it loudly. then tell me “What’s his name?”

9. Translate ,read it and answer the question.

10. Game time “I’m a clown!”Choose someone he or she

becomes a clown, and introduce himself.

11. Game time “Let’s draw.” (Open your book to Page 39, let’s draw

a picture.) Show your picture to everybody.

Step 4 Sum up and homework.

1. (PPT) Show the words and the dialogue. Review them together.

2. Homework: Introduce yourself to your parents.

篇四:Unit5 Look at me

Unit5 Look at me!



1. 能听懂、会读、会说T-shirt, skirt, cap。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my ?It’s nice! It’s great. Look at me! Great!

3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话。


1、能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语Look at my ?It’s nice! It’s great. Look at me! Great!



Step1 Warm up

1. Free talk

T: Good morning/afternoon, ?

S1: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Jiang.

T: Who wants to introduce yourself and your friend? You may say “ Hello, I’m ? Look, he’s/she’s

my friend?”

S: (Introduce).

Step2 Presentation

1. Play a game and learn the new words

T: You speak good English. Now, look. I have a box. Is it nice?

S: Yes.

T: Yes, a nice box. What’s in the box? Let’s open it. Oh, three bags. Are they nice,too?

S: Yes.

T: You may say “nice”.(做动作带读nice)

Look at this white bag. What’s in the bag? (拿出包里的T恤) A T-shirt (领读两遍后出示单词


T:Look at the T-shirt.

S: (引导学生说)It’s nice!

T: Look at this blue bag. What’s in it?

Look, a T-shirt?(用手把裙子抓成一团) No, a skirt. (领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读)

Look at this skirt.

S: It’s nice!(带读It’s nice.)

T: Here’s a yellow bag. What’s in it? (引导学生猜一猜)

S:A T-shirt / skirt?

T: Look, it’s a cap(领读两遍后出示单词卡片,开火车读)

T: Look at the cap.

S: It’s nice!

2. Talk about Ss’clothes

T: The skirt, the T-shirt and the cap are all nice. Do you have nice clothes?

S: Yes.

T :Who can show us? You can say “Look at my??(出示并带读句型)

S: Look at my T-shirt.

T: Nice!

S: Look at my skirt.

T: Great! Do you know “great”? It means very nice. (出示句型卡片,带读Great! It’s great.)

S: Look at my?

Ss: It’s nice! It’s great!(多请几位学生评价)

Step 3 Look, read and learn

1. Talk about the picture

T: We have nice clothes. How about this girl? Who’s she?

S: Yang Ling.

T: Who’s the woman?

S: Yang Ling’s mother.

T: Yang Ling Looks happy. She’s going to a fashion show. So she’s trying on nice clothes. What

clothes is she trying on? Let’s watch the cartoon and tick the right picture on the paper.

2. Watch the cartoon.

T: What clothes is she trying on?

S: A skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.

T: Are they nice?

S: Yes.

T: Mum is praising her. How does Mum praise? Let’s watch the cartoon again. Try to remember

what Mum says.

3. Watch the cartoon again and get to know Mum praises.

T: What does Mum say? Please tell your partner first.

1) Talk in pairs.

2) T: How does Mum praises her T-shirt?

S: It’s nice.

T: How does she praise her skirt?

S: How nice!

T: (板书并带读) How nice!(引导学生做动作)

T:What does she say about her cap?

S:It’s great.

T: At last , Yang Ling is very happy. She says this sentence. Can you read it? (出示句型卡片,

让学生试读 Look at me!)

T: What does Mum say at last?

S: Great!

T: Yes. Now ,do you know how to praise?(PPT 出示Learning tip)

T: When we want to praise, we can say ?(引导学生一起带动作说评价语)

4. Read the dialogue

1) Read after the tape

2)Open the books and read after the teacher (提醒学生用手指着书上的句子逐句跟读)

3) Read by themselves.

4) Read in group (Half of the Ss Play Yang Ling, and other play Mum)

5) (T-Ss示范表演) T:Now , I’ll be Yang Ling. Can you act as Mum?

6) Act in pairs.

7) Act out (提前准备表演对话的服装道具,引导学生用上道具表演)

Step 4 Homework

1、 跟读对话至熟练并背诵对话。

2、 下节课带彩色报纸、水彩笔、剪刀和胶水。




1. 能听懂、会读、会说jacket, 复习巩固、进一步熟练掌握本课词汇T-shirt, it, it’s, skirt,

cap以及日常交际用语Look at my ?It’s nice! How nice! It’s great. Look at me! Great!

2. 能熟练地诵读歌谣“Nice clothes”。


1. jacket的正确读音。

2. 有序有效地参与活动“Make and say”,在活动中使动手能力、小组合作能力以及综合运



Step1 Warm up

1. Free talk

T: Good morning/afternoon, …

S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/Mr …

T: Look at my new T-shirt/skirt.

S: It’s nice!/ How nice! /It’s great.

T: Thank you. 2. Revision

T:We know Yang Ling is trying on nice clothes in the story time.

Do you remember what clothes she tries on?

S:A skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.

T:(手拿实物)Yes, a skirt, a T-shirt and a cap.

T:What does she say?

S:Look at my?(师板书)

T:Mum likes her clothes. How does she praise?

S: It’s nice./ How nice! /It’s great./Great. (师板书)

T:Now who wants to act Yang Ling? And who wants to act Mum?

① S1---Yang Ling, Ss---Mum;

② S1---Yang Ling, S2---Mum;

③ Girls---Yang Ling, Boys---Mum.

Step2 Presentation and practice

1. Learn the new word

T: Yang Ling has many nice clothes. Guess, What else is in the wardrobe? (PPT显示图2的衣橱)

S (显示图片的阴影效果进行提示): A jacket.


2. T: Look at Yang Ling’s clothes. Can you read these words?

Read the new words in pairs.

Read together.

3. Play games:

(1) Look and guess

Look at the picture(显示局部) and guess what it is.

(2) Finding friends

Step3 Rhyme time

T: Here is a nice skirt, a cap, a T-shirt and a jacket. Are they nice?

S: Yes.

T: Here’s a rhyme about these nice clothes.

1) Watch the cartoon

2) Try to read by themselves

3) Learn to read “Nice clothes” and “They all look great﹗”(让学 生翻译这句话的意思)

4) Say the rhyme after the tape

5) Say after the teacher(教师示范动作)

6) Say in groups(四个组分四个角色朗读儿歌)

7) Say the rhyme in groups of four(利用手中的卡片分角色朗读儿 歌)

8) Act the rhyme(全班,小组,指名)

Step4 Make and say

T: Look at this girl. Her name is Lily. She’s not happy. Because she wants to go to the fashion

show, too. But she doesn't have nice clothes . Let′s make clothes for her. OK?

1. Demonstration

T: First , let me cut down a skirt .(用剪刀剪一条裙子)

Now , draw some flowers.

Stick the skirt on the picture .

Now , Lily is happy. What does she say?

S: Look at my skirt

T: How about her skirt?

S: It′s nice.

T: I also can make a skirt like this. Look﹗(教师示范用纸折一条短裙) Look at my skirt.

S: How nice! / It’s nice.

T: And let′s make a T-shirt for her. OK?(示范剪T-shirt)

2. Make clothes in pairs

T: Now, please make clothes for Lily and her brother Tom.

3.Talk about the clothes in pairs

4.Production Show time Step

5 Homework







1、能够熟练正确使用Look at? It’s nice. How nice! It’s great. Great!等日常交际用语。


3、能准确认读并正确的书写字母Oo, Pp, Qq。


1. Look at?等交际用语的再次巩固。

2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写字母Oo, Pp, Qq。


Step 1 Warm up

1. Free talk (T-Ss)

T:(指着自己的衣服)Hello, ? Look at my skirt.

S: It′s nice.

T: Hi ,?Look at my T-shirt.

S: How nice.

T:(拿出用纸做的衣服)Look at my jacket.

S: Great﹗

2 .Revision

T: It′s time for you to show your paper clothes. When you want to show, what can you say?

S: Look at my ?/ Look at me.

T: And how we praise?

S: It’s nice. /How nice﹗/Great﹗/It′s great.

2. Say the rhyme:

T: You have many nice clothes. Do you remember the rhyme “Nice clothes”? Let′s say it

together with our paper clothes.

Step 2 Presentation Letter time

1. Revision

(1)T: Now , it′s letter time . What letters can you say now ?

S: ?

(2)Game:“Magic eyes”.

T:(PPT播放动画效果) What letters are they? Talk in pairs.

Ss: ?

(3)Enjoy “The alphabet song” (允许学生跟着唱)

2. Learn the new letters

(1)T: Look at this picture(P36的图). There are some letters in it . Can you find them?

S: (学生上来指出图中的新字母)

T: 带读Oo, Pp, Qq

S: 升降调跟读。多种方式练读。

(2)Say the letters from Aa to Qq

a. Say together

b. Say one by one in groups of four

(3)再次播放 “The alphabet song”,轻声跟着唱


, , Dd , ,

篇五:Look at this elephant 教学案例

Look at this elephant 教学案例

祁阳县长虹街道明德小学 张逆伦


教学内容:湘少版 四年级英语上册 Unit3 Part A and Part B



授课对象是四年级学生,他们经过一年的英语学习,会说一些简单的常用语;能理解一些简单的课堂用语;能听、说、读、写一些简单的单词,如dog ; 会进行简单的对话,What’s this? It’s a dog.


(1)知识目标—巩固学过的单词elephant monkey tiger bird big beautiful 学习新单词mouse funny strong small 能理解,会说句型 Look at this ,it’s a dog.

(2)能力目标 —能准确表达动物类单词和描述性单词;能根据图片描述动物的特征,并作出动作。


教学重点 准确运用形容词big small strong funny beautiful来描述动物 教学难点 运用所学形容词对动物进行描述,区别this和 that

教学思路 本节课运用唱歌的形式打开了活跃轻松的课堂气氛,用图片激起了学生的学习兴趣,接下来以参观动物园全面了解所学内容,一个个的幻灯片更细致地让学生轻松学习动物单词和描述性单词,最后是快乐的游戏让所学知识得到强化

教学用具 单词图片 图片单词 动物玩具 动物头饰 磁带 课件

教学手段 教学中使用动物玩具和动物图片进行直观教学法,还用了游戏法


教学课时 1课时


Step 1 Warming up

1. Sing a song “Good morning”

2. Greeting.

3. Use four animal toys to ask students like this” What’s this? It’s a tiger” Step 2 Let’s learn

1. T: Where are there many animals?

Ss::In the zoo

T:Now ,Let’s go to the zoo.(幻灯片1)

2. Show four pictures, Let’s Ss introduce animals in the pictures in English “It’s a tiger/a monkey /a bird /an elephant” . At last ,show the picture of mouse ,Its pronunciation and writing is similar to mouth teach the word by comparing them.

3. Play a game ( find friends )




T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s an elephant.

T: It’s big. (幻灯片2)

展示老鼠图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上老鼠头饰表演并学习big.的反义词small, 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:

T; What’s this ? Ss: It’s a mouse.

T: It’s small. (幻灯片3)

展示猴子图片给学生们,让举手的一个学生戴上猴子头饰表演并学习funny., 如果模仿得很像,同样及时给予一颗小星星表扬。并进行这样的对话:

T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a monkey.

T: It’s funny. (幻灯片4)


T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a tiger.

T: It’s a strong.(幻灯片5)

T: What’s this ? Ss: It’s a bird.

T: It’s beautiful. (幻灯片6)

5.Let’s practice the phrases


a big elephant a small mouse a funny monkey

a strong tiger a beautiful bird(幻灯片7)

Step 3 practice



Step 4 Let’s listen and say

1.区别this和 that

老师手里拿着大象玩具,老师指着说:This is an elephant.

学生手里拿着老鼠玩具,老师指着说:That is a mouse.

小结:this—指较远的人或物 that—指较远的人或物(幻灯片7)

2.讲解句型 “Look at …,it’s …

老师指着手里的大象玩具,说:Look at this elephant, it’s big 。 老师指着学生手里的老虎玩具,说:Look at that tiger , it’s strong。 用同样的方法练习这个句型

3.Listen and repeat

Open your books page 9 par t A ,first listen to the tape carefully,

then listen and repeat.

4. 老师带读,学生跟读做动作

Look at this elephant, it’s big.

Look at that tiger , it’s strong.

Look at this bird, it’s beautiful.

Look at that monkey, it’s funny.

5. 学生齐读并做动作

Step 5 Give advice

T: Since animals make our life colorful,what should we do? S:We should take care of them and regard them as our friends . Step 6 Draw a conclusion

本节课我们用图片和动物玩具复习了elephant monkey tiger bird big单词,学习了mouse funny strong small,运用游戏法强化句型Look at this elephant。


